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Takato and his Digimon
Takato Matsuki "Great, now Jeri thinks I'm crazy. And she's crazier than Calumon!" "Why are girls so crazy?" "Hey, Jeri, you haven't eaten anything. Aren't you hungry? Well, guess not. You know, Jeri, I've always wanted to tell you that you're the nicest girl I've ever met. I think... *blush*... I mean, you always talked to me and stuff when no one else would... and maybe it sounds silly, but sometimes I imagine that you might kind of like me... *blush*... the way I like you... Well, I mean, it's not like I think about you all the time, 'cause I do. Ah! This is hard! What I'm trying to say more than a friend, Jeri, is that I like you... I really do... *cries* I hate seeing you this way, but when this whole thing started, I was so happy 'cause you were a Tamer and got to come to the Digital World with us... Then Leomon died... and you became so sad... I thought that if I brought you back home to the Real World maybe you'd be yourself again, but now you just sit there not saying or doing anything! I keep thinking how much of this is my fault, that if I didn't bring you to the Digital World, you'd still be happy... But you're not... I'm so sorry, Jeri! *cries* I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that... that I couldn't help save Leomon... I just wish that you'd talk to me. Jeri!" "Uh, yes? I- I mean no ma'am. No, actually I do mean yes. I mean, I'm sorry... I'm really sorry." "It's Guilmon all right! No one else would eat that stuff." "Looks like we're going to need a lot more peanut butter!" "Digimon are... Digimon are... Well, they're cool that's all! And this one happens to be my best friend! Lots of them are friendly!" "If the only way to make you believe is to defeat you, then so be it!" "Umm, guys, let's not make the ultra-powerful Digimon angry by interrupting him, okay?" "Digimon and humans were meant to fight together!" "Here's a plan: I scream, then run. Or not..." (to Guilmon) "For the last time, Guilmon, I am not a mon!" "Guilmon was my best friend and I'll do anything I can to find him with or without you!" "Why am I feeling pain when Growlmon's the one who got hurt? And while we're at it, where am I?" "We haven't finished yet! Growlmon is still willing to fight and as long as I'm still breathing, I'll be right there by his side! It's time to use the power that brought us here in the first place! Let's do it together!" "Man, this whole world is against us!" "Oh, great. We're in a whole different world and I still can't get away from homework." "We'll always be together." "The first time I bio-merged with Guilmon, I didn't have a clue what was going on. I mean, I always knew I had an active imagination, but I never dreamed that I'd actually become a Digimon. But then, when we merged, and I felt Guilmon's strength flowing through me, it was like a feeling of safety and strength unlike anything I had ever known. Thanks to him, I know what's it like to feel part of something much greater than myself. And now, the fate of not only one, but two worlds, rests on our shoulders. But I know I can do it, as long as I have my friends, all of my friends by my side. Nothing is going to tear us apart!" "Now what should I call him? RedDinoFiremon? No, that's stupid. BlazingDragonLizardmon? Yeah, real great. Hey, how about Guilmon? Cool! Now that's a name!" "Man, mom's right. My imagination can be a curse!" "Why does all the stuff in my brain never make it to my mouth the right way?" "I think the cafeteria is trying to poison us." "Why don't the bad guys ever stay down?" "It's like something is broken deep inside." (about Jeri) "Jeri... I just saw her. She was right there." "She looked so... so empty." (about Jeri) "I know a place no one would think we'd go - the school!" "It's like something inside her broke when Leomon died." (about Jeri) "Yeah, all the sane people have left." (about the deserted city) "Big underground scary waterway." "Oh-oh. The jacket's coming off." (about Guilmon's disguise) "What else can go wrong?" "Come on, Ark. You can do it! I know you can!" "Bye, Ark. Thank you." "The chaos... it followed us home!" "Why doesn't anything ever work out for us?" "You're the nicest person I know." (to Jeri) "We can't give up." "And something tells me that it's going to take everything we've got!" "Jeri, where are you?" "We have to find her!" (about Jeri) "Stop it! Get out of Jeri's head and stop messing with her feelings!" (to the J-Reaper) "Jeri, I don't want you to worry. I'll get out of there if it's the last thing I do!" "And I'm not leaving until I find her!" (about Jeri) "Hang on, Jeri! We're coming to get you!" "I'm not leaving anyone behind!" "No force on Earth can stop me from saving my friend!" "I promise, Guilmon. Just you wait. We'll be together again soon!" "Even though I though I'd never be the same, the world soon went back to normal, and after awhile, so did I. Life became exactly what it was before I met Guilmon. Kazu still gives back jokes and Ms. Nami still gives too much homework. Sometimes I'd go by our old hangouts just to see if he's there, but I don't know why I bother, 'cause he never is. Most times, I'm okay, but there's the one thing that bugs me. A promise I made to a friend. A promise I don't think I can keep... Actually, scratch that! I think I'm going to keep that promise after all!!" "She must have gotten a degree in nagging. And a minor in yelling." "I'm done hiding!" "And right now, our friends need us more than ever!" "Guilmon's the best friend I ever had!" "I'm dreaming... Wait a minute... This is real! It's... impossible! I'm going nuts!" "This is the coolest!" "I'm going to be a Digimon Tamer!" "For the last time, Guilmon, I am not a mon!" "Why do I have a feeling this has something to do with Guilmon?" "You know fighting isn't always the answer!" "I don't want to lose you! You're my best friend!" (to Guilmon) "Bull's eye, baby!" "I'm the normalist person in the world!" "Calumon gets weirder and weirder and weirder every day!" "Where do you come from all the time? Or do you wait around to scare us?" "Why does everything I do always go wrong?!" "Things are finally back to normal. At least as normal as they get anyway..." "Whoops! This could get ugly!" "Takato, digivolve to... MegaTakatomon!" "It's just like a huge Digimon vacuum cleaner!" "Jeez! Why can't Guilmon pedal for awhile?"! "We've got to keep trying!" "But they're evil, right? So, it's our duty - our duty as Digimon Tamers - to defeat them, isn't it?" "Oh, man. What a day, huh? We've been dropped, lost, starved, attacked, and stampeded!" "Guilmon, listen to me! You have to fight it!" "Ugh, you sure get loud when you're tired." "Guilmon! You saved us!" "I didn't know falling could get so boring." "Why don't the nasty Digimon ever get scared and run away?" "I feel totally useless! Guilmon, where are you?!" "This is it. Have any bright ideas?" "I'll take you both on anytime with whatever you got." "Well, he looks real because he is real." "It's cute all right. I can't believe I just said that." "At least Jeri doesn't think that he's a monster. Although she would scream like a banshee if she saw Growlmon." (thinking) "I know. But I realized even though you were still Growlmon on the outside, you were still the same bread scarfing goof on the inside, right?" "It is just a game. But in the real world, games don't change shape on their own." "Whoever put him together lost the directions." (about Kumbhiramon) "Sometimes I miss the real world. At least I understand stuff there." "Well, it's not like I like you or anything, 'cause I do. Aw, man!" "Come down here! ... Not on me!"(to Guilmon) "Umm, this is new." "That's one seriously big pig!" (about Vikaralamon) "We were meant to do this!" "Guilmon was always Guilmon until I messed him up. No matter how big he got, he was always my friend... my partner... but I let him down. I acted like a fool. I really wanted Beelzemon to suffer for what he had done. It wasn't enough to defeat him... he had to hurt. It's bad enough that I felt that way, but it's worse for Guilmon. I made him a monster." "Who's this true enemy they're talking about?" "Uh- yes?... I- I mean no, ma'am, no, actually, actually I do mean yes. I mean, I'm sorry... I'm really sorry." "Woah! It looks like the sky's on fire!" "A digi-egg. My very own, real life digi-egg!" "Why do I always get the difficult Digimon?" "Well, thanks Rika. It's not every day you get to meet your dream girl. Sorry, I couldn't resist!" "Looks like whoever put him together lost the manual!" (about Kumbhiramon) "The only thing worse then waking up and going to school is waking up and being in school!"
Guilmon "I'm going to need a lot of peanut butter after this one!" "What's that? Some kind of food finder?" (about Yamaki's mini data pad) "I'm not listening? Sorry. Sorry. Time to play?!" "Guilmon Bread!!" "A Digimon... and it's really big!" "I won't let you, or your sovereign, or anyone else mess up my friendship with Takato!" "But everything makes me hungry!" "When I see food my brain shuts off." "I need a bigger tummy." "Peanut butter!" "Guilmon Bread! Guilmon Bread! There's a loaf that looks like my head!" "I ate so fast, I forgot to breath. I need a new tummy, Takato. Draw one for me?" "Staring contest!" (with the D-Reaper's agents) "Listen to me! Stop!!" (to the Ark) "I told you, it's a real good listener." (about the Ark) "You have to admit it, this sure beats walking." "Look, Takatomon, I can walk on my hands!" "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" "Waiting is so hard!" "My poor bread." "Can I breakfast now? Please!" "No argument here, Kenta!" "MarineAngemon got rid of scary Jeri!" "Takato is my mommy." "They can call me anything they want, as long as they brought me peanut butter!"
Growlmon "Takatomon, digivolve to..." (dreaming) "Now I'm stuck!" "So we made a couple mistakes. No big deal!" "Takato, I need you."
WarGrowlmon "As long as Takato is with me, I'll never give up!" "You are a worthy Tamer! Thank you for fighting by my side!" (to Takato) "You've been a very naughty kitty." (to Mihiramon) "That was one mean sausage machine."
Gallantmon "Not until you see that humans and Digimon are more powerful when they fight together." "Now you must pay the ultimate price!" (to Beezlemon) "We're as mad as heck, and we're not going to take it anymore!" "We do deserve to exist! You don't!"
Takato & his Digimon
"Can we look for the bread now?" -Guilmon
"Wow, this goes on forever." -Takato
"Oh, Guilmon, wish we could just start over. I'd be a lot more careful if I'd known you were going to be real. And you're about as real as they come. I don't understand why Rika thought data couldn't be real. You were real! Wasn't that proof enough? You were my friend..." -Takato
"Guilmon! I'm back! I even brought peanut bu-- ahh!! What did you do to this place?" -Takato
[Guilmon runs around Takato's room and pushes things off his desk.]
[Behind Takato's house]
[In an alley way, Takato build's a place for Guilmon to stay]
[Takato runs onto the school roof]
"Can we go search for the bread now?" -Guilmon
"Let's get him!" -Takato
"Takatomon, are you my mommy?" -Guilmon
"Growlmon, up! Up!" -Takato
"But I'm not worthy. It's all my fault! You wouldn't have gotten hurt if it wasn't for me! I've been a coward, Growlmon, and I'm so sorry! But, if you're willing to give me one more chance, then I have no choice but to take it! Growlmon!" -Takato
"Growlmon, it's two AM." -Takato
[About Rika]
"That Rika's a barrel of laughs." -Takato
"Why are you burying your dinner?" -Takato
"DarkLizardmon was one tough cookie, but you did it!" -Takato
"Have a good night, Jeri." -Takato
"You're back..." -Takato
"Sure feels good to be me again." -Takato
"We sure have had our share of trouble, haven't we, boy?" -Takato
"Don't be afriad." -Growlmon
"Guilmon! Stop chasing squirrels!" -Takato
Manga Quotes “Gotta... Catch ‘am... No! No.” -Takato (sleeping)
“Listen up, okay? My name is Takato. Ta-ka-to. Now you.” -Takato “Eat these if you’re hungry. Fee? Mm. An’ don’ talk wif you mouf fu’.” -Takato (to Guilmon) “Wow. His Digimon’s multi-lingual.” -Takato (about Terriermon)
“Takatomon? More food.” -Guilmon