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About Me

My name is Crystal.
I am married to the most wonderful man.
Lewis and I have been married 6 years.
We have had 2 beautiful boys.
Joseph is 6 years old.
We had Aaron November 17, 1999.
He unexpectedly passed away March 14, 2000.
He was 3 days away from turning 4 months old.

This has been very difficult on everyone in our family.
I decided to start this site out of Love and Grief.
I wanted to do a Tribute to my precious AngelBaby.
It has helped me in the grieving process.
I also wanted other people,who have
lost a child, to know that they are not alone.

I have created awards for other memorial sites.
They are for the loss of a child at any time
including miscarriages. After all they were our
children, too. You can see that award,
as well as the ones in which Aaron's site has won,
on my awards page. The link is below.

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Poems Story
Memorial Foundation Special Thanks

Original Artwork by Sandra Kuck

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