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9-28-01 - addition - This is an addition.  It is only addition.  If it were anything other than an addition it would be followed by a series of explanations.  I'm learning how to play Canon on the piano.

 I like music, but unlike some people I know, I do not have a natural talent for it.  I do enjoy it though, so I pick a new song every two years to learn on the piano and slog my way through it until I can play it without stopping too many times to check if my right pinky finger is supposed to be on the B# or the C.  (haha)  As far as the radio goes, as long as it's not violent, hard rock or poorly done I can listen to it.  My favorite songs are usually alternative or soft rock. Been listening to country lately... sorry to all you folks who can't stand it.
    Let's see here, what other music do I like?  I've listened to opera and enjoyed it.  I certainly haven't enjoyed all of it... but that's not the point.  I think Harry Connick Jr. is one of the best musicians ever.  Strange music with strange instruments is almost always fun to listen to for at least five minutes... but it's all about the quality of the composition after that.  Hmm... yodeling.  That is a very interesting subject.  You see, there's a ten year old girl on a CD that Emily has that yodels better than I.  Course, I can't yodel.  
    And that, as they say, is that.

    la la la!


(to be updated as soon as I am inspired to write something more.)