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Osceola 1878
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Johnetta 1899
Hazel 1902
Marianna 1907
Francis 1903
James Jones 1835
John H. Jones 1866
Thomas P. Jones 1868
William I. Jones 1869
David G. Jones 1871
Harry P. Jones 1873
Mary Agnes Jones 1877
E. Frank Miller 1882
William Ivill 1819
Ann Agnes Ivill 1845
John J. Ivill 1862
William C. Ivill 1881
Harry E. Ivill 1885
W. F. Holsing 1840
W. J. Holsing 1869
Fredrick Holsing 1896
Stella Holsing 1900
James J. Holsing 1902
Holsing Family Photos
Patzsch Family 1912
James Jones 1912
Ann Agnes Ivill 1895
David G. Jones 1915
William I. Jones 1905
W. J. Holsing 1929
John H. Jones 1959
John H. Jones Mayor '05
James Jones B-day '07
JOHN HENRY JONES: Candidate for Mayor
The Daily Republican, Monongahela, PA
November 30, 1905

The name of John H. Jones, formerly of this city and brother of W. I. Jones, who has been seriously ill at the Memorial hospital, has been launched as a candidate for mayor of Pittsburgh. This morning's Pittsburgh Times speaks of his candidacy as follows:

John H. Jones, President of the Pittsburgh-Buffalo Coal Company, is the latest probability for the mayoralty. His candidacy is launched on the heels of the Merchants and Manufacturers association's move in having drafted a Greater Pittsburgh bill and the fight for the adoption of this measure by the legislature will be waged in connection with the Jones campaign.

The Citizens party will, it is said, nominate Mr. Jones for mayor and in the hope of securing strong financial backing for the mayoralty battles. The Frick and Mellon interests are said to look favorably on Mr. Jones' candidacy and are expected to help out materially on this campaign if he is named.

James W. Wardrop, secretary of the Merchants and Manufacturers association, withdrew into his shell with remarkable swiftness last night, when the subject was broached, but the members of the young trade organization are said to be ready to take off their coats and put in a few good licks for Mr. Jones, if he is nominated by either party.

The independent elements are slowly perfecting their plans for making a mayoralty nomination, and the formal action will probably be taken at a town meeting, which will be held on or about December 10. Up to the present time, there has been little effort made in behalf of any particular candidate, W. C. (?), W. H. Stevenson, W. K. Jennings, and a number of others being discussed.

The Twentieth ward independents are expected to have a candidate. They showed more strength at the recent election than did the independents in any of the other wards. Much of their strength came from the Democrats and some of the latter are trying hard to persuade George W. Guthrie to consent to an independent nomination with any endorsements that may come to him from other parties. Register George B. (H.?) Stengel was also many admirers who want him to lead the Independent fight.

The present board of county commissioners will during December name a mercantile appraiser to serve during the coming year. It is understood that a number of aspirants are quietly working for the place. John Kirkwood, of the sheriff's office is the only one who has so far come out in the open.

Article submitted by Betty Lou Ivell
Image: The Story of the Sesqui-centennial Celebration of Pittsburgh 1908