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Davis and his Digimon

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Zero Two

~ Davis Motomiya
~ Yolei Inoue
~ Cody Hida
~ Ken Ichijouji
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Davis and his Digimon

Last Updated: 6 January, 2011

Davis Motomiya

"Well, now that we know where we need to get to, let's get to getting to it, got it?"

"I was accidentally playing soccer indoors and somehow a window broke."

"Why can't we ever fight something small?"

"C'mon, Veemon. You're slower than the U.S. Mail."

"The ground just ate our friends!"

"When I woke up this morning I was just a regular kid, When I go to bed tonight, I'll be king of the world!"

"When in doubt, deny, deny, deny! Who says I'm so dumb?!"

"If my family owned a convenience store, I'd eat candy all day long until my teeth fell out."

"Do I look stupid to you? Never mind."

"Stay strong, Ken. I know you have a lot of pain and confusion inside of you over the things you did as the Digimon Emperor. But you're not that person anymore, Ken. You thought the Digital World was a game. You didn't realize you were hurting living creatures. But you paid for your mistakes. We wouldn't be where we are without your help. You can't keep beating yourself up for all the things you did in the past, Ken. You've got to fight, Ken, you're stronger than that! Don't let fear and guilt ruin your life anymore! We're here for you!"

"If Ken is brave enough to fight his demons, then maybe we shouldn't give up so easily!"

"Hold on! We're your friends and we won't let anything happen to you!"

"Well, now that we know where we need to get to, let's get to getting to it, got it?"

"The next time I tell you to wake me up, try to be a little quieter so I can get some sleep!"

"The ground just ate our friends!"

"I really don't know anything about physics. I usually leave all that stuff up to professors, and scientists, and Izzy."

"Why can't these guys ever be small?"

"The clock keeps tickin' away and I'm getting' ticked off! I want some action!"

"I bet he's home crying. 'Mommy, those mean kids broke another one of my spires! Waah!'"

"She's my sister, and if I wanna call her names, that's what I'm gonna do! After all, that's what brothers are here for!" (about June)

"C'mon Veemon, you're slower than the U.S. Mail!"

"Next time, you climb and I'll sit on your head!" (to DemiVeemon)

"No! I'll never retreat! Not as long as there's a fighting chance! I've never quit before and I'm not going to start now! As long as ExVeemon's willing to fight, I'm backing him!"

"It doesn't matter of you don't have partner Digimon! It doesn't matter if you're not DigiDestined! You don't need any of that stuff to have a really good life!"

"I just felt like I went through the rinse cycle of the dishwasher."

"What are we gonna do, knock on doors asking for the Digimon Emperor?"

"I think we should give this overgrown houseplant a real cooking lesson! Flamedramon, get him!"

"I've heard of earthquakes before, but not ocean-quakes!"

"I can't figure out what's wrong with Ken. I'd want to be friends with me."

"We are the DigiDestined, Wonder Boy!" (to Ken)

"Sure I'll help! I'm not as big a jerk as everyone thinks!"

"I should probably put my goggles on."

"Where'd you get those rad shoulder pads? I could use them as boogie boards!" (to Magnamon)

"Being a hero isn't always pretty."

"I think some of your hairspray leaked through to your brain." (to the Digimon Emperor)

"You can't let fear control you!" (to Ken)

"I must've been walking in my sleep again."

"Why don't they put warning labels on those things?!" (after running into a pole)

"Hey, the weirdest thing just happened. This new kid said I reminded him of someone. He probably thinks I'm a movie star."

"Whoa. My first time being downloaded. Pretty cool." (first time in the Digital World)

"You want courage? I'll show you courage. Digi-Armor Energize!"

"Practice later! The DigiWorld's in danger!" (to Cody)

"Hey! I'm freezing my goggles off and you're introducing yourself?" (to Cody, introducing himself to Joe)

"He builds his control spires, tries to take over the Digital World, yada yada yada..." (to Mimi, about the Digimon Emperor)

"This was a great idea, crossing the desert without any water!"

"That kid is just begging to be taken down a peg!" (about the Digimon Emperor)

"Can I get "Donkey Madness" on this thing?" (about his digivice)

"He's no match for you, Magnamon. But just in cause he is, I'll get the others!" (about Kimeramon)

"Come on, Veggiemon, lift! Back some backbone into it! Oh, I forgot, you don't have backbones...."

"Man, if evil's got a color, that's it."

"Let's look under the doorstep. Maybe there's a 40-foot key." (at Giga House)

"This place has more bugs than a second-hand computer!"

"Now this is what I call a king-sized bed!"

"Who does he think he is, Moses?" (after BlackWarGreymon parts the waters)

"All right, time for Plan B! By the way, does anyone know what Plan B is?"

"Man, this guys scarier then my Great-Aunt Martha!" (about Daemon)

"The only person who can take your dreams away is you, by giving up on them!"

"All the Digimon have fallen into some kinda trance! They look like Izzy when he plays video games!"


None Yet


"Don't worry about us, we've got Davis! What could possibly go wrong?"

"Why? WHYYYYYY?! I'm all right now."

"I wanted to start getting more exercise, but running for my life wasn't what I had in mind!"

"I think I used too much V and not enough Headbutt."

"Don't worry about us, we've got Davis! What could possibly go wrong?!"

"Chocolate always works!"

"I've got to cheer Davis up. I know. Knock, knock!"

"And your life doesn’t, you know, have to be filled with a whole bunch of incredibly amazing events to be special. Believe me, some of the best times I’ve had are just sleeping and eating and hanging out with my friends. And the thing is, that we would all be your friends if you just gave us the chance to be." (to BlackWarGreymon)

"My name's Veemon, but you can call me Veemon."

"Davis, if you've been holding back and planning a surprise attack, now would be a good time to yell 'surprise!'."

"Well, I knew that behind that tin star was just a gutless, low-life lackey of the Emperor with jelly for a spine!"

"Nice view isn't?" (chained to the side of a mountain with Davis)


"When it's fire against ice, fire always wins!"


None Yet


"Take it easy, I'm not a melon!"

"The balance of power has shifted."


"I can't stand it any more! Doesn't she know another song?" (about Arukenimon)

"What do you say guys, how about a chocolate break?" (to Digmon and Stingmon)

Davis with his Digimon

[Running away from Tortomon.]
"Is this another one of your tricks to get me to digivolve to the champion level, Davis?" -Veemon
"Do you think I'd be smart enough to think up something like this?" -Davis
"Good point." -Veemon

"Davis, tell me, what hurts?" -Veemon
"Everything but my earlobes." -Davis

"I've always considered myself a very clean person." -Davis
"It's a good thing he's never seen your room." -Veemon

"Why won't anyone listen to me?!" -Davis
"What'd you say?" -Veemon

"Davis! DAVIS! DAVIS! DAVIS!" -DemiVeemon
[Davis wakes up]
"Good morning! Sleep well?" -DemiVeemon
"Yeah, until I heard all that screaming. The next time I tell you to wake me up, try to be a little quieter so I can get some sleep." -Davis

"DemiVeemon, hold still! I still have to clean the dirt off your toenails! What have yo been doing, tap dancing in a frying pan? Quit moving around so much!" -Davis
"I can't help it!" -DemiVeemon
"As least let me wash under your arms. You don't want to stink, do you?" -Davis
"Not under my arms, that's worse. Can't I just be stinky?" -DemiVeemon
"No way! All my girlfriends will think that smell's coming from me!" -Davis
*laugh* -DemiVeemon
[DemiVeemon starts to tickle Davis.]
"Hey, no fair! I'm supposed to be washing you! Stop, I'm going to bust a gut in a minute! It's going to be ugly!" -Davis

"Veemon, digivolve to... Veemon!" -Veemon
"And what was that all about?" -Davis

"Veemon, speak to me!" -Davis
"You're kneeling on my tail." -Veemon

"Well, I knew that behind that king star was just a gutless, lowlife, lacky of the Emperor with a jelly for a spine!" -Veemon
"You could have told us"! -Davis

"My stomach is full." -Davis
"You shouldn't eat so much in the morning!" -DemiVeemon
[Davis opens a bag of chips and starts to eat]
"You ate twice as much as me! If you keep it up, you'll digivolve into Heavymon!" -Davis

"Would you try to protect me if I was in danger, Davis?" -Flamedramon
"Uhh... maybe." -Davis
"Maybe? Maybe?! What about definitely?!" -Flamedramon

"*sniff* Smells like Davis!" -DemiVeemon
[Davis enters the room]
"Are you saying I stink?" -Davis
"It is Davis!" -DemiVeemon

"So then the guy says, "Knock, knock!"" -Veemon
"Veemon! I told you. No more knock knock jokes!" -Davis
"But this isn't a knock knock joke. It's a joke about a guy who tells knock knock jokes!" -Veemon
"No more!" -Davis
"You're no fun." -Veemon

"A-A-Angemon?!" -Davis
"Hi there, big guy." -Veemon

"Wait! I'm ready to fight and the action's all over! I wish we'd gotten here sooner." -Davis
"The other's can fly, why can't I?" -Veemon
"Come on, you've got your own fighting skills! Like that head of yours is as hard as mine!" -Davis
"Right!" -Veemon

"Hold on! Let me put on my safety belt!" -DemiVeemon
"Oww! That's not a safety belt, that's my hair!" -Davis

"Boring! I’d rather go outside and play some soccer." -Davis
"No kidding! Let’s go outside and get some fresh air! This place smells like stale sweat socks!" -DemiVeemon

"Fire..." -Flamedramon
"Flamedramon wait. There's a chance you'll miss and hit Patamon." -Davis
"I'm such a hot-head." -Flamedramon

"All right, if you're gonna destroy me, then will you please proceed to wash your hands first? I like to keep things clean." -Davis (to Tortomon)
"Good thing he hasn't seen your room..." -Veemon

"Veemon, why'd you attack that Kuramon?" -Davis
"It looked at me weird!" -Veemon
"It's only got one eye. All it's looks are weird!" -Davis

"I so kicked butt out there, huh?" -Davis
"And you kicked the ball really good, too!" -DemiVeemon

"I have to hand it to TK. He really risked himself to save Patamon. What a friend." -Davis
"Would you try to protect me if I was in danger, Davis?" -Flamedramon
"Well...maybe..." -Davis
"Maybe? MAYBE?! What about definately?!" -Flamedramon

"So, this is what it feels like to be a Champion!" -ExVeemon
"Kinda like a great boxer, huh? Only with all your teeth." -Davis

"I guess my biorhythm's off today." -Veemon
"This doesn't make sense. You ate a ton and you digivolved fine yesterday." -Davis
"Why can't I digivolve?!!! *sobs* Tell me why!!!!! I'm done." -Veemon

"I'm tired of your big bad wolf act!" -Davis (to Ken)
"He means "lone wolf"." -Exveemon (to Stingmon)

"Where's BlackWarGreymon? I wanna teach him a lesson or two!" -Davis
"Or three!" -Veemon
"Or four!" -Davis

"All right, ExVeemon. It's time to put that giant cherry tree on ice!" -Davis
"On ice, huh? Hmmm. Don't worry. Leave everything to me. V-Kick!" -ExVeemon
[Knocks Cherrymon off the building and onto a frozen pond.]
"Is that what you meant by putting him on ice, Davis?" -ExVeemon
"Not exactly." -Davis

"Just imagine it's the last minute of a soccer game, and it's you against the goalie. You know what to do, right?" -Davis
"Not a clue." -ExVeemon
"Beat the bad guy!" -Davis