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My House

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My house... hmm.... what do I have to say about my house?  The reason I have this on my website all started when I wanted to put a picture of the elk skull that's on the desk in my room on the site.  Then I thought, "well, I can just put pictures of my whole room on here."  "Hey, why not the whole house?" I continued.  Then my brain clamored to have the yard too... so here.... is my "house".


My Room: I keep lots of calendars so that I can change my wallpaper without breaking out the glue.  I've got my sister's ballet shoes hanging on my desk chair.  I have my brother's gift of  a poster on the wall -- it's of a pig jumping off a dock into a serene pond.  I have a hard-won trophy on my dresser - Grand Champion in the trail course at fair.  I have a bookshelf full of books.  I... I... nevermind.

0111RDirtyRoom.jpg (55207 bytes) 0111RCleanRoom.jpg (59089 bytes)  0111SkullWithHair.jpg (51363 bytes)  
-Messy closet with dressup (the dressup and the horse tack is the more interesting than the closet.  Course, if you insist, I could clear out the closet and take a picture of the back wall.  It was painted recently!)
0111Saddle.jpg (61339 bytes)
0111Organ.jpg (57937 bytes)
-Poster from Neal... of pig jumping of dock on beautiful summer morning.
0111GlassheadGrannyHat.jpg (46126 bytes)


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