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Bitter Past - Better Future?



  • National Security Council
  • the Dilemma of the Musharraf Regime
  • Vertical escalation in SouthAsia
  • Fog of War sets in...
  • India Raises the Stakes
  • Anarchy if vacuum not filled
  • The True Reason behind Sep 11 Attacks
  • Holding onto a Shaky Coalition
  • Operation Infinite Freedom
  • Benazir, on the Taliban
  • Pakistan in Dilemma
  • Road to Independence -part II
  • Road to Independence -part I
  • of Rains and Rawalpindi
  • Al-Khalid Battle Tank
  • Fall at Agra
  • A Monument of Hope


    In December 1971 we witnessed an integral part of our country being torn apart by misconception and mistrust that had built up between the two units... the Bengalis became soverign.. something they thought was unimaginable in the Quaid's liberated land...

    Dhaka, Bangladesh.

    The Pakistani President is in town, delighted with the sumptous welcome he recieved as both the BD President and PM recieved him on the tarmac, and overwhelmed with the media hype he has created in this bustling metropolis.
    With Musharraf's new found fame in the global arena, everyone wants to cash in on him, from Time Asia to AlJazeera TV, and recently the Ruposhi Bangla TV.


    It has been a while since the two countries have had top level meetings. President Pervez Musharraf went to Dhaka with a defence oriented economic delegation mainly for the Russian Migs that Pakistan has so far failed to acquire from any other country. Also with advent of heightening tensions over Kashmir, Bangladesh could prove to be a key regional ally on the Eastern front. PM Khalida Zia on the other hand wants to be seen as a reformist and seeks Pakistani help in economic revival badly needed for her country plagued with years of political turmoil.

    PM Khalida Zia

    BNP leader Begum Khalida Zia has been working on reviving BD economy badly hit by the political instability and massive corruption. She too, like Musharraf, faces hardline muslim parties at home, challenging her government's rather liberal stance on issues like war-against-terrorism, economic ties with India and now with Pakistan where Islamist factions are being crubbed.

    Economic ties thus over shadowed the more tense aspects of the diplomatic relationship between the two countries but did not go unmentioned. Bangladesh called for deportation of nearly 200,000 stranded Biharis in BD back to Pakistan, something Pakistan has always excused itself from. Also the matter of allocation of assets to BD which Pakistan owes to her, was brought during talks which were shrugged off by the Pakistani side. Pakistan however offered BD continuing assistence in the defence sector, promised private sector investment in BD and the President also 'regretted' the events of 1971.

    It can be termed as a positive outcome after years of dormant relationship between the two countries, although the two sides are not just ready yet to forget the spoils of '71. With trade links now being develpoed, it is hopeful that the future might bring the two brothers closer together in a peaceful co-existence.



    Filed on July 31st 2002.


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