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Individuals from Chrisman Pedigree, page 41

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Thomas Pope

Birth: 1608 of,Plymouth,and,Dartmouth
Death: OCT 1683 Dartmouth,Massachusetts
!Will: 9 Jul 1683. Inventory taken (he's called "of Dartmouth") on 4 Aug 1683. Probated at Plymouth 2 November 1683. His will reads as follows:
The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Pope being aged and weake of body But yett in prfect understanding and Memory wherin I have of my estate as followeth; I Give unto my son Seth as an adition to what I have formerly given him ten shillings in Mony alsoe I give unto my Grand son Thomas Pope all that my twenty five acrees of upland and two acrees of Meddow Lying and being on the west syde of Acushenett River be it more or lesse; and it is my Desire that his father may take the said Land into his hands, and make the best Improvement of it that hee can for the good of my said Grand son untill hee comes of age to Make use of it himselfe; alsoe it is my mind that my son Seth shall in consideration of the aforsaid Land pay three pound sterling unto my Grand son Jacob michell when hee Comes to age of twenty one yeers alsoe I give unto my Daughter Deborah Pope five pound in Mony and to each of my other Daugters five pounds apeece in Mony alsoe my meddow Lying att the south Meddowes in Plymough or the value of it I give to be equally Devided amongst all My sones and Daughters; alsoe I give and bequeath unto my son Isaake all my seate of Land where I now Dwell with all the Meddowes belonging therunto and all the privilidges therunto belonging To him his heires and assignes for ever; But an if it should please God that hee should Decease without an heire before hee comes to the age of twenty and one yeeres then my said seat of Lands shall belonge unto the sons of my son Seth, alsoe I give unto my son Isacke all my houseing and houshold Goods of all sorts alsoe all my Cattle, and horse kind and swine; alsoe all sorts of Provisions alsoe Cart and plowes with all the takeling belonging unto them alsoe I Give unto my son Isacke all my mony except that which I have Given to my Daughters and I order my said son Isacke to pay all my Just Debts and to receive all my Debts that are Due unto mee alsoe I order my Indian Lydia to live with my son Isacke untell hee is one and twenty yeers of age and my Indian Gerle I give to him During his life alsoe it is my mind and will that my son Isacke shall make Noe bargaine without the Consent of his overseers; untill hee be twenty yeares of age, I have made Choise of John Cooke and my son Seth and Thomas Tabor to be for overseers, To see this My will prformed Signed and sealed in prsence of John Cooke and Thomas Tabor. Thomas Pope & his mark.
------------- From Cutter 1:94:
Thomas Pope, immigrant ancestor, was born in 1608, died in Dartmouth, Mass., in Octobert 1683. He settled in Plymouth, Mass., where he was taxed on January 2, 1633, and again on January 2, 1634. On October 6, 1636, he received a grant of five acres of land "at the fishing point next Slowly field, and said Thomas be allowed to build." On June 7, 1637, he volunteered to go under "Mr. Prence," on an expedition against the Pequots. On August 29, 1640, he sold his property at the fishing point to John Bonham, and on November 20 of that year he was granted five acres "of meadowing in South Meadows toward Gavans Colebrook meadows." In August, 1634, he was among those men able to bear arms. He was chosen constable, June 4, 1645, and was on a jury in August, 1645. In 1646 he was at Yarmouth. On June 1, 1647, an action for slander was brought against him, confessed, authors and defendants were brought in equally guilty, and damages paid. In July, 1648, he was chosen surveyor of highways, and again on June 6, 1651. On July 26, 1652, and in 1656, he was "on an Enquest". In December 1663, he and Gyles Rickard were arrested "for breaking the King's peace by striking each other, and were fined three shillings and four pence." On February 7, 1664, and May 2, 1665, he was disputing with John Barnes in regard to a boundary line. He was made freeman in 1668. In 1673 he petitioned for a grant of land at Saconnett, now Little Compton, Rhode Island, but was unable to secure the grant. He was granted permission by the court to look for land, undisposed of, and he secured a large tract on the east side of the Acushnet river at Dartmouth, where he moved doubtless about 1674. In July, 1675, his son John, aged twenty-two, his daughter Susannah and her husband Ensign Jacob Mitchell, were killed by King Philip's Indians, "early in the morning as they were felleing on horseback to the garrison, whither the Mitchell children had been sent the afternoon before." The Dartmouth settlement was abandoned soon after this, because of the danger from the Indians, and no attempt seems to have been made for about three years to settle there again. On June 12, 1676, several indians who had been captured and sent in by Bradford and Church, were brought before the court; one of them, John-num, was accused of being concerned in the murder of Jacob Mitchell and his wife and John Pope, and was put to death. On July 13, 1677, other Indians were put into slavery as a punishment for the outrages committed at Dartmouth.

m: Anne Fallowell (-BEF 29 MAY 1646)

on 28 JUL 1637 at Plymouth,Massachusetts


  • Hannah Pope ( 1639-12 MAR 1711) m. Joseph Bartlett (ABT 1639-18 FEB 1712) on ABT 1662, children: 1. Robert Bartlett (ABT 1663- 3 JAN 1718), 2. Joseph Bartlett (ABT 1665- 9 APR 1703), 3. Elnathan Bartlett (- 7 FEB 1714), 4. Mary Bartlett (ABT 1672-20 FEB 1726), 5. Hannah Bartlett (BEF 1675-BEF 4 MAR 1754), 6. Benjamin Bartlett (ABT 1679-11 MAR 1717), 7. Lydia Bartlett (BEF 1680-24 JUL 1714), 8. Sarah Bartlett (BEF 1680-24 JUL 1714).

    m: Sarah Jenney (-BEF 9 JUL 1683)

    on 29 MAY 1646 at Plymouth,Massachusetts


  • Seth Pope (13 JAN 1648-17 MAR 1727) m(1). Deborah Perry (28 NOV 1654-19 FEB 1711) , children: 1. Seth Pope ( 1681- 1744), 2. Hannah Pope (14 DEC 1693-).m(2). Rebecca [---] ( 1662-23 JAN 1741)
  • Susanna Pope ( 1649- JUL 1675) m. Jacob Mitchell (- JUL 1675) on 7 NOV 1666 at Plymouth,Massachusetts
  • Thomas Pope (25 MAR 1651-)
  • Sarah Pope (14 FEB 1652-) m(1). John Hathaway m(2). Samuel Hinckley , children: 1. Mary Hinckley (22 JUL 1678- 1740/1741).
  • John Pope (15 MAR 1653- JUL 1675)
  • Joanna Pope (-ABT 1695)
  • Isaac Pope (AFT 1663-)

    Anne Fallowell

    Death: BEF 29 MAY 1646 probably,Plymouth,or,Dartmouth

    m: Thomas Pope ( 1608- OCT 1683)

    on 28 JUL 1637 at Plymouth,Massachusetts


  • Hannah Pope ( 1639-12 MAR 1711) m. Joseph Bartlett (ABT 1639-18 FEB 1712) on ABT 1662, children: 1. Robert Bartlett (ABT 1663- 3 JAN 1718), 2. Joseph Bartlett (ABT 1665- 9 APR 1703), 3. Elnathan Bartlett (- 7 FEB 1714), 4. Mary Bartlett (ABT 1672-20 FEB 1726), 5. Hannah Bartlett (BEF 1675-BEF 4 MAR 1754), 6. Benjamin Bartlett (ABT 1679-11 MAR 1717), 7. Lydia Bartlett (BEF 1680-24 JUL 1714), 8. Sarah Bartlett (BEF 1680-24 JUL 1714).

    Sarah Jenney

    Father: John Jenney
    Mother: Sarah Carey
    Birth: of,Plymouth,Massachusetts
    Death: BEF 9 JUL 1683 probably,Dartmouth

    m: Thomas Pope ( 1608- OCT 1683)

    on 29 MAY 1646 at Plymouth,Massachusetts


  • Seth Pope (13 JAN 1648-17 MAR 1727) m(1). Deborah Perry (28 NOV 1654-19 FEB 1711) , children: 1. Seth Pope ( 1681- 1744), 2. Hannah Pope (14 DEC 1693-).m(2). Rebecca [---] ( 1662-23 JAN 1741)
  • Susanna Pope ( 1649- JUL 1675) m. Jacob Mitchell (- JUL 1675) on 7 NOV 1666 at Plymouth,Massachusetts
  • Thomas Pope (25 MAR 1651-)
  • Sarah Pope (14 FEB 1652-) m(1). John Hathaway m(2). Samuel Hinckley , children: 1. Mary Hinckley (22 JUL 1678- 1740/1741).
  • John Pope (15 MAR 1653- JUL 1675)
  • Joanna Pope (-ABT 1695)
  • Isaac Pope (AFT 1663-)

    Sarah Pope

    Father: Thomas Pope
    Mother: Sarah Jenney
    Birth: 14 FEB 1652 Plymouth,Massachusetts
    Note: The George Bush genealogy gives her husband as Samuel Hinckley.

    m: John Hathaway

    m: Samuel Hinckley


  • Mary Hinckley (22 JUL 1678- 1740/1741) m. Samuel Bangs (12 JUL 1680-11 JUN 1750) on 13 JAN 1705 at Harwich,Massachusetts, children: 1. Joseph Bangs (30 JAN 1713-ABT 1757), 2. Mary Bangs ( 2 MAY 1711-12 APR 1734).

    John Jenney

    Birth: of,Plymouth

    m: Sarah Carey


  • Sarah Jenney (-BEF 9 JUL 1683) m. Thomas Pope ( 1608- OCT 1683) on 29 MAY 1646 at Plymouth,Massachusetts, children: 1. Seth Pope (13 JAN 1648-17 MAR 1727), 2. Susanna Pope ( 1649- JUL 1675), 3. Thomas Pope (25 MAR 1651-), 4. Sarah Pope (14 FEB 1652-), 5. John Pope (15 MAR 1653- JUL 1675), 6. Joanna Pope (-ABT 1695), 7. Isaac Pope (AFT 1663-).

    Ester Dewsbury

    Death: 1657 Duxbury,Massachusetts
    !Death: Info from Paulette Delano Dias (, Jan 1996

    m: Philip De_La_Noye ( 1602-BEF 4 MAR 1682)

    on 19 DEC 1634 at Duxbury,or,Plymouth,Massachusetts


  • Thomas Delano (21 MAR 1642-13 APR 1723) m. Rebecca Alden (BEF 1649-AFT 13 JUN 1688) on BEF 30 OCT 1667, children: 1. Benoni Delano (20 OCT 1667- 6 APR 1738), 2. Thomas Delano (ABT 1669-AFT 1712), 3. Jonathan Delano ( 1675- 1764), 4. David Delano (ABT 1678-), 5. Mary Delano (ABT 1679-), 6. Sarah Delano (ABT 1681-), 7. Ruth Delano (ABT 1683-), 8. Joseph Delano ( 1 SEP 1685-).
  • Mary Delano ( 1635- 1656) m. Jonathan Dunham ( 1636-18 DEC 1717) on 29 NOV 1655 at Plymouth,Massachusetts, children: 1. Daniel Dunham, 2. Jonathan Dunham, 3. Eleazer Dunham, 4. Gershom Dunham, 5. Samuel Dunham, 6. Hannah Dunham.
  • Philip Delano ( 1640- 1708) m. Elizabeth Clark (ABT 1642-) on 1668 at Duxbury,Plymouth Co.,Massachusetts, children: 1. Samuel Delano (ABT 1670-AFT 1732), 2. Ebenezer Delano ( 1675- 7 MAY 1706), 3. Philip Delano ( 1678-24 MAY 1761), 4. Martha Delano ( 1680- 2 APR 1749), 5. Jane Delano ( 1685- 7 APR 1765).
  • John Delano ( 1644-) m. Mary Weston
  • Jane Delano ( 1646-)
  • Rebecca Delano ( 1651- 6 APR 1709) m. John Churchill ( 1657-13 JUN 1723) on 28 DEC 1686 at Plymouth,Massachusetts, children: 1. Elizabeth Churchill ( 7 OCT 1687-), 2. Rebecca Churchill (29 AUG 1689- 3 FEB 1758), 3. John Churchill (20 DEC 1691-), 4. Sarah Churchill (10 FEB 1695-), 5. Hannah Churchill (27 APR 1697-AFT 26 MAR 1732).
  • Jonathan Delano ( 1647-22 DEC 1720) m. Mercy Warren (20 FEB 1658-AFT 6 NOV 1727) on 28 FEB 1678 at Dartmouth,Bristol,Massachusetts, children: 1. Jonathan Delano (30 JAN 1680-25 MAR 1752), 2. Jabez Delano ( 8 NOV 1682-23 DEC 1734), 3. Sarah Delano ( 9 JAN 1684-27 FEB 1690), 4. Mary or Mercy Delano (27 OCT 1686-), 5. Nathan Delano (29 OCT 1688-BEF 17 DEC 1720), 6. Bethia Delano (29 NOV 1690-19 JUL 1693), 7. Susanna Delano ( 3 SEP 1692-20 JAN 1718), 8. Nathaniel Delano (29 OCT 1695- 8 APR 1770), 9. Esther Delano ( 4 APR 1698-), 10. Jethro Delano (31 JUL 1701- 1776), 11. Thomas Delano (10 MAY 1704-).
  • Esther Delano ( 1638-12 SEP 1733) m(1). Samuel Simpson ( 1646- 1675) , children: 1. Samuel Sampson ( 1670-), 2. Ichabod Sampson.m(2). John Soule ( 1632- 1707) on 1678, children: 1. Benjamin Soule, 2. Rebecca Soule, 3. Rachel Soule (ABT 1672-), 4. John Soule (BEF 1678-), 5. Sarah Soule (BEF 1679-), 6. Joseph Soule (31 JUL 1679-), 7. Joshua Soule (12 OCT 1681-), 8. Josiah Soule ( 1682-), 9. Moses Soule (AFT 1682-).

    William Brewster

    Father: William Brewster
    Mother: Maud Mann
    Birth: ABT 1535/1545 of,Scroby,Nottingham,England
    Death: 1590
    Sources: 1. "The Mother of Elder William Brewster" NEHGR 125:250 (1970). 2. The American Genealogist 41:1-5, 63, Jan 1965. 3. NEHGR 111:319-20, Oct 1957.
    Living in Scrooby, York Co., England in 1564.

    m: Mary Smythe (-ABT 1566)

    on AFT 25 DEC 1562


  • Elizabeth Brewster
  • William Brewster (ABT JAN 1567-20 APR 1644) m. Mary Wentworth (ABT 1569-17 APR 1627) on ABT 1591 at probably,Scrooby,Nottinghamshire,(unproven), children: 1. Brewster (-bur. 20 JUN 1609), 2. Johnathan Brewster (12 AUG 1593- 7 AUG 1651), 3. Patience Brewster (ABT 1600-BEF 12 DEC 1634), 4. Love Brewster ( 1611-BEF 10 FEB 1651), 5. Wrestling Brewster (ABT 1614- 1627/1643), 6. Fear Brewster (ABT 1606-12 DEC 1634).

    m: Prudence Perkins (-AFT 1590)


  • James Brewster (ABT 1568- 1613)
  • Prudence Brewster
  • John Brewster

    Mary Smythe

    Father: William Smythe
    Death: ABT 1566
    Source: "The Mother of Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower" by John G. Hunt, NEHGR 125:250 (1970).
    The fact that she was not mentioned in the will of John Smythe of Hull, 1592, and that fact that he did mention nearly every one of his nieces and nephews, suggests that she had no further children after William, and thus probably died soon after 1566.

    m: John Simkinson (-AFT 29 JAN 1559)

    on BEF 25 JAN 1559


  • Thomas Simkinson (ABT 1555-bur. 1611)
  • Dorothy Simkinson (ABT 1557-AFT 8 AUG 1592)

    m: William Brewster (ABT 1535/1545- 1590)

    on AFT 25 DEC 1562


  • Elizabeth Brewster
  • William Brewster (ABT JAN 1567-20 APR 1644) m. Mary Wentworth (ABT 1569-17 APR 1627) on ABT 1591 at probably,Scrooby,Nottinghamshire,(unproven), children: 1. Brewster (-bur. 20 JUN 1609), 2. Johnathan Brewster (12 AUG 1593- 7 AUG 1651), 3. Patience Brewster (ABT 1600-BEF 12 DEC 1634), 4. Love Brewster ( 1611-BEF 10 FEB 1651), 5. Wrestling Brewster (ABT 1614- 1627/1643), 6. Fear Brewster (ABT 1606-12 DEC 1634).
    Last Updated: July 3, 1998

    Lonnie Chrisman
    4824 Kingbrook Dr., San Jose, CA 95124