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Tamers Group

Adventure/Zero Two

~ Tai Kamiya
~ Matt Ishida
~ Sora Takenouchi
~ Izzy Izumi
~ Mimi Tachikawa
~ Joe Kido
~ TK Takaishi
~ Kari Kamiya
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps

Zero Two

~ Davis Motomiya
~ Yolei Inoue
~ Cody Hida
~ Ken Ichijouji
TK Takaishi ~ see Adventure
Kari Kamiya ~ see Adventure
~ DNA Digimon
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takato Matsuki
~ Henry Wong
~ Rika Nonaka
~ Jeri Katou
~ Kazu Shiota
~ Kenta Kitagawa
~ Suzie Wong
~ Ryo Akiyama
~ Calumon
~ Impmon/Beezlemon
~ Other Characters
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takuya Kanbara
~ Koji Minamoto
~ Zoe Orimoto
~ Tommy Himi
~ J.P. Shibayama
~ Koichi Kimura
~ Bokomon/Neemon/Patamon
~ Seraphimon/Ophanimon/Sorcermon
~ Susanoomon
~ Other Characters
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Adventure
~ Zero Two
~ Tamers
~ Frontier
~ Movies


~ Digimon DS
~ Digimon Dawn/Dusk
~ All Analyzer Introductions
~ Submitted Quotes

Site Related

~ Past Updates
~ Return to Takari's Castle

Tamers Group

"Sir, target acquired. It's a giant pig!" -Pilot 1
"But we haven't practiced our giant pig maneuvers. Wait, do we have giant pig maneuvers?" -Pilot 2

"Hey, did you really mean that? Do you think those two goofballs will get Digimon partners?" -Jeri
"No, but if I didn't say something, they'd never shut up. This will keep them busy for a while. Just my humble attempt to bring a little joy into the lives of some poor mis-guided youth." -Leomon

"Why'd you have to remind me of Takato?" -Guilmon
"Guilmon maybe you could become my Digimon partner instead? What do you say?" -Kenta
"Takato's my tamer. Haven't you been paying attention?" -Guilmon

"Get back, hideous creature! Beware my wrath!" -Vilemon
"Don't be scared. Don't worry. I wouldn't hurt a tiny thing like you." -Guilmon
"I'm not tiny! I'm a dangerous Digimon whose power will make you tremble with fear!" -Vilemon
"And you're tiny." -Guilmon
"I'm just overdue for a growth spurt, okay?" -Vilemon

"I wonder which partner I'm gonna end up with? Maybe Angemon! Now that would be real power!" -Kazu
"Right, and I'm going to be the new Digimon Emperor! There's no way you're going to get Angemon! Maybe a Sukamon if you're lucky!" -Kenta
"You'd be lucky to get a Dorkmon, your majesty!" -Kazu

"It was dull boring." -Azulongmon
"Just like a party at Kenta's house." -Takato

"What's that big blue cloud?" -Kenta
"Duh, it's a big blue cloud." -Kazu

"I'm coming Lopmon!" -Suzie
[She flies off.]
"She can fly?! I'll never understand these humans." -Guardromon
"Hey, what's the commotion about over here? Hey, where's Suzie?" -Kazu
"She flew away." -Guardromon
"She flew away?! Are you kidding me?! I thought you were watching her!!" -Kazu
"I was! I watched the whole thing!" -Guardromon
"That's not what meant you big dufus!" -Kazu

"We'll never beat him if we just keep running away!" -Henry
"Well, we'll never beat him if we're destroyed either!" -Takato

"Surrender, or be destroyed!" -Zhuqiamon
"I don't suppose there's a third choice?!" -Terriermon

"I feel so powerless." -Ryo
"Better to feel powerless than to feel dead." -Ebonwumon

"This is great!" -Takato
"This is stupid!" -Rika

"I want to protect my sister!" -Henry
"I want to protect my family!" -Rika
"I want to protect the whole darn city!" -Takato

"Looks like your socks set off the fire alarm again, Kenta." -Kazu
"Very funny." -Kenta
"I thought so." -Kazu

"What if I never find him again?" -Takato
"Where's all the food?" -Cafeteria Lady #1
"Wha? Oh... Uhhh..." -Takato
"You know how long it took to make the meatloaf dry and crusty?" -Cafeteria Lady #2
"And my watery spaghetti sauce is all gone!" -Cafeteria Lady #3
"The chocolate cake! Think of the chocolate cake!" -Cafeteria Lady #1

"Wait!" -Henry
"It's you!" -Takato
"It's me! It's him! And aren't you happy to see us?" -Terriermon
"Another Digimon? Okay, this is getting weird. They're popping up all over the place." -Rika
[Terriermon turns to Renamon]
"You looked pretty good there at the end, but didn't you feel sill rolling around in the dirt like that?" -Terriermon
"Hmmm?" -Renamon
"It's not good to mouth off the someone bigger than you." -Henry
"Henry, momentai!" -Terriermon
"You take it easy. (to Rika) What were your Digimon fighting about anyway?" -Henry
"Isn't it obvious? What else are Digimon supposed to do?" -Rika
"Anything they want. They're not fighting machines and they're not our slaves or pets either. They just want to do the same sort of things we do, you know?" -Henry
"Well, Renamon wants to fight. So do I for that mater." -Rika
"Man, that girl's harsh." -Takato

"Perfect. I was just thinking about what to do for dinner." -Dokugumon
"Eat dirt!" -Renamon
"Ooh. You're spicy too." -Dokugumon

[Suzie picks up the phone]
"Hello, hello, hello." -Suzie
"Stop saying hello and get Henry! Umm... please?" -Takato
"It's an angry kid! Hendwi!" -Suzie
"I'm not angry!" -Takato

"Mom, Dad, why are girls crazy?" -Takato
"They aren't. Their husbands make them that way." -Takato's mom
"Riiight. It's the other way around. Women have got that crazy gene, you know? They've done studies." -Takato's dad

"Is that Growlmon?" -Takato
"It's a stick." -Terriermon
"But if you look at it the right way, with that knot..." -Takato
"It still looks like a stick!" -Terriermon

[Suzie stretches Terriermon's mouth]
"I think I'm going to be sick." -Terriermon (thinking)
"And upsa-daisy! Ha ha! *laughs*" -Suzie
"I'm going to get some more milk, okay? I'll be right back." -Henry (to his big brother and sister)
[Suzie gives Terriermon some milk]
"Nummy, nummy, delicious milk. Oopsie, little spill. Let's clean you up. And now it's time for potty. Yay! *laughs*" -Suzie
"If she comes near me with a diaper, I'm out of here!" -Terriermon (thinking)

"I think I get what you're trying to say." -Renamon
"You get what I'm trying to say? I get it, I get it! You're just like all the rest! Well, you're not Einstein and, quite frankly, you make me sick to my stomach!" -Impmon
"I'll leave you alone, then." -Renamon
"You'll wah?! Hey! Come back! Don't you want to hear the rest of what I have to say? Ah, ba boom!" -Impmon

"Stand back, citizens of the Digital World! Terriermon's back!" -Terriermon
[Works on the computer]
"Uh-oh, must have pressed the wrong buttons." -Terriermon
"I wonder what I'll find on here." -Suzie
[Terriermon goes to doll mode as Suzie enters the room and see's him]
"Oh look, it's an orphan! All alone in the world with no one to dress you and change your diapers. Suzie Sunshine will rescue you! I will bathe you and dress you and use a big powder puff on you! You'll be my Princess Pretty-pants! Oh, yes, you will! HA HA!!"-Suzie

[Rika's cellphone rings.]
"Ahh... Hello?" -Henry
"This isn't Rika! You're a kidnapper, aren't you? I'll give you whatever you want!" -Rika's grandmother

"Miss Asaji, can you fix my camera?" -Takato
"*sigh* I'll try. So this is where the film goes... oh, wait... that's for the batteries..." -Miss Asaji
[Kids sneak Guilmon on the bus]
"Oh, Takato, you're a kid, you'll probably remember everything you see. Can't you just have the art students draw you a picture of what you see?" -Miss Asaji
"That's OK. I didn't have any film in it anyway!" -Takato

[Terriermon munches on a riceball]
"Terriermon, you'd better slow down. If you get sick, I'll have to call Nurse Suzie." -Henry
[Terriermon chokes]
"Uh-oh." -Calumon
"Hey, I was just kidding!" -Henry

"The Deva had arrived!" -Owl
"Huh?" -Henry
"Wha?" -Takato
"Oh, yay! Oh, hail to the Deva! He who drinks the life out of the plant and expands himself and looks like a bright big chicken!" -Owl
"He who drinks the life out of wha?" -Henry
"A bright big chicken?" -Takato
"Yes. The bright and mighty chicken avengence that shall rule all of us!" -Owl
"Chicken avengence? Isn't that Kung Pow Chicken?" -Takato
"Why do you want to be ruled by a Digital Chicken?" -Henry
"Because he is a DEVA!!" -Owl
"Well, can't argue with that." -Henry (sarcastically)

""Eeeeewwww!!! What's that smell?" -Rapidmon
"What do you expect? He's a pig!" -WarGrowlmon
"This definitely isn't kosher!" -Taomon

"This is the noblest thing I've ever done." -Kazu
"Dude, you just wanted to cut class." -Kenta

"Wake up, Kenta, Quit being a lazy blob." -Kazu
"Hey, who took my blue blankey?" -Kenta

"Thank you for the food!" -Kenta (to Jijimon and Babamon)
"You can't be thankful for the food. I'm thankful for the food!" -Kazu
"Why can't we both be thankful for the food?!" -Kenta
"Because, it would make the bath and all the other stuff look bad!" -Kazu

"What are you doing?" -Mrs. Wong
"I'm acting!" -Suzie
"You could be act like you're cleaning your room." -Mrs. Wong
"I'm, Terriermon! Terriermon doesn't clean rooms! He lays on the floor all day with his tushy in the air!" -Suzie

"I'm not even going to ask." -Mr. Wong
"Daddy?" -Suzie
"Yes?" -Mr. Wong
"Let's go to the playground." -Suzie
[Mr. Wong walks away]
"If you do, I won't tell mommy you got inkpwrints all over the bathroom sink!" -Suzie

"We've been here for days and we haven't found diddily squat!" -Kenta
"Hey, Kenta, what's a diddily squat?" -Growlmon

[Suzie climbs up a cliff]
"Are you sure that's safe?" -Guardromon
"No." -Suzie
"Okay." -Guardromon

"Sorry to wake you up so late." -Takato
"That's okay. I was just sleeping." -Henry
"And not just sleeping, snoring too!" -Terriermon

"I don't get it. Where could he have gone?" -Rika
"Not to far I imagine. Looks like he was hurt pretty bad." -Henry
"It's his own fault. It wouldn't have been so bad if he had a partner." -Rika
"Rika, you do have a heart!" -Henry
(about Impmon)

[While falling]
"Where are we going?" -Takato
"You really think I have any idea?" -Henry
"Momentai!" -Terriermon
"Oh, momentai yourself!" -Henry

"Try this card!" -Takato
"That last one almost killed him!" -Henry
"Hey, I'm just trying to help!" -Takato

"Besides, he's still just a bread-starving goofus on the inside." -Henry
"Well, that's true." -Takato
(about WarGrowlmon)

"You know what? He looks pretty good up there." -Takato's father
"He sure does." -Takato's mother

"Can you hear me? Jeri, it's me." -Takato
"Takato... you came." -Jeri
"Well, of course I did! What did you think? I'd leave you?" -Takato
"I can't tell you how good it is to see you." -Jeri
"I missed you!" -Takato

"You were good." -Ryo
"I still am!" -Rika

"So who can we get now?" -Takato
"Hey! Suzie!" -Terriermon
"What?!" -Henry
"Aaa... Who's Suzie?" -Takato
"My sis. She's nice... I guess." -Henry
""Miss Pretty-Pants, time to get ready for the ball. Let's do wear my chiffon coat. Heathcliff loves me in it. It brings out my eyes. Whatever Miss Pretty-Pants wants, Miss Pretty-Pants gets. Here you go. You'll be the belle of the ball, and everyone will be your friend forever and ever and ever." -Suzie
"By nice, you mean crazy?" -Takato
"Pretty much." -Henry
"Then again, Calumon's not playing with a full deck of cards either." -Takato
"Yeah, but I wouldn't wish the 'Miss Pretty-Pants' treatment on anyone!" -Henry
"How bad can it be?" -Takato

"You're a weird kid, Takato." -Nami
"I know." -Takato

"We're in this together, Henry! Good or bad!" -Takato
"Thank you, Takato!" -Henry

"There's never a dull day around here!" -Rika
[In another part of the city.] "I sense a Digimon, hurry!" -Terriermon
"Aw.. man... There's never a dull day around here!" -Henry
[And in another part of the city.] "A Digimon! It's a Deva, Guilmon. (thinking) Why is there never a dull day around here? Oh, well. No rest for the weary. (out loud) Let's go!" -Takato

"In Sanskrit writing there's an ancient legend about a group of good spirits - the Deva's. The old writings stated they battled the evil demon Asura, preventing him from fully entering the world and conquering it. Or, at least, that's how the legend goes." -Sensei
"The Deva's are good?" -Henry
"That's a difficult question." -Sensei
"How so?" -Henry
"Well, there were those that followed Asura, and they thought the Deva's were evil. In a way, it's like eating an entire gallon of ice cream." -Sensei
"Uh... huh...?" -Henry
"Let me explain. At first, it seems like a good idea, but your stomachache proves you wrong. A change in perspective can make good appear evil or evil seems good. Now, does that clear things up for you?" -Sensei
"Yes, sir. Thank you." -Henry
"Good. Want some ice cream?" -Sensei

"Found him!" -Calumon
"Ah... nuts!" -Leomon

"I think that way is down." -Jeri
"Oh dear." -Renamon
[The group falls]
"Ahhhhhh..." -All

"You know what, Jeri? I'm really glad you came along." -Takato
"Me too."-Jeri

"Does that mean that I was created especially for Henry?" -Terriermon
"Perhaps." -Shibumi
"Yeah, created especially to annoy me." -Henry
"Hey!" -Terriermon
"Well, am I wrong?" -Henry
"Admit it, Henry. You'd be lost without me." -Terriermon
"Looks like I'm lost with you too." -Henry

"Mom, Dad, I'm home! (to Guilmon) *whisper* Okay, you gotta be really quiet." -Takato
"Hey, kiddo! You're home late, huh?" -Takato's dad
"Dinner's almost ready." -Takato's mom
"Uh, great!" -Takato
[Both parents turn away. Takato slips a cardboard box, covering Guilmon, past the door]
"What's that?" -Takato's dad
"Uh... what's what?" -Takato
"That box you've got." -Takato's dad
"Oh, the box. It's... It's just... *nervous laugh* It's like a box! You know, to hold things! Uh... yeah." -Takato
"Hmm." -Takato's dad
"Don't be dragging any more trash up there, Takato. You know I'll just end up throwing it our again later." -Takato's mom
"Okay! (to Guilmon) *whisper* You have to stay under the box!" -Takato
"Takato?" -Takato's dad
"*startled* *nervous laugh* (to Guilmon) *whisper* Come on, Guilmon!
[Takato tries to lift the box]
"Need a hand there, son?" -Takato's dad
"It's okay. I've got it. *nervous laugh*" -Takato
[The box runs upstairs, knocking Takato over. He follows, running]
"Hmmm." -Takato's dad

[A couple kiss]
"Is that your special attack?" -Calumon
"Hmm? Who are you, little dude?" -Man
"Oh, what a cute little toy! Did you get that for me, honey?" -Woman
"Hey, you know what? You're going to have to open your mouths much, much wider if you really want to swallow each other." -Calumon
"Ahhhhh..." -Woman
"What are... What did you say?!" -Man
"An alien! It wants to swallow our brains!" -Woman
"Don't do it, man! I need what little brain I have!" -Man
[The couple run away]
"Hey!" -Calumon

[In gym class, doing the long-jump]
"Next! Let's go!" -Miss Asagi
[She blows the whistle and Takato runs and jumps]
"So how'd I do? Huh?" -Takato
"Just over three meters." -Jeri
"All right! I rule the world!" -Takato
"Don't get to excited there, Chumley, I still beat you." -Kazu
"Yeah, but it's easy to win when you cheat." -Takato
[In the background, a cardboard box steps into view, causing Takato to jump]
"Takatomon?" -Guilmon
"Please tell me I didn't just see that." -Takato

"I don't have any food. So why are you following me?" -Rika
"Want to play!" -Calumon
"Huh?" -Rika
"Here I go!" -Calumon
"What are you doing?" -Rika
"Eskimo kisses!" -Calumon

"Well, gotta go. Wait. Rika! I think your toy is just adorable!" -Rika's mom
"You had to be cute, didn't you?" -Rika (to Calumon)

"Well, what about this dress with the lace and poofy slleves? Or this one? Try it. It'll make you look more like a girl." -Rika's mom
"Am I being punished for something?" -Rika

"Well, I guess she's still into tomboy chic." -Rika's grandmother
"Huh?" -Rika's mom
"Rika just has her own style, that's all. Honestly, dear, there are more important things in life than looking pretty." -Rika's grandmother
"Really? Like what?" -Rika's mom

"Okay, here we go. Digimodify! Activate! So, how'd I do?" -Takato
"Not bad." -Henry
"Not bad?" -Takato
"Let's just work on strategies, okay? Have you heard of combos?" -Henry
"Sure. Uh, I think I have. That's when you use two or more cards at a time, right?" -Takato
"Right, and if you use them in succession, you can get some pretty potent results. It's a good thing to keep in mind." -Henry
"Yeah. That and the other million things you've told me." -Takato

"Well, if it isn't the dum-dum club." -Impmon
"Hmm?" -Takato & Henry
"Did you miss me, boys?" -Impmon
"Just ignore him." -Henry
"Easy for you to say. You can't smell him." -Terriermon
"Let's go. Guilmon, come on." -Takato
"I just want to have a friendly fight. Give you all a nice friendly butt-kicking. He won't fight?! Well, here's my chance to blast some sense into him." -Impmon
"Hmmm..." -Terriermon
"Terriermon, don't touch him!" -Henry
"I know." -Terriermon
"Bada boom!" -Impmon
"Terrier Tornado!" -Terriermon
"Ahh!" -Impmon
"Terriermon, what did I just tell you?" -Henry
"I didn't actually touch him, now." -Terriermon
"You are incorrigible." -Henry

"Rargh!" -Guilmon
"You must have a lovely singing voice." -Renamon

"It's just a toupee." -Woman #1
"But he wears it on his chest!" -Woman #2

"It's not funny, you know. I don't want to walk all the way to the next town just to find your little friend." -Rika
"Well, if it makes you feel better, Rika, the tunnel might flood and we can all swim there." -Henry
"It's just my luck to be stuck down here with a couple of comedians." -Rika

"I don't get it." -Takato
"It's obvious that they were worried about each other. Problem is, they're too hard-headed to admit it. They'll go on playing silly games until they drop." -Henry
"Being honest with each other would be too hard." -Takato
(about Rika and Renamon)

"Whoa, cool! Visual aids!" -Kazu
"And you always make fun of my love for charts and graphs!" -Kenta
"Nerdy is as nerdy does, Kenta." -Kazu

"Can we have goose eggs for dinner?" -Guilmon
"Does 'don't leave' have another meaning?" -Terriermon

"He didn't even make a dent!" -Sakuyamon
"I have an idea!" -Justimon
"Cyberdramon!" -Ryo
"Ready!" -Cyberdramon
[Cyberdramon takes out their blade]
"Sakuyamon, listen to me. I want you to send all your power to my blade. Quickly!" -Justimon
"What?! You can't be serious?"! -Renamon
"Has the fighting gone to your head or something? the force of it could kill both of you!" -Rika
"It's a chance I'm willing to take, Rika. We've tried everything else and we haven't even been able to land a scratch! But with the combined forces of your strength and my blade, we can give the D-Reaper something to really howl about!" -Ryo
"Or you could doe. Did you ever think of that, hot-shot?" -Rika
"Well, then they'll be one less person to poke fun at you. Right, pumpkin?" -Ryo
"You big twerp! You're doing all this just to impress me, aren't you?" -Rika
"So, is it working or not?" -Ryo
"Come on, Sakuyamon. It's now or never!" -Justimon
"Rika, are you sure?" -Renamon
"Ryo may be out of his pompous mind, but he's also right. It's the only chance we have of destroying that thing." -Rika
"All the power of my body, my soul, my mind, I now send to you, all the strength within my heart, my spirit to you I now freely give..." -Sakuyamon
"Ryo, hold onto something!" -Rika
[Justimon receives the power]

"He's a lot bigger than I remember." -Takato
"You going chicken on us, goggle head?" -Rika
"No!" -Takato
*makes chicken sounds* -Terriermon
"Terriermon!" -Henry
"Just kidding!" -Terriermon

"Hendwi! That angwy kid is on the phone again!" -Suzie
"(thinking) Angry, huh? I'll give him angry! (into the phone) Takato? This had better be important! It's 6:30 in the morning!" -Henry

"Maybe it doesn't matter what card we uase, Rika." -Henry
"Huh? Okay, did that pig monster eat your brain?" -Rika
"No! I'm serious!" -Henry

"What do you think? We'd try to do this by ourselves?" -Takato
"We'd never do that." -Rika
"Funny. 'Cuz that's what it looks like you're doing." -Henry

[Terriermon just swallowed a load of food.]
"Henry could learn a thing or two from you, Terriermon. He's handsome, but skinny as a mosquitto, right?" -Henry's Mom
"*blushes* Right..." -Henry

"Are they Digimon?" -Henry
"No." -Monster Maker
"'Bout time you gave us a straight answer!" -Terriermon
"Terriermon!" -Henry

"Hmm?" -Rika (notices Takato's looking at her)
"Ah! *blush*" -Takato (looking away)
"(thinking) Um, what's going on here?" -Henry
"*glares at Takato* Well, what?" -Rika
"Oh, nothing." -Takato
"Mmm hmm." -Rika
"(thinking) Just keep walking. Pretend she's not staring at you. And keep quiet! (out loud) I just wanted to say that shirt looks good." -Takato
*blushes* -Rika
"(thinking) Oh, great job of keeping quiet!" -Takato

"I would eat dirt before I'd ever let Renamon become what you are! A monster!" -Rika
"Better a powerful monster than a weak nobody. Is that what you really want to be? A nobody?" -IceDevimon
"I'll tell you what I don't want to be. The partner of some freak show Digimon!" -Rika

"I hear one becomes quite warm before freezing." -IceDevimon
"You're so twisted, it's scary!" -Henry

"What's your name?" -Vajramon
"You won't remember it anyway once I load your data." -Renamon

Henry: You better just back off, Rika.
Rika: Or else what? You'll go run off and hide on me? Ooo... I'm so scared.

Kumbhiramon: Is that any way to greet your worst nightmare?
Jeri: Are you my partner?
Kumbhiramon: I am a mighty Deva sent here by the all-powerful Sovereign. Why would I join forces with a pathetic human?

[Takato is explaining his dream.]
"But it's true, you've gotta believe me! Guys I'm not kidding, digimon are real! I saw them; digimon, real ones, fighting right in front of me! Two of them were going after each other, it was incredible! It was raining and--" -Takato
[Kazu covers his mouth.]
"--And then your eyes opened and you were back in bed like nothing had happened." -Kazu

[Takato is explaining the end of his dream.]
"Numb. My hands. They were numb from the rain. It was so cold...." -Takato
"*snicker* Hey, maybe you made your own cold puddle!" -Kazu
"Huh?" -Takato
"*snicker* That's some dream!" -Kenta
"More like a bed wetting nightmare!" -Kazu
"*blush* I did not wet the bed!" -Takato
"Maybe he froze his hand wiping his baby tears." Kenta
"Poor mister sleepy head, made his own waterbed" -Kazu
"I didn't wet anything." -Takato

"I just wanted to play!" -Calumon
"Okay, let's play." -Digimon chasing him

"Are you designing a Halloween costume?" -Nami Asagi
"Hmm? No, It's a Digimon, don't you know anything?" -Takato

"Woof!" -Jeri's Puppet
"(stands up startled) I-I'm almost done ma'am! I'm just taking a time-out!" -Takato
"*giggles* You're kind of funny." -Jeri
"Um... you see... I'm having a, really off day." -Takato
"There it is! Bad flute!" -Jeri
"Bad!" -Jeri's Puppet
"Oooooo-kay." -Takato
"Arf arf! You'd better hurry up and write that apology!" -Jeri's Puppet

"Hi, Dad! I'm home!" -Takato
"Hi, son. What did you learn in--" -Takato's Dad
"Oh you know the usual! Two plus two equals four! Well I've got alot of homework, call me when dinner's ready!" -Takato

"There must be a reason why Digimon are here in the Real World. What is it?" -Henry
"When you figure it out, Socrates, let me know. Until then, Renamon, you know what I expect." -Rika

"Yeah, Guilmon could be our official taste tester." -Takato
"Then we wouldn't have any food left to eat." -Henry
"Speaking of food, I'm hungry." -Terriermon
"But you just ate!" -Henry
"So, what's your point?" -Terriermon

"Pick up your pencils; It's time for a test!" -Nami Asagi
*groan* -Class
"It's not fair!" -Kazu
"If life were fair, I'd be in Maui." -Nami Asagi

"Why are you picking on me? Guilmon's the one who insulted you!" -Calumon
"Hey!" -Guilmon
"I don't care! Demon dart!" -Vilemon

"Well, we'd better get back before Guilmon eats the whole park." -Takato
"Let's wait, maybe he'll eat Calumon and solve the whole problem!" -Terriermon

"You know, fighting isn't always the answer." -Takato
"Ah, the coward's creedo." -Rika

"Who were you expecting, boys? Your mommies?" -Renamon
"Very funny." -Takato
"I don't think I have a mommy, do I? Wait, Takato's my mommy!" -Guilmon
"Aw geez, Guilmon, don't call me that!" -Takato
"Why not? You'd make a better mother then a tamer, the way you baby your Digimon." -Renamon

"How long is this stupid tunnel anyway?" -Rika
"My teacher said it goes all the way to the next town." -Takato
"That's so stupid." -Rika
"Yeah, so you said." -Henry

"This is it. Does anyone have any bright ideas?" -Takato
"Just one. Let's try not to get ourselves creamed." -Henry

"I'm always honest with you, aren't I, Guilmon?" -Takato
"Yeah, you told me I was cute." -Guilmon
"No way. He must have meant you were cool, right Takato?" -Henry

"I've said it before, boys who break the rules grow up to become thugs and zoo keepers!" -Nami Asagi
"But what's wrong with being a zoo keeper, Miss Asaji?" -Takato
"Oh, don't be silly, Takato. For one thing, you don't get any respect. You have to work all day with animals who never do what you tell them to do." -Nami Asagi
"Gee, that kinda sounds like what you do now." -Takato

"What's up?" -Takato
"Not you." -Rika
"I meant up there!" -Takato
"So did I." -Rika

[Takato's showing them his flag.]
"Congratulations, Takato. This might just be the lamest thing I've ever seen." -Rika
[Guilmon falls over and accidentally breaks the flag.]
"Aw, Guilmon, you broke it!" -Takato
"I owe you one, Guilmon." -Rika

"Gargomon, you have any bright ideas?" -Kyubimon
"Just one, let's not do that again." -Gargomon

"Your ear is tickling my foot!" -Guilmon
"Your foot is ticking my ear!" -Terriermon
"I want to tickle something!" -Calumon

"Yeah, not much of a vacation if you fight all the time." -Henry
"That's how my family defines vacation!" -Takato

"Cool it, beefcake." -Renamon
"Ooh, fiesty." -Vajramon
"You have no idea." -Renamon
"Let's find out, shall we?" -Vajramon

"I wonder if our man's gonna show up." -Takato
"Maybe he'll introduce himself. Get real, Sherlock." -Rika

"(thinking) This is great!" -Takato
"(thinking) This is stupid." -Rika

"Aren't you going to Digivolve? I'd hate to just take your data without seeing that." -Vajramon
"Pig." -Renamon
"What did you say?!" -Vajramon

"How come I never get asked out by a guy?" -Tally
"It must be that dead rabbit's foot you carry around." -Riley
"That's supposed to be for luck!" -Tally

"You must want more than this... Why are you here?!" -Vajramon
"I only used you to get some information I wanted and now I have can go." -Renamon

[Impmon steals a girl's ice cream and eats it in one gulp.]
"Hey! That was bubble-gum-rasperry-almond crunch!" -Father
"Oh, yeah? Well how about a Badda-Boom-upside-the-head crunch?!" -Impmon

"Stop following me!" -Impmon
"But I wanna see if you're gonna scare any more little girls!" -Calumon
"Listen, those little girls started it!" -Impmon
*laughs from a digital field* -Indramon
"Hm? That laugh! I've heard it before!" -Impmon
"People laugh at you a lot, huh?" -Calumon
"I'll give you something to laugh about if you keep following me!" -Impmon

[Three tanned and make-up plastered gals are looking at Calumon.]
"That is like way totally cute!" -Gal #1
"What is it?" -Gal #2
"Duh, it's way totally cute!" -Gal #3
"Um.... I guess you guys don't have mirrors at home to you?" -Calumon
"WOW!" -All three gals
"It talked!" -Gal #1
"It totally did!" -Gal #2
"That makes it it even cuter!" -Gal #3
"Like, absolutely!" -Gal #1
"Oh, totally! Totally absolutely!" -Gal #2
"Weird, talking usually makes things sound stupid!" -Gal #3
"What is wrong with all the Digimon in the world?! Stop trying to make yourself cute for the humans!" -Impmon
"Well he's not cute at all." -Gal #1
"Totally, like, anti-cute." -Gal #2
"Totally." -Gal #3
"Be quiet, I don't wanna be cute!" -Impmon
"What? Not wanna be cute?" -Gal #1
"Totally weird!" -Gals # 1 & 2
"I'm not weird, I'm the only normal one around! (throws an attack at the girls' feet) Badda Boom!" -Impmon
"My nails! *run away screaming*" -All three gals
"*laughs* Take that, fools! That'll teach you I'm not some weirdo! *makes a face*" -Impmon
"Weirdo..." -Calumon

"We've gotta help him!" -Rika (about Impmon)
"Or at least pick up the pieces." -Gargomon

"Say uncle!" -WarGrowlmon
"Never!" -Indramon

[Kumbhiramon is chasing Jeri and Calumon.]
"Don't you have some kind of a special attack?! What kind of a Digimon are you?!" -Jeri
"The cute and cuddly kind that doesn't like to fight and cramps after eating!" -Calumon

"It's gonna be big!" -Terriermon
"How can you tell?" -Henry
"We're looking up, aren't we?" -Renamon

[Vikaralamon starts to biomerge.]
"Is that a mountain?" -Henry
[Vikaralamon fully bioemerges.]
"Since when does a mountain have teeth?!" -Kenta

"I don't like dresses." -Rika
"How about some post-shopping, shopping?" -Rika's Mom
*groans* -Rika
"It's a great way to relax." -Rika's Mom
"Sorry, but I'm going to the park." -Rika
"The...The park? But honey you can't do any shopping there." -Rika's Mom

"You shall all pay!" -Vikaralamon
"Sorry, but we don't carry cash!" -WarGrowlmon

"You crave power, don't you?" -Chatsuramon
"So what? I crave cheeseburgers, too!" -Impmon

"It will take more than my brush to defeat this Deva." -Taomon
"Can you at least paint him a new face?" -Rapidmon
"I heard that!!" -Vikaralamon

"I'm packing my lucky underwear!" -Kenta
"I'm packing air freshener!" -Rika

"When we were designing the prototype, we wanted something that would allow kids to communicate with, and control, Digimon on the network." -Mr. Wong (about the digivice)
"Maybe mine's broken, because I can't control Terriermon at all!" -Henry
"It would take more then a piece of plastic to control me!" -Terriermon

"I have enough sand in my shoes to start my own private beach." -Kenta
"At least you've only got sand in your shoes!" -Kazu

"All right guys I know it's a little late, but we need a plan." -Takato
"Now whatever gave you that idea Takato?!" -Rika
"Momentai." -Terriermon
"You're kidding, right?!" -Rika

"Well ladies and gentilmon we are officially the pioneers of the Digital World." -Takato
"Oh please. Just stay focused. We're here to find Calumon." -Rika
"And be careful, the rules of the Real World may not apply here." -Renamon
"You're telling me. I almost got hit in the mouth by a floating question mark." -Henry

"Oh, my back!" -Rika
"Your back? My head!" -Kazu
"Do you mind? Some of us are trying to pass out over here!" -Kenta

"You were great!" -Jeri
"*blush* Oh, it was nothing." -Takato
"Nothing? Then how come your face is all red and sweaty?" -Guilmon

"Incidentally, I hate humans!" -Impmon
"Is that so? I suspect that you really do care for them." -Chatsuramon

[Terriermon struggles against the wind.]
"I think Terriermon's practicing to be a mime." -Guilmon
"It'd never work. He'd have to be quiet to be a mime!" -Henry

"This is gonna be fun. *laughs*" -Beezlemon
"Well, at least he's got a sense of humor!" -Terriermon

"I'm coming, Jeri." -Leomon
"Tell her we're all coming. She'll feel better that way!" -Guilmon

"It's been a while since I saw someone solid." -Shibumi
"Well, there's something you don't hear every day." -Takato

"Is that a giant Digivice, or is it just me?" -Takato
"It sure doesn't look like you!" -Terriermon

"Sometimes I miss the real world. At least I understand stuff there." -Takato
"I miss the pastries of the real world!" -Terriermon
"Is there anything you miss that can't be found in a lunchbox?" -Henry
"Well, I guess... there's Suzie." -Terriermon
"Well, if you miss being "Pwincess Pwetty-Pants" that much, and being cuddled..." -Henry
"That's not funny! Thing about it still gives me the jeebies!" -Terriermon

"Get your hands off me! I'm a Deva! You're nothing! Less then nothing, you hear me?!" -Makuramon
"You talk too much, monkey boy, but you do have something I need!" -Beezlemon (before deleting him)

"Hey, what's going on here huh?!" -Beezlemon
"Beelzemon you rejected every friendship offered you. In doing so, you betrayed them and destroyed a valiant soul! I cannot forgive what you have done." -Gallantmon
"You can't forgive me? I don't recall ever asking you to forgive me! We'll talk about forgiveness when I wipe you out of existence!" -Beezlemon
"So be it!" -Gallantmon

"You may be able to defeat a rookie, Deva, but you cannot defeat me-prepare yourself!" -Gallantmon
"No!! Long live the soverign!!!" -Chatsuramon

"Compitulate, fools!" -Zhuqiaomon
"Hah! We don't even know the meaning of the word!" -WarGrowlmon

"You'd think we'd learn to move away from danger, instead of toward it." -Takato
"Some of us are just thick-headed, I guess." -Rika
"She means you, Takato." -Guilmon
"Yeah, yeah..." -Takato

"Do we have to walk the whole way?" -Guilmon
"Momentai." -Lopmon
"Hey, that's my word!" -Terriermon

"My head hasn't hurt this bad since I had to listen to Kenta's knock-knock jokes." -Kazu
"Hey!" -Kenta
"Come on, dude, they are pretty bad!" -Kazu

"You Digimon who have chosen human partners, I still detest your choice. I may never be able to contain my disgust, my feeling that your actions are an abomination against Digital kind! However, I will respect your decision. Go with the human beings." -Zhuqiaomon
"My sovereign, your generosity are wisdom are without bounds. thank you." -Lopmon
"Thanks, Zhuster! It's been real!" -Terriermon

"So, tell me something, Rika. What do I get for saving your life not once, but twice?" -Ryo
"How 'bout twice the whooping?" -Rika
"Yeah, right. *laughs*" -Ryo
*laughs* -Rika

"Make sure to stay behind the tank. It'll protect you if that thing attacks." -General
"But sir, what about us guys trapped inside the tank when that thing attacks?" -Soldier

"Hey, I know you. You come here all the time to buy bread and those day-old bagels." -Takato
"Hey, how's it going?" -Riley
"Those bagels were a day-old?" -Yamaki

"Now we just wait for it to bake." -Takato
"Aw, we always have to wait for everything." -Guilmon
"You always have to eat everything!" -Terriermon
"So, what's your point?" -Guilmon

"Well, at least we've got all the bread makings." -Takato
"But can we make it?" -Henry
"We can make something." -Takato
"Yeah, but will that something kill us?" -Rika

"I need a bigger tummy, Takato. Draw me one?" -Guilmon
"Okay." -Takato
"You're a pal!" -Guilmon
"Draw him some self-control!" -Terriermon
"And just how many buns have you had?" -Henry
"Two, three, twelve... I lost count!" -Terriermon

"What you call weaknesses are what's gonna help us beat you!" -Takato
"Your defiance is pointless, you cannot win." -Jeri-Type Reaper

"Kazu, you miss me?" -Kenta
"Yeah, like I miss the chicken pox!" -Kazu
"Oh, good one." -Kenta

"How can you run so fast with those little legs?" -Impmon
"I have bouncy feet!" -Calumon

"So, you are the pathetic little Digimon that answers to humans. What is your name, traitor?" -Pajiramon
"None of your business!" -Terriermon

"Our master would not be pleased, you look so human. Why would you digivolve to resemble such weak insignificant creatures?" -Vajramon
"I don't really care what your master thinks. And besides, looks can be deceiving." -Taomon

"I'm your partner." -Jeri
"I'm your what?!" -Leomon
"I'm honored to be your tamer." -Jeri
"Tamer?" -Leomon
"You have no idea how long I've dreamed about this." -Jeri
"You wanna clue me in here pal?" -Leomon
"I think her brain's gone all funny." -Calumon
"Calumon, stay out of this!" -Jeri
"Well it has." -Calumon

"Mr. Mizuno, not to be rude or anything, but aren't you done with that thing yet?" -Terriermon
"Momentai." -Shibumi
"That's a really irritating thing to say!" -Terriermon

"What's it saying?" -Takato
"It doesn't understand the word. The D-Reaper and we Digimon don't have parents, so it's a different concept for it." -Renamon

"I've never seen a more amazing piece of machinery." -Shibumi (about Grani)
"Well, I have. Takato's parents have a machine in their store that makes bread!" -Guilmon
"*laughs* Well I guess there's no way Grani here can compete with that!" -Shibumi

"So, Renamon, you're a girl, right?" -Rika's Mom
"Actually, Digimon aren't divided into genders." -Renamon
"But only a woman could wear fur that well." -Rika's Mom

"You missed it. I had to be quiet, and it tickled." -Terriermon
"You had to be quiet?" -Guilmon
"Imagine that!" -Renamon

"Jeri, wakey-wakey." -Calumon
"Can you hear me? Jeri, it's me." -Takato
" came." -Jeri
"Well of course I did. What do you think? I'd leave you?" -Takato
"*smiles* I can't tell you how good it is to see you." -Jeri
"I missed you, too." -Takato
[Jeri hugs Takato and he blushes.]

"Calumon, come over here, quick." -Jeri
"You don't have to tell me twice." -Calumon

"This is crazy, we can't rely on a bunch of kids and their digital pets!" -Army person
"Really? They're doing better than you. Sir." -Yamaki (sarcastically)

"We saved the world!" -Henry
"Again!" -Rika
"But now I need a vacation from my vacation!" -Takato

"Kai, turn here!" -Takato
"Right!" -Kai
"No, left!" -Takato

"Hi. Do you have something I can eat?" -Guilmon
"Yeah, sure. Just don't eat me!" -Kai

[The Parasimon are entering the Real World.]
"Um, guys, does that look normal?" -Kenta

[Locomon digivolves into GranLocomon]
"Check it out! He blinged his ride!" -Kazu
"You can say that again." -Henry

"Man! How could he have think that I was Lopmon? When I get my hands on him I..." -Terriermon
"Terriermon, momentai." -Suzie
"Hmm?" -Terriermon

Manga Quotes

"I’m late! Not again! Better eat and run. Yeegh! I’m off! Fee oo ‘ater!" -Takato
"Oh." -Takato’s Mom
"Swallow before you run, son." -Takato’s Dad

"Hm? Hey there, hold on. Why aren’t you in class, student?" -Principal
"Uh, not student. Box." -Guilmon
"What? Take that off this instant!" -Principal
"Okay! Box digivolve to... box on floor!" -Guilmon
"I-It’s a... It’s a... MONSTER! YAAAH!" -Principal

"You have a real Digimon too? Awesome! It’s so cute! You actually bring him to school?" -Takato
"On his quiet days. So, rarely." -Henry
"I’m quiet! Lookit how quiet I am!" -Terriermon
"Not again." -Henry
"Mouh... mahn... taih!" -Terriermon
"Uh... right. Just keep it down." -Henry

"You guys blow up a lot of stuff." -Rika
"I know. Working on it." -Henry