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For Southern Oregon, July is the middle of the growing season. Depending on where you live, it can start in March and end the first part of October. Most likely you are somewhere in between. Of course, the lower elevations have the longer growing seasons.

Watering and fertilizing are the two most important parts of gardening this time of year. If you can, avoid over head watering of your plants. Try to water in the early morn if you can. If you have not fertilized your lawn for awhile(a month or two) now is the time, use a slow release type and then fertilize once more in the fall using a winterizing formula(lower nitrogen)

Some people think you can't plant anything in the middle of the summer---but you can. As far as flowers, trees and shrubs go---you can plant them now and they will do just find. You will have to water them in real well and try to plant them in the evening, not in the middle of the day (Mainly plants that have small and shallow root systems)

When planting vegi's, pay atention to the time to harvest of the plant. Some might be only 45 days, while some could be 120 days and plan and plant with that in mind. Hold off on planting any Cabbage, lettuce,onions and carrots---you can plant them next month for the fall

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