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I asked Lydia what would make my page more interesting.  I'm not telling you what she said I should do though.

By the way, I don't know why I chose that this come after my art page, for my dreams are only art while they are still in my head, and I've even had disagreements with myself about that before.

Wanna read some of my dreams?  Like the dreams I have late at night or early in the morning... I wouldn't give you anything from the first part of the night, of course.  But hey, this was just an idea and I may hate this page tomorrow and take it off.

    Alright, there I was, walking down a dirt road out in the wilderness.  It was kinda like Central Oregon... the forested part.  (this dream started about three months before this... but this is the only part I remember) Anyhow, I heard a bunch of horses running down the road from behind me; they were going to come around the bend in the road and they were going to shoot me or trample me or something!  So I ran into the trees which were really tall and there wasn't any underbrush so I had to run really far before I was away from the people on the horses.  
    It was at about this point that I realized that there was a war on.  I had just crossed a creek when this cowboy comes up and starts running with me, showing the way.  We came up to this little Mexican town.  I have never been to Mexico, by the way, this is completely random.  The town was about twenty little square houses that were about the size of a horse stall each.... there were about ten of them on either side of the dusty street, out in the middle of the forest.  
    The cowboy and I jumped over the half door into one of the little houses.  It was pitch dark inside, but light through the window above the doors.  (there was a door on the front and the back of the building) There was a gunfight going on in the street so I climbed through the window (top half of the door) and ran to the other side of the street.  I've read about somebody doing that in a western before... though with more reason to than I had, so I decided to do it too.  
    The next building had people in it... all laying down on the dirt floor so nobody would see them.  There was a huge, stinky woman on the floor next to me so, needless to say, I wanted to get out.  so I did.  So I jumped on the nearest horse (bareback riding is so fun in dreams!) and rode off... checking to see that I had my pack of food on the back of the saddle which appeared as soon as I thought of the need for one.  

this is not interesting at all.  Lydia, your idea wasn't too great.  :-)  Just kidding, this wasn't her idea, but her idea made me think of it.  Got that?  hehe

i also had a dream where a mouse helped me escape a dark warehouse with bad guys in it.  they helped me to my horse which had all these strap thingies hanging off it and I jumped a really high wall and scared myself awake.  

once i walked through a maze with a drum.  

I don't think I've ever had a dream where I was rich

Ooh, ooh!  I thought of a really cool one.  I had these wings strapped to my arms, only they fit really cool and I could've been in a movie or something.  I was at this college or camp or something, because there were a bunch of buildings in the area... all of them dorms or apartments.  Anyhow I was jumping around through windows and hiding up by the ceiling in halls (you know, pushing against both walls to hold myself up) and jumping off of really high places.  Everybody was getting mad at me and trying to capture me.  Then they all had a big meeting in this place that looks like Timberline up on Mt. Hood.  Big wooden room with a balcony.  I jumped off the balcony to the bottom and we started talking.  (they were amazed and astounded at my bravery of course)  
    So we went out to the back deck where there were these two ... barrel things.  That's what they looked like from farther away that is, because when you got close you could see that they didn't have tops (just the sides) and that the bottoms of them went way down below the deck... maybe forever.  The big one had stuff in it close to the top.  Colorful bubbly liquid.  The other one was narrower (about four feet across) and had redder stuff farther down.  
    Somebody was going to be baptized into the tribe in the big one.  And then, I don't know how, they fell into the smaller one!  It was pretty gross... she couldn't swim in the stuff very well and eventually she sunk.  Then all of a sudden everybody was in it, only it was a lake.  It was weird cuz I kept kicking dead people that were under the stuff.  I woke up before it killed me.  

There was another slime one where I was inside a water tower whose bottom was filled with this green stuff that was a monster that could stretch big eyeballs out.  I climbed up the walls of the tower (on the inside) which was really scary cuz I'm scared of heights.  When I got to the top before getting caught I went into this little room that was like an attic and looked down through the floorboards and saw the monster eating dinner with his family at a table and from then on we got along.

There was this big barn on this big hill that I have lots of dreams connected to.  If I went into this black hole on the top story on the right side behind some dusty junk I would get sucked (really, really weird feeling) through this pipe thing that was smaller than I was... but I fit.  I could get sucked to a number of different places.  One of them is a place I can only get to through the hole.  It's this little white room.  Square.  There is never anything in it but me, but I would go there sometimes.  I don't remember why.  I would just sit there.  Hmm.  Anyhow there was this little black spot on the ground which was the hole.  It was always kinda scary, but I was never worried.  I think I got stuck once, but I was able to get through.

How about the room that has a closet that has a door through the wall of the closet that goes to a playroom that has a trapdoor in the floor of its closet that goes to the little room with lots of toys in it that I can go to when this lady tries to capture me?  She's a really weird lady that looks just like the crazy, old and mean principals in cartoons.  Well, it's a nice room with lots of toys.  Lots.  The floor is covered with teddy bears.

Rock climbing is an interesting one.  Ever go rock climbing with your family on the cliffs of insanity?  

How about skiing down sand dunes... with a plane pulling you... until you got to the beach where you ran back up to the hill and either did it again or got into a plane and slid down the hill.  I imagine it's like bobsledding, because my plane didn't have wings.  

This morning I was running through the forest again... but it was a better one and I was running back to my campsite after going sailing for the tropical islands where the best swimming holes have cannibals... but they liked to swim too, so we had a great time.