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The Long Version

Meeting the Jehovah's Witnesses

Joining the Watchtower

Life as a Jehovah's Witness

Expelled! Shunned by God

A new life "in Christ"

Parting thoughts

More Information


Visitor's comments

Informational Links
























More information

Note: Appearance on this list does not necessarily indicate endorsement. Please use discretion.

Free Web Page (speak your piece!)
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages

Information and Resource Sites
All Along the Watchtower
Answers to Jehovah's Witnesses
Beyond Jehovah's Witnesses
Christian Outreach Ministries
Comments From the Friends (David Reed)
Exploring JWs 
Facts about Jehovah's Witnesses
Free Minds (Randy Watters) Check Here for support group information!!
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
Jehovah's Christian Witness
Jehovah's Witnesses Information Center
Jesus Witnesses
MacGregor Ministries
Reasoning in Balance With the Scriptures
The Truth about Jehovah's Witnesses
The Truth Searcher
WATCH the TOWER (Watchtower and blood issue)
Witness Outreach, Inc. Jehovah's Witnesses

The Gospel Information Page

Former JWs Reach Out!
Diane Wilson - Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness  
Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness Ex-JW New Zealand!
Lightbear's Home Page (Former JW)
Illuminators (Former JWs Page)
BEACON for former Jehovah's Witnesses

Other Sites of Interest
Alpha and Omega Ministry
Bible Gateway
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
The Web Site For Bible-Believng Christians!
Christian Research Institute
Online Guide to the Cults
Christian Churches/Churches of Christ
Gifts From the Holy Land
Gospel Outreach Ministries Online
Grace to You
Guide to Early Church Documents
In-depth Studies
Phil Johnson's Web Site
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Southern California Center for Christian Studies
The Ankerberg Theological Research Institute

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Last update on 1/3/03

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