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**work in progress**
This is the potentially best page of my site... and it's one of the worst.  I'll get to it!


 Emily and Jane-Holly of course!!!
EmilyBunnyEarsKT.jpg (44348 bytes)

I grew up with Keith and Scott... or at least I got older.

Dan, Lydia and Ashley are great.  Aren't they?  Yeah.  Remind me sometime... I've gotta get some Shakespeare quotes up here.  Why?, do you ask?  Because Danny-boy is IN a Shakespeare MOVIE!!!  very cool.  Just call him Duke Senior.  hehe

You'll see a lot of pictures of Lydia and me... we've been good (dare I say best?) friends for forever!

Me, Melissa, Lysa, Grandma and Lydia (on piano) were singing.  Sorta.  

Sorry, Angela, I'm afraid that I haven't found a more normal picture of you yet... but don't worry, I still have stacks to go!!

Melissa was some punk kid.  Lydia was stuffed with pillows, painted and given Grandpa's hat and Lysa... well, she was going for the Indiana Jones look.

Nathan and Dan eating food with interesting utensils at a party at Lydia's house.

Wasn't Melissa cute?

Well, all four of us were hiding in the pump-room in the basement at my house, because we didn't want Lydia (right) or Lysa (top) to go home.  When they never bothered to come looking for us and we got bored, we decided to scare everybody so much that they couldn't drive home.  Thus, the toilet paper.  (Melissa is on the bottom, I'm on the left)

Lydia, Lysa and I when we were missing teeth... this is when I lived in Junction City.

weird.jpg (56867 bytes) Emily and I play tennis with this fellow and another fellow and each other and a racquet... actually more than one racquet and some tennis balls and a  green court.....

This is Tasia and me in Grandma's river a.k.a. backyard.  We're catching crawdads and it looks to me, that we had ten at the time.  Tasia used to stay at our house many days a week while her mom took college classes.

This is Emily and her sister Ashley.  This picture is on MY side of the website, because I don't want to risk Emily getting a hold on this picture... she might tear it up.  Or maybe not, she might think it's funny.  I'll have to ask her when she comes over to work on her side of the site... umm... that is a TuTu on her head.

This is a picture of Dori, Melissa, Rachael, Hannah and me in Beaverton.  We used to do everything together!

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