The Long Version Meeting the Jehovah's Witnesses More Information Visitor's comments
This is a HTML version of my letter (I couldn't get a readable scan). If anyone wants to verify it's faithfulness to the original, I'll send them a copy. Note that typos are included...the typewriter didn't have spell checking (ha!) July 9, 1986 I, Michael Manning, hereby demand to be disfellowshipped from the religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses on this 9th day of July, 1986 for conduct unbecomming [sic] a christian [sic], namely cigarette smoking. After nearly one year of prayer and struggle to free myself of this unholy vice, the time has come for God to cleanse his organization, I must now cease the deception of the congregation, my friends, and my family. I must now admit defeat. I completely understand the full ramifications of disfellowshipping. My wife and family were completely ignorant of my secret sin and should not be held accountable for my Heart's [sic] selfishness. I have encouraged their continued commitment to Jehovah's laws, however; they have a poor example to follow. I tearfully apologize to all the brothers and sisters I have deceived, please forgive me, I love you all. I will not set foot inside another Kingdom Hall again until I have rid myself of this horrible addiction. Please guide newly associated ones, who smoke, and give them extra prayer, support, and council as the devil is truly a mighty opponent. Sincerely, <signed> M.L. Manning |