Welcome to the world of Wesley Adams. While pondering this Introduction, which I think will become a trademark of mine, I considered saying something like "the wonderful world of Wesley Adams," or "the zany world," or the "enigmatic" or even "rapidly-shifting" world, but these adjectives are in the mind of you, the reader. My real name is Adam Lugibill, and I am not a writer. I am simply a normal person who likes to tell stories. And that's what I will do. What you are about to read is one of my many stories. Whether it is written well or whether I used "proper English" isn't so important to me as the single question that will always be the most important in any of my tales: Were you entertained? And if you were, then that is all that matters.
If you read my Introduction, thank you for your time. If you didn't.....well I could say basically anything I want about you because you won't be reading this, so I'll keep those thoughts to myself. Enjoy.