PittBuff.com | History & Genealogy of the Pittsburg Buffalo Company


Main: Introduction
The Company
Corporate Offices
Email Jay Holsing
Osceola 1878
Ivill 1881
Catsburg 1889
Rostraver 1890
Gallatin 1897
Johnetta 1899
Hazel 1902
Marianna 1907
Francis 1903
James Jones 1835
John H. Jones 1866
Thomas P. Jones 1868
William I. Jones 1869
David G. Jones 1871
Harry P. Jones 1873
Mary Agnes Jones 1877
E. Frank Miller 1882
William Ivill 1819
Ann Agnes Ivill 1845
John J. Ivill 1862
William C. Ivill 1881
Harry E. Ivill 1885
W. F. Holsing 1840
W. J. Holsing 1869
Fredrick Holsing 1896
Stella Holsing 1900
James J. Holsing 1902
Holsing Family Photos
Patzsch Family 1912
James Jones 1912
Ann Agnes Ivill 1895
David G. Jones 1915
William I. Jones 1905
W. J. Holsing 1929
John H. Jones 1959
John H. Jones Mayor '05
James Jones B-day '07
Frick BuildingThe Pittsburg Buffalo Company had their corporate offices in the Frick Building on Grant Avenue in Pittsburg. At the turn of the century the town fathers thought they should drop the "H" in Pittsburgh. That's why the company name name seems misspelled. The PBCo. was formed at that time and naturally they used that spelling on all their properties, advertising, letterheads, etc. The residents of the city were furious and after a time the "H" was restored to Pittsburgh.

Following text from "The Jones Interests" 1905

The general offices of the company, on the fourth floor of the Frick building, have been enlarged and refurbished and are well worth a visit from anyone interested in the wares of this company. Friends from out of the city as well as those nearer home are always gladly received and made heartily welcome.

General sales offices under the care of capable managers have been established in a number of the large cities. The General Sales Agent, Mr. Joseph L. Good is at present giving his personal attention to the Buffalo district with offices at the Prudential building, Buffalo NY. The Cleveland district trade is handled by the Pittsburg & Buffalo Company with offices in the New England building, Cleveland O. The Youngstown office is located at No 632 Mahoning Avenue in that city. The trade in the west is being well looked after by Mr. George F. Goetz in the Old Colony building, Chicago.

Retail yards have been established at Twenty Ninth Street and Liberty Avenue, Pittsburg; Mr. John J. Ivill, Manager; Island Avenue and Randolph Street, Allegheny; Mr. William G. Lee, Manager; Grant and South Avenues, Allegheny; Mr. William G. Lee, Manager; 632 Mahoning Avenue, Youngstown O.; Mr. R. H. D. Willis, Manager. Cleveland and Pittsburg Coal Co. Euclid Avenue, Cleveland O. Mr. P. P. Quayle, Vice President and C. W. Hartley, Assistant Treasurer.

John H. Jones in the President and Treasurer's office.
John H. Jones in the President and Treasurer's office in the Frick Building.

Retail Coal Yard #3 at Island Avenue and Randolph Street, Pittsburgh, PA.

This postcard was used for placing coal orders. The company address is on the reverse. I guess they lost a sale with this one!