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Digimon Introductions

Adventure/Zero Two

~ Tai Kamiya
~ Matt Ishida
~ Sora Takenouchi
~ Izzy Izumi
~ Mimi Tachikawa
~ Joe Kido
~ TK Takaishi
~ Kari Kamiya
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps

Zero Two

~ Davis Motomiya
~ Yolei Inoue
~ Cody Hida
~ Ken Ichijouji
TK Takaishi ~ see Adventure
Kari Kamiya ~ see Adventure
~ DNA Digimon
~ Other Characters
~ TK/Kari Group
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takato Matsuki
~ Henry Wong
~ Rika Nonaka
~ Jeri Katou
~ Kazu Shiota
~ Kenta Kitagawa
~ Suzie Wong
~ Ryo Akiyama
~ Calumon
~ Impmon/Beezlemon
~ Other Characters
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Takuya Kanbara
~ Koji Minamoto
~ Zoe Orimoto
~ Tommy Himi
~ J.P. Shibayama
~ Koichi Kimura
~ Bokomon/Neemon/Patamon
~ Seraphimon/Ophanimon/Sorcermon
~ Susanoomon
~ Other Characters
~ Group
~ Digimon Analyzer
~ Episode Recaps


~ Adventure
~ Zero Two
~ Tamers
~ Frontier
~ Movies


~ Digimon DS
~ Digimon Dawn/Dusk
~ All Analyzer Introductions
~ Submitted Quotes

Site Related

~ Past Updates
~ Return to Takari's Castle

Digimon Introductions

Number of times a character intro'd a Digimon
25 (Smarty-waist-band)- Bokomon
20 (The know-it-alls)- Rika, Tentomon
17- Izzy
14- Ophanimon
11- Takato
10- Henry
9- Agumon
6- Gomamon, Palmon, TK, Digimon Emperor
5- Armadillomon, Mimi
4- Veemon, Arukenimon
3- Patamon, Gatomon, Bokomon/Neemon, Ken, Hawkmon, DemiDevimon, Phantomon
2- Andromon, Ryo, Digmon, Submarimon, Ogremon, Jeri, Chuumon, Joe, Bokomon/Zoe
Cameos- Ankylomon, Apemon, Apocalymon, Pegasusmon, Gabumon, Crabmon, Devimon, Digitamamon, MetalSeadramon, Elecmon, ExVeemon, Flamedramon, Floramon, Tokomon, Giromon, Gizamon, Pumpkinmon, Guardromon, Michael, Halsemon, Imperialdramon, Kokatorimon, Koromon, LadyDevimon, Lillymon, MagnaAngemon, Magnamon, Mammothmon, MarineDevimon, Ikkakumon, Kari, Motimon, Mummymon, Mushroomon, Poromon, Leomon, Biyomon, Gotsumon, Raidramon, RedVegiemon, Scubamon, ShadowSeraphimon, Gekomon, Shurimon, SkullSatanmon, Sorcermon, Tapirmon, Tortomon, Triceramon, Tsunomon, Piximon, Piedmon, Duskmon/Velgemon, Grumblemon/Gigasmon, Baronmon, Crusadermon, Dynasmon, Susanoomon, Baromon, Nefertimon
Group- Cody/Armadillomon, Agunimon/Bokomon, Tokomon/DemiDevimon, Duskmon/BurningGreymon, Hawkmon/Yolei, Tai/Koromon, Bokomon/Patamon, Bokomon/Ranamon, Roachmon Brothers, Tanemon/Mimi, Yokomon/Sora, TK/Patamon, Joe/Tai/Bukamon, Datirimon/Oikawa/Cody, Mimi/Salamon/Kari, Kari/Tai/Shellmon, TK/Patamon/Biyomon, Izzy/Tai/Tokomon/TK, Bokomon/Takuya, Mushroomon Brothers, Minomon/Neemon/Bokomon, Takuya/Grumblemon


"Big and red, likes flame, not Santa Claus. It's Agunimon!" -Bokomon (All Aboard)

"Allomon, an armor Digimon type. Let's see if his Dino Burst attack has any bite to it." -Rika (O Partner, Where Art Thou?)

"Andromon is one of the most powerful Digimon of all. His body is a tireless machine capable of almost anything." -Tentomon (Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker)

"I remember now. We met Andromon on File Island. He was the android Digimon who had a Black Gear stuck in his mechanism. But we removed it and freed him of its evil spell." -Tentomon (The Crest of Light)

"I am Andromon. I have one mission: Seek out my enemy and destroy them with my Lightning Blade." -Andromon (Guardian Angel)

"Well, he's not lying. Andromon, ultimate level." -Rika (Kazu's Upgrade)

"They digivolved, mom. Angemon is the fully evolved version of Patamon..." -Izzy (Prophecy)

"Angemon has a virtuous and compassionate heart. And few can withstand his Hand of Fate attack." -Bokomon (The Bully Pulpit)

"...and Angewomon is the same for Gatomon. You see, mom, trust me on this, huh?" -Izzy (Prophecy)

"I'm Ankylomon, a champion Digimon. My whole body is covered in super strength steel. I clap evil-doers with my Megaton Press attack, and the bows that shoot from my Tail Hammer will definitely put a dent in any enemy's plans!" -Ankylomon (If I Had A Tail Hammer)

"I am Apemon. I swing into action and use my Mega Bone Stick attack to demolish my enemies." -Apemon (A Chance Encounter)

"I am Apocalymon, a mutant Digimon. My Darkness Zone attack transforms my enemy into nothingness. I have the power to turn everything I touch into total darkness. Perhaps I will start with Earth." -Apocalymon (Now Apocalymon)

"Aquilamon. This giant winged Digimon sails along at super sonic speeds and beats his opponents with his special Grand Horn attack." -Armadillomon (Spirit Needle)

"Wowee, I think my shell fell asleep. Hi, I'm Armadillomon, and you and I are partners!" -Armadillomon
"Oh, well..." -Cody
(The DigiTeam Complete)

"Welcome to my parlor said the spider to the fly." -Arukenimon (Arukenimon's Tangled Web)

"Asuramon. This fire Digimon has three heads and four arms. His Fire Fist of Shiva attack is a quadruple threat." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (The Dark Heart of Friendship)

"Azulongmon, he's one of the four sovereigns. I don't get it, why is he fighting Zhuqiaomon?" -Takato (Azulongmon Explains It All)

"Babamon, mega level. Special attack, Empress Haze. Hey! Wow, wha'd'ya know, they're married!" -Rika (Kazu and Kenta's Excellent Adventure)

"Baihumon, a mega guardian of the west. He's one of the four Digimon sovereigns." -Ryo (Song of Sakuyamon)

"The masked man was the evil Lord Bakemon in disguise. No one has ever seen him in his true form." -Gomamon (The Dancing Digimon)

"Despite their obvious dental hygiene problems, Bakemon are able to accurately impersonate any other creature. Their attack is called the Dark Claw." -Veemon (Ken's Secret)

"Bakumon, the product of a medical sleep research computer program. His special attack is Dark Syndrome." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Welcome to My Nightmare)

"I am Baronmon. I cannot allow you to pass." -Baronmon (It Can't Be! Lucemon Reappears)

"Look, J.P. spirit evolved!" -Agunimon
"Yes, to Beetlemon, the warrior of thunder." -Bokomon
(Ladies and Gentlemen: The Beetlemon)

"Beezlemon, mega level. His Double Impact and Darkness Claw attacks are almost always lethal." -Henry (Motorcycle Madness)

"Now he's Beowolfmon." -Bokomon
"Hold up. How did you know his name is Beowolfmon?" -Neemon
"That's a silly question. What else would you call him?" -Bokomon
(Stuck in Sakkakumon With You)

"Betamon is really cool. He lives in the water and uses his Beta Slugger attack to wipe out his enemies." -Palmon (The Samurai of Sincerity)

"That's BigMamemon. But don't let his size fool you either. He looks slow, but watch out for his Big Smart Bomb attack." -Patamon (Digimon World Tour Part II)

"BlackWarGreymon's a mega Digimon who looks like WarGreymon, but he's pure evil! His Terra Destroyer releases a concentration of 100% negative energy!" -Pegasusmon (Ultimate Anti-Hero)

"That's Blossomon, an ultimate Digimon. Her Spiral Flower attack is a good excuse for weed killer, and her children are worse than thorns!" -Ken (Opposites Attract)

"Ahhh!" -Joe
"Joe?" -Tai
"Ahh! Help me! This thing... this thing... it won't leave me alone!" -Joe
"Hey, who are you calling a 'thing'? I'm no stuffed animal. The name is Bukamon." -Bukamon
(And So It Begins...)

"Burgermon, a Digimon with a burger-shaped head." -Bokomon (The Man On the Moon is You)

"Caturamon, ultimate level, exalted beast Digimon. That guy's a deva!" -Rika (?)

"That is one bad dog. Bad Dog. Ceberumon, special attack Emerald Blaze. And that's why we need your help." -Bokomon (All Aboard)

"Centarumon, half man half horse. You really don't want to get on either of his bad sides." -Tentomon (A Clue From the Digi-Past)

"Centarumon isn’t too big on brains, but he’s huge on brawn. And his Solar Ray attacks won’t brighten up your day." -Bokomon (The Bully Pulpit)

"Chameleomon, with their specialized skin, they appear o disappear. And a tongue lashing from them is one you'll never forget." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (You Want Fries With That?)

"Be careful, that's Cherrymon, Lord of the Forest. And the best reason for the existence of termites!" -Gabumon (Trash Day)

"Cherrymon, evolved from Woodmon. He’s like Woodmon’s older, bigger, and much meaner brother." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Zoe's Unbeelievable Adventure)

"Chuchidarumon, champion Digimon with a tendency to scare." -Takato (Motorcycle Madness)

"The tall one's Clockmon, champion level. Special attack, Tempest Fugit." -Rika (Blame It On Ryo)

"That's Coelmon. If he thought Crabmon was crabby, wait 'till you see this guy's Fossil Bite attack. He'll wipe out his enemies hook, line, and sinker." -Gomamon (Digimon World Tour Part II)

"I'm Crabmon. I use my Scissors Attack on anyone who gets in my way. If you need help, call me in a pinch." -Crabmon (Digimon World Tour Part II)

"I am Crusadermon, the indifferent warrior." -Crusadermon (It Can't Be! Lucemon Reappears)

"Cyberdramon, another ultimate. Special attack, Desolation Claw." -Rika (Blame It On Ryo)

"Daemon, he's a spooky Digimon who not only attacks with his gigantic wings and deadly force beams, but he's Evil Inferno can really turn up the heat on his enemies." -Veemon (?)

"That's DarkTyrannomon. He was actually a nice guy once, until he was taken over by an evil computer virus, and his personality did a one-eighty." -Palmon (Flower Power)

"A computer program turned Tyrannomon into the evil DarkTyrannomon. Watch out for his Fire Breath attack." -TK (The Emperor's New Home)

"His name's Datamon, a super intelligent robotic Digimon, he disappeared without a trace sometime ago. No one ever knew what happened to him." -Tentomon (Prisoner in the Pyramid)

"Datamon is good with any machine or electrical device. But he's not really good with people." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Bizarre Bazaar)

"Yukio!" -Digimon
"What's this?" -Oikawa
"Who is this Digimon?" -Cody
"I'm Datirimon. I'm Yukio's partner Digimon." -Datirimon
(A Million Points of Light)

"Deltamon is a dragon type Digimon with a metal head for one hand and skull for the other! His attacks are Tri-Flex Force and Dragon's Bite!" -Veemon (Ken's Secret)

"DemiDevimon, I've heard of you." -Tokomon
"I'm flattered." -DemiDevimon
"Don't be. Nothing I heard was good." -Tokomon
(Forget About It!)

"Deputymon is a barrel-chested Digimon that shoots from the lip. But usually he's helpful and harmless." -Armadillomon (The Good, the Bad, and the Digi)

"And the other guard is Deramon. At first glance, it looks like a bird Digimon, but it's actually got a plant growing out of it's back." -Izzy (Etemon’s Comeback Tour)

"Devidramon, he's one nasty Digimon , guardian of the Gate. Devi doesn't like losing. If you want a real surprise, look into his eyes. You'll be hypnotized." -Gatomon (The Gateway to Home)

"Woah, Devidramon. Man, he gives the evil eye a whole new meaning. Hmm, champion level, virus type. Ouch, that Crimson Claw attack of his looks nasty." -Takato (A Question of Trust)

"For I am Devimon, ultimate ruler of the demon underworld. You must obey my every command." -Devimon (Evil Shows His Face)

Nothing can penetrate my shell, and when I poach my enemies with my Nightmare Syndromer attack their minds get cracked!" -Digitamamon (WereGarurumon's Diner)

"Those Divermon. If it weren't for their Striking Fish attack, they'd be useless to me." -MetalSeadramon (Sea-Sick and Tired)

"Divermon, ultimate level. Special attack, Striking Fish?" -Henry (Shibumi Speaks)

"I, too, am an Armor Digimon. As Armadillomon, I used the DigiEgg of Knowledge to armor digivolve." -Digmon (The DigiTeam Complete)

"Dogmon. He's full of nasty tricks and can stretch himself like rubber." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Trailmon vs. Trailmon)

"It's Dokugumon, an evil Digimon with computer virus parasites covering his body." -Izzy (All On The Cards)

"Oh no! It's the dreaded Dokugumon! He's a poison Digimon, who's special attack is Poison Thread! You don't want to get caught up in his web!" -Hawkmon (Run Yolei Run)

"With her Poison Thread attack, this spider's as deadly as she is ugly!" -Rika (O Partner, Where Art Thou?)

"Dolphmon are playful champion Digimon of the ocean. But you wouldn't by too playful if they hit you with their Pulse Blast attack." -Submarimon (Cody Takes A Stand)

"Drimogemon lives deep inside the earth drilling tunnels. He uses his Iron Drill Spin and Crusher Bone to wipe out his enemies." -Tentomon (Departure for a New Continent)

"Drimogemon lives deep inside the cavities of the Digital World. His Drill Spin attack will make you wish you were at the dentist!" -Tentomon (The DigiTeam Complete)

"I am Duskmon, legendary warrior of darkness." -Duskmon
"Well, that explains the outfit." -BurningGreymon
(Darkest Before Duskmon)

"I am Dynasmon, the compassionate warrior." -Dynasmon (It Can't Be! Lucemon Reappears)

"No problem. I never run out of ideas or slaves. Ebidramon uses his Twin Scissors attack to crush the enemy like a snail!" -Digimon Emperor (Old Reliable)

"Ebonwumon, mega beast Digimon. He's one of the sovereigns." -Ryo (Azulongmon Explains It All)

"I am Elecmon, caretaker of baby Digimon. Don't cross wires with me." -Elecmon (DigiBaby Boom)

"There's nothing entertaining about Etemon. He has the power to control anything electronic through his Dark Network." -Tentomon (Dark Network of Etemon)

"I feel like a new 'mon! Davis, wait'll you see my V-Laser attack! It'll made V-Head Butt look like a tip off the shoulder." -ExVeemon (Davis Cries Wolfmon)

"I am Flamedramon. As Veemon, I used the DigiEgg of Courage to armor digivolve. My Fire Rocket attack will char-broil the enemy like a well-done steak." -Flamedramon (Enter Flamedramon)

"One of them's Floramon. She's a plant type Digimon who digivolves like a reptile. Her attack is Rain of Pollen." -Izzy (Etemon’s comeback Tour)

"We're Floramon! We may look like flowers, but our Rain of Pollen will make hay fever look like a walk in the roses!" -Floramon (Big Trouble in Little Edo)

"Here he is. Flymon. Classified as an insect Digimon, a virus type, and I think we already know what his attack is, and it's not very pleasant." -Izzy (Sora's Crest of Love)

"That's Flymon. The only thing worse than his Deadly Sting attack is the sound he makes when attacking! When I hear him coming, I usually just dig a hole until he blows over." -Armadillomon (The Storm of Friendship)

"Frigimon is a food friendly snowman. But don't worry, Tai, he's a good Digimon." -Agumon (Sub-Zero Ice Punch)

"Freeze them, Frigimon, with your Sub-Zero Ice Punch! It's amazing how these docile creatures can be turned into such abominable snowmen." -Digimon Emperor (Old Reliable)

""Gallantmon, exalted knight Digimon. His Lightning Joust and Shield of the Just attacks are unstoppable." -Henry (Give A Little Bit)

"Oh oh, Garbagemon. There as tough as they are mean! And they don't smell very good, either." -Palmon (Trash Day)

"Gargomon, Terriermon's champion form. What a difference. His attack's Gargo Laser, whatever that means." -Rika (To Fight or Not to Fight)

"Garudamon is the ultimate form of Birdramon. She commands the sky and protects the Earth. Her attack is a flaming bird called Wing Blade." -Tentomon (Sora's Crest of Love)

"Garurumon's fur is legendary. It's as strong as steel. He's like a growling torpedo." -Tentomon (Garurumon)

"Gatomon. She may look like a harmless little kitty, but deep down, she's an out-of-control wild cat. Don't ever cross her path." -DemiDevimon (The Gateway to Home)

"Look, those are Gazimon. One the scale of one to ten, ten being bad, these Digimon are twelve!" -Tokomon (Dark Network of Etemon)

"Oh, those are Gekomon. I've heard of them. They really love music. Not surprising since they're born with those horns." -Gomamon (Princess Karaoke)

"Gesomon. Take a bit of everything nasty the lives underwater, stick it together, and that's him." -Tentomon (Almost Home Free)

"The other one's Gigadramon. If anything, he's more powerful than his biddy. Believe me, if these guys were shooting at us, we wouldn't still be here talking about it." -Tentomon (My Sister's Keeper)

"Execute! Beast Spirit..." -Grumblemon
"...Evolution! Gigasmon!" -Gigasmon
(A Molehill Out of A Mountain)

"You can't get much nastier than me, that's for sure. My Spinning Mine attack will sink your ship." -Giromon (Digimon World Tour Part II)

"You can go ahead and scream. It doesn't bother us Gizamon. We travel in packs, creating terror, whether on land or underwater." -Gizamon (?)

"I know all about Gizamon. They're amphibian Digimon with webbed feet. Their fins cut through the water like knives." -Digimon Emperor (Old Reliable)

"Goblimon. Let's see, he cheats, he's got a fire ball, Goblin Strike. Ugh, it's just a rookie. Where's the sport in that? Walk all over him, Renamon." -Rika (Digimon, Digimon Everywhere)

"Goblimon! This ogre Digimon loves being bad. His special attack is Goblin Strike." -Bokomon (Ladies and Gentlemon: The Beetlemon)

"Golemon, a monstrous Digimon made up of stones and minerals. His Crimson Curse attack overpowers his enemies." -Palmon (Spirit Needle)

"Golemon. Made entirely of stone, his special attack is Sulfur Plume. It's a blast of volcanic gas that turns his enemies to ashes." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (A Hunka Hunka BurningGreymon)

"Gomamon are cute and curious, but if you get them mad they won't hesitate to attack. Then again, what does around here?" -Bokomon (The Swiss Family Digimon)

"Gorillamon is the Digimon I saw in New York. Watch out for him Energy Cannon attack! It'll drive you bananas!" -Michael (The Samurai of Sincerity)

"Gorillamon, he's a beast Digimon. Champion level." -Henry (It Came From the Other Side)

"Gotsumon, you are the 'mon. We're gonna have such a blast in the real world. They might name a building after you. The Gotsu-Monument, where they keep all the party supplies." -Pumpkinmon (Out On The Town)

"A Gotsumon. They're living rocks, but basically kids and can be real troublemakers, let me tell you." -Bokomon (Can't Keep A Grumblemon Down)

"He digivolved into GranLocomon." -Kenta (Movie: Runaway Digimon Express)

"Oh, yeah. Says who?!" -Takuya
"Say me. And you say me too once you know who I am. You can call me Grumblemon." -Grumblemon
(A Molehill Out of a Mountain)

"Gryphmon, mega level. Phantom beast type Digimon." -Rika (?)

"His name is Guardromon. He's a machine Digimon. And his armor is constructed of solid iron. Absolutely nothing can penetrate that can of beans." -Izzy (The Ultimate Clash)

"I am Guardromon. Whoever enters the premises will become victims of my Grenade Destroyer attack." -Guardromon (Guardian Angel)

"He turned into Guardromon, champion level. Special attack, Guardian Barrage." -Rika (Kazu's Upgrade)

"Come on, some time today... Why doesn't it have any data for pet-mon over there?" -Rika (Digimon, Digimon Everywhere)

"The other guy is Hagurumon, rookie level. Special attack, Cog Crusher." -Rika (Blame It On Ryo)

"I am an Armor Digimon. As Hawkmon, I used the DigiEgg of Love to armor digivolve. I use my Tempest Wing attack to defeat my enemies!" -Halsemon (The DigiTeam Complete)

"Whoa, it's Harpymon. that's one nasty Digimon with screeches like nails down a chalkboard. Renamon's going to have a tough time dealing with her Wind Seeker attack!" -Takato (Divided They Stand)

"Hello, I'm Hawkmon, and I've been waiting to make your acquaintance!" -Hawkmon
"Uh, are you talking to me?" -Yolei
(The DigiTeam Complete)

"Then how about, Hogmon? With super Hog Smell and the power to snort up enemies in a single sniff like this *snort*!" -TK
"I am not a pig, TK!" -Patamon
"It's okay to be a pig." -TK
"I'm sure it is, especially for pigs, but that's not me!" -Patamon
(Digi-Baby Boom)

Hououmon (Phoenixmon)
"Hououmon, another mega. A sacred beast type." -Takato (?)

"The Honeybeemon's speed makes them dangerous. Luckily, there're not so swift upstairs." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Zoe's Unbeelievable Adventure)

"Hmm. IceDevimon. Whoa, a champion fallen angel Digimon." -Henry (The Icemon Cometh)

"One of the nastiest Digimon around. Don't expect any mercy from this cold-hearted creature." -Bokomon (Ice Ice Baby)

"IceLeomon, the proud and mighty king of the cold. His chilling attack will really bring you down." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Stuck in Sakkakumon With You)

"Yes, but I've digivolved into the highest level, my mega form, Imperialdramon. I am stronger than any other Digimon. My Mega Crusher attack is virtually unstoppable." -Imperialdramon (Dramon Power)

Imperialdramon (Fighter Mode)
"Imperialdramon, Fighter Mode. In this mode he has the ability to walk on two legs and is fighting power is tripled." -Ken (Invasion of the Daemon Corps.)

"Impmon, a new player to the game. Well, I'm in." -Rika (O Partnet, Where Art Thou?)

"Indramon. He's a deva. His Horn of Desolation is something you don't want to hear." -Rika (?)

"Jagamon, ultimate level plant Digimon that travel in herds." -Rika (Brave New Digital World)

"Jijimon, mega level. Special attack, Claw of Doom." -Rika (Kazu and Kenta's Excellent Adventure)

″Karatenmon, a wandering warrior. It′s said that he has arcane abilities gained through the guidance of many mysterious masters.″ –Ophanimon (D-Tector) (The Dark Heart of Friendship)

"Wow, she's a big butterfly!" -Neemon
"That's not a butterfly, that's one of the ten Legendary Warriors! She has bonded with the Ancient Spirit of the Wind. She's Kazemon!" -Bokomon
(Kazemon Kicks It)

"KendoGarurumon, the ancient beast spirit of light." -Bokomon
"KendoGaruru- who?" -Neemon
"Garurumon!" -Bokomon
(Can't Keep A Grumblemon Down)

"Kimeramon is me ultimate creation. I used other Digimon to create this unstoppable fighting creature. His Heat Piper attack will melt his enemies into oblivion!" -Digimon Emperor (An Old Enemy Returns)

"Oh, no! It's Kiwimon, an ancient Digimon that was said to be extinct. Although he's a bird type Digimon, his wings have degenerated, so he can't fly." -Tentomon (Playing Games)

"Hello, Knightmon. Don't get him angry, Mummymon, because he'll drive you crazy with his Berserk Sword attack." -Arukenimon (If I Only Had A Heart)

″Knightmon are always ready, willing, and able to fight. They won′t hesitate to use their electric slash attack.″ –Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Now You See It, Now You Don′t)

"I'm Kokatorimon. My cock-a-doodle-doo'll blow out your eardrums!" -Kokatorimon (The Crest of Sincerity)

"Kokuwamon! Machine Digimon. When they feel threatened, they let out a million-volt electrical charge. Their special attack is Power Surge." -Bokomon (Ladies and Gentlemon: The Beetlemon)

"KorIkkakumon, legendary beast warrior of ice." -Bokomon (Bizarre Bazaar)

"My name's Koromon. And we're partners!" -Koromon
"Koromon. That means, 'talking head'?" -Tai
"It means 'brave little warrior'. And don't forget it, Tai!" -Koromon
(And So It Begins...)

"It is! Kumamon, the Legendary Warrior of Ice!" -Bokomon (Kumamon Baby, Light My Fire)

"Kumbhiramon, deva Digimon, ultimate level. His Deva Clone attack makes him six times the trouble." -Takato (Jeri's Quest)

"Kunemon. These larva Digimon have a shocking attack, the Electric Thread. They're small, but pack quite a wallop." -Armadillomon (The Insect Master's Trap)

"His name is Kuwagamon. He's an insectoid Digimon. Vicious and ruthless, with teeth like knives and scissors hands that can chop through anything!" -Koromon (And So It Begins...)

"It's Kuwagamon all right, there's no mistaking that ugly face. But he sure is bigger than he was the last time we saw him." -Palmon (Piximon's Cometh)

"LadyDevimon, programed to be the ultimate fully digivolved fighting soldier who serves as gatekeeper and bodyguard of the last Dark Master." -Izzy (Joe's Battle)

"I'm LadyDevimon, a fallen angel Digimon. My Darkness Wave attack changes my opponents power into exploding dark energy." -LadyDevimon (Invasion of the Daemon Corps)

"Leomon, you may be mighty now, but now you face me. Your kind-hearted leadership is unimpressive." -Ogremon (Evil Shows His Face)

"Champion level. His bravery is matched by his Fist of the Beast King attack." -Takato (Jeri's Quest)

"It's just little old me. Or should I say little old us. I'm Palmon and Togemon too! This is just my fully digivolved form. You can call me Lillymon!" -Lillymon (Flower Power)

"That's the legendary warrior of light: Lobomon!" -Bokomon (Lobomon, the Warrior of Light)

"Locomon, machine Digimon. Ultimate. That train's not a train." -Takato (Movie: Runaway Digimon Express)

"Check it out, Lopmon. Rookie level, data beast Digimon. She's little but has a big special attack, Blazing Ice." -Henry (Rabbit Transit)

Lucemon- Chaos Mode
"It is Lucemon. But now he is in his full Chaos Mode." -Bokomon (When Knight Fall...)

"Be prepared for another mega Digimon. He's called Machinedramon. This metallic mutant can blow out a Digimon like a birthday candle!" -Izzy (Enter The Dark Masters)

"I am MagnaAngemon. I have eight shining wings and a beam shield. I wield the mighty sword Excaliber, and my devastating attack is the Gate of Destiny." -MagnaAngemon (Piedmon's Last Jest)

"I am a golden armor Digimon, Magnamon. I attack with my Magna Blaster, and I look so good doing it, too!" -Magnamon (The Crest of Kindness)

"He's nothing but a deadly blood sucking fiend. Nothing is as evil as MaloMyotismon." -Gatomon (Oikawa’s Shame)

"That's Mamemon. Don't let his size fool you. What he lacks in height, he makes up for with his Smart Bomb attack." -Agumon (Digimon World Tour Part II)

″Mamemon are small, ball-like robot Digimon. They are friendly, but if threatened, they pack a wallop with their Smiley Bomb attack.″ –Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Jerks and the Beanstalk)

"He's called Mammothmon. He's a fully evolved Digimon with the strength of a woolly mammoth. He shoots missiles he calls Tusk Crushers and does an attack he calls Freezing Breath." -Izzy (Return to Highton View Terrace)

"Hardly, we're Mammothmon, giant woolly Digimon who travel in herds. You are no match for our Tusk Crusher." -Mammothmon (If I Only Had A Heart)

"You'd be wrong again, Kenta. Meet MarineAngemon, mega. Special attack, Kahuna Waves." -Rika (Janyu's Ark)

"I am MarineDevimon, an ocean Digimon. I use my Dark Deluse attack to shoot out poison ink." -MarineDevimon (Invasion of the Daemon Corps)

"That's Megadramon, a fully digivolved lying fiend with devastating destructive powers. Those missiles of his can level a city block in the blink of an eye." -Izzy (My Sister's Keeper)

"Megadramon, a virus dragon Digimon. Uh oh, he's ultimate level. Special attacks are Parry Force and Dark Side Attack. He looks tough." -Rika (Blame It On Ryo)

"MegaGargomon, special attack, Gargo Missiles." -Rika (No Mon Is An Island)

"Kabuterimon was successful. He digivolved to ultimate MegaKabuterimon. Let's see if you can take him on, Vademon." -Izzy (No Questions, Please)

"That's MegaSeadramon. The regular old Seadramon was bad enough, but compared to this fully digivolved version, he was just an angry guppy." -Patamon (City Under Siege)

"He's an ultimate level Digimon who destroys his enemies with his Lightning Javelin and Mega Ice Blast attacks." -Ikkakumon (20,000 DigiLeagues Under The Sea)

"Megidramon, a virus type mega. I agree with you guys. I don't think this was supposed to happen." -Henry (?)

"Meet Mekanorimon. His Twin Beam will annihilate anything. Which makes housework a breeze." -Tentomon (The Ultimate Clash)

"Mekanorimon. Evil robots with one job, blasting Digimon. I suggest we get out of here and fast." -Agumon (My Sister's Keeper)

"Meramon is a firey Digimon. There's no reason he should be in pain from his own flame. That's his nature." -Palmon (Biyomon Gets Firepower)

"Meramon are very dangerous. They can burn you with their Roaring Flame attack or just by touching you." -Kari (The Emperor's New Home)

"Meramon, champion level. His special attack is Magna Blast." -Henry (Brave New Digital World)

"You know Etemon was tough, MetalEtemon's a mega Digimon. After his Banana Split attack, you'll have to peel us off the floor." -Gomamon (Etemon's Comeback Tour)

"And MetalGarurumon has his Metal Wolf Claw attack. Shoots a cold blast at his enemies and then blows them to pieces!" -Izzy (The Battle for Earth)

"MetalGreymon uses his own body as a weapon during combat. It's most powerful weapon is the Giga Destroyer." -? (The Earthquake of MetalGreymon)

MetalGreymon (evil)
"MetalGreymon's armor not only protects him, but it conceals his destructive Giga Blaster attack!" -TK (The Captive Digimon)

"Oh my! It's the legendary beast warrior of thunder!" -Bokomon (No Whamon)

"Oh, it says it's MetalKoromon, a rookie machine Digimon." -Jeri (Motorcycle Madness)

"He's MetalMamemon. Being a cyborg type Digimon, he's the strongest of all. His Metal Smart Bombs are iron clad." -Agumon (Digimon World Tour Part II)

"This guy is one hard nose and I mean hard nose. Take my advice, this is one train you'd rather miss." -Chuumon (Enter The Dark Masters)

"Meteormon. This Digimon eats Meteor Burgers. His special attack is Cosmo Flash." -Bokomon (The Man In The Moon Is You)

Mimi Tachikawa
"I'm Mimi. I've set my sights on the fashion world of New York. But, don't think I'm just a strawberry blond beauty who knows she's beautiful!" -Mimi (Family Picnic)

"Warning! Warning! A warning from Minomon!" -Minomon
"Hello there." -Neemon
"Didn't you hear me? I said warning! Warning!" -Minomon
"They're larva Digimon." -Bokomon
(Ladies and Gentlemen: The Beetlemon)

"Minotarumon is a champion Digimon with a nasty left jab. His Earthquake Drill will turn that bridge into stepping stones." -Arukenimon (United We Stand)

"Mojyamon is a peaceful mountain Digimon that doesn't like fighting." -Agumon (Sub-Zero Ice Punch)

"Mojyamon is a frosty Digimon that lives in the snowy mountains. His Bone Boomerang attack will make your head spin!" -Tentomon (The DigiTeam Complete)

"Although, it is wise to be a bit cautious with a Monochromon. They do tend to get a bit miffed when they're hungry." -Tentomon (Garurumon)

"Monochromon! His shell is harder than diamonds! His attack, Volcanic Strike, sends our millions of fireballs!" -TK (Enter Flamedramon)

"Monzaemon looked like a giant big old teddy bear, but he wasn't very cuddly." -Mimi (Togemon in Toytown)

"Oh, allow me to introduce myself. My friends call me Motimon. Everyone does, actually." -Motimon (And So It Begins...)

"Yes, and I'll let you in on a secret I've had under wraps. My Snake Bandage attack is ghostly." -Mummymon (Arukenimon's Tangled Web)

"We're Mushroomon. You wouldn't want us in your veggie omelet! We may be as cute as buttons, but our Fungus Cruncher will leave you scratching your head!" -Mushroomon (Big Trouble in Little Edo)

"We are..." -Mushroomon #1
"...the Mushroomon..." -Mushroomon #2
"...Brothers, yeah!" -Mushroomon #3
(Kazemon Kicks It)

"That's Musyamon, a warrior Digimon who takes different shapes. I've seen him use his Shogun Sword attack to make mincemeat out of his enemies." -Poromon (A Chance Encounter)

"Woah, it's a samurai master, Musyamon, a champion level wizard type. He can slice and dice an entire city with his Shogun Sword." -Takato (Much Ado About Musyamon)

"Oh, boy, Myotismon. How'd I ever get stuck working for this guy? Talk about a bad temper. And he's got all those bats. I hate bats!" -DemiDevimon (Sora's Crest of Love)

"Nanimon is an invader Digimon. I'd tell him what I really think of his sunglasses, but his Power Punch would flatten me." -DemiDevimon (The Gateway to Home)

"That's Nefertimon! She's a flying, fighting machine with nine lives. And she's quite a shot when throwing those Rosetta Stones of hers!" -Veemon (A New Digitude)

"I am Nefertimon. I protect this castle under the order of Lady Ophanimon." -Nefertimon (To Make the World Go Away)

"I should have known that attack belonged to Ninjamon. He'll attack at the most inappropriate moments. He's quite a vulgar Digimon if you ask me." -Hawkmon (Big Trouble in Little Edo)

"These sewer-dwelling Numemon were, like, totally hygiene deficient. They love throwing Nume-Sludge at you. And they have bad breath, too!" -Mimi (Togemon in Toytown)

"Ogremon you are truly the most evil of the bad Digimon. There is no limit to your ruthlessness." -Leomon (Evil Shows His Face)

"Okuwamon is an ultimate level Digimon. Steer clear of his Double Scissors Claw attack. He has a cutting sense of humor." -Arukenimon (United We Stand)

"Ornyxmon is a great black goat who acts as a sentry. He is programmed to hold large amounts of data, which helps him protect the secret treasures and ruins of the Digital World." -Bokomon (Operation: Free Ophanimon)

"Orochimon, ultimate level. Special attack, Inferno Blast." -Jeri (Kazu's Upgrade)

"And I've heard of the other Digimon. They're called Otamamon." -Agumon (Princess Karaoke)

"Otamamon, rookie level. Special attack, Stun Bubble. I doubt that'll give us any trouble." -Henry (Shibumi Speaks)

"Hmm, Pagumon. There's more to them than meets the eye." -Tentomon (Dark Network of Etemon)

"Pagumon?" -Zoe
"Nasty little Digimon with attitude." -Bokomon
(Lobomon: Warrior of Light)

"ExVeemon and Stingmon DNA digivolved to Paildramon. His Desperado Blaster attack will beat Okuwamon for sure!" -TK (Fusion Confusion)

"Pajiramon, Deva based Digimon. Ultimate level." -Henry (Duel With A Deva)

"Parasimon, a parasite Digimon. Why in the world is it here?" -Henry (Movie: Runaway Digimon Express)

"Why of course! That's Parrotmon. He was the mysterious Digimon that appeared in Highton View Terrace approximately four years ago. Now he's completely digivolved." -Izzy (The Ultimate Clash)

"If he doesn't get you with his razor sharp claws, Parrotmon will defeat you with his Sonic Destroyer attack." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Zoe's Unbeelievable Adventure)

"It's Patamon!" -Bokomon
"Hi, everybody!" -Patamon
(Darkest Before the Dawn)

"That's Pegasusmon! He's one wild horse! When he attacks with his Star Shower, his enemies will be blasted into outer space!" -Armadillomon (A New Digitude)

"I'm Phantomon. You don't want to be near me or my frightening little friends when I start to swing my Battle Scythe." -Phantomon (Flower Power)

"Phantomon always carry a scythe and know how to use them. They wear crystals around their necks, which give them clairvoyant power. And their just dying to see into the future to see who their next victim will be." -Bokomon (Operation: Free Ophanimon)

"Ah, it's Piedmon. He's a mega phantom Digimon of the worst kind. You'll never know what he looks like next." -Chuumon (Enter The Dark Masters)

"My goodness. Those are Pipismon. They're mutant Digimon who's power is greatest in the dark. They can reflect sound back exactly as it's heard." -Bokomon (?)

"Piximon is famous in the Digital World for his skills and training, but few have ever met him. His secret home is the training ground for all the great Digimon fighters." -Biyomon (Piximon's Cometh)

"Porkymon! With super strong Oink Attack and the power to, um, oink!" -TK (Digi-Baby Boom)

"Poyomon is a jellyfish type Digimon of few words. But if his friends are in trouble, he's ready for action." -Tentomon (Departure for a New Continent)

"Well, Pumpkinmon, you're the right guy to teach them what fun really is. You are with out a doubt the most rocking creature with a pumpkin for a head. Remember, chicks dig evil Digimon." -Gotsumon (Out On the Town)

"He's also a mega Digimon. Puppetmon has a controlling personality and a rotten temper. Get him mad and he'll bop you with his hammer." -Izzy (Enter The Dark Masters)

"I am Raidramon. As Veemon, I used the DigiEgg of Friendship to armor digivolve. My Blue Thunder and Electric Bite attacks annihilate my enemies." -Raidramon (The Storm of Friendship)

"Oh, my! It's Ranamon!" -Bokomon
"Hi, y'all!" -Ranamon
"She's the legendary warrior of water. And very evil." -Bokomon
(Beastie Girl)

"That's Rapidmon, warrior Digimon, ultimate level. His special attacks are Rapid Fire, Miracle Missile and Tri Beam. I'm glad he's on our side." -Rika (Duel with the Deva)

"Raremon smells like rotting fish, looks like the inside of a trash can, and is someone you never want to meet inside a very dark alley." -Tentomon (The Eighth Digivice)

"Raremon. A sewer Digimon. If the smell of it's rotten flesh doesn't knock you out, it's Acid Sludge Attack will." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Lobomon: Warrior of Light)

"RedVegiemon have extremely volatile tempers, that's why their faces are always red. Not exactly a friendly type." -Izzy (?)

"I am the biggest and the ripest of all Vegiemon! My Stink Jet attack destroys my enemies with noxious fumes!" -Red Vegiemon (Iron Vegiemon)

"I'm Roachmon." -Roachmon #1
"And I'm his twin brother, Roachmon." -Roachmon #2
"I use my Garbage Dump attack to trash my enemies." -Roachmon #1
"And I use my Yard Sale Bombs to wipe out my opponents and clean out my garbage!" -Roachmon #2
(Family Picnic)

"SaberLeomon may have a heart of gold, but he'll crush his opponents with his claws of steel." -Gomamon (Ogremon's Honor)

"Sagittarimon, half-man, half-horse. And all mean. His Judgment Arrow attack is three prongs of pain!" -Bokomon (The Bully Pulpit)

"I just realized who that is. It's the legendary warrior Sakkakumon. This is bad. This is really, really bad." -Bokomon (Alone But Never Alone)

"Sakkakumon. Mercurymon beast spirit evolved to a hideous creature." -Bokomon
"Well, that explains the smell." -Takuya
(Stuck in Sakkakumon With You)

"Sakuyamon, a shaman data type Digimon. Mega level! Renamon and Rika bio-merged to mega!" -Henry (Song of Sakuyamon)

"Look, a stray Digimon." -Mimi
"Don't you recognize me? I was Gatomon. What do I have to do, cough up a fur ball?" -Salamon
"That's Salamon, the rookie form of Gatomon, isn't she cute? Much more cuddlier than her ultimate form of Angewomon. But I guess she's back to being a rookie, because she used up all her energy during the fight." -Kari
(The Battle For Earth)

"Wait, I got something. Sandiramon, a virus type. He's an ultimate Digimon!" -Rika (Snakes, Trains, and Digimon)

"That's Scorpiomon, one of MetalSeadramon's flunkies! Between his pincers and his tail, it's hard to know which end of him is worse!" -Patamon (Sea-Sick and Tired)

"Well, I don't know if we're Digimon, but I know we're Scubamon. We have big flippers for swimming deep in the ocean." -Scubamon (His Master's Voice)

"Wow, Michael! Seadramon is you Digimon?! I still get chills remembering his Ice Blast and Ice Winder attacks!" -Mimi (The Samurai of Sincerity)

"Sepikmon. This lonely Digimon has no friends and spends all his time throwing his Spirit Boomerang to himself." -Bokomon (Sockit Takuya)

"I am ShadowSeraphimon. Wish to fight me now, pathetic whelp?" -ShadowSeraphimon (Darkest Before the Dawn)

"Evil hackers turned the ToyAgumon into the ShadowToyAgumon. Their special attack is Plastic Blaze. But the pain it causes sure isn't fun and games." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Island of Misfit Boys)

"ShadowWereGarurumon is a particularly nasty Digimon. His special attack is Shadow Claw." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Trailmon vs. Trailmon)

"Shakkoumon is the coolest thing out there since cat litter. His enemies better make travel plans because his Hachina Bombs will send them flying." -Gatomon (Kyoto Dragon)

"Shamanmon is a medium. This all-seeing Digimon does a ceremonial dance and uses his magical club to see into the future." -Bokomon (A Hunka Hunka BurningGreymon)

"Attacked by two Digital Monsters in the same day. And doesn't Shellmon know I'm allergic to shellfish?!" -Joe (The Birth of Greymon)

"Tai, a sea monster!" -Kari
"You could say that again! That's Shellmon, and he's not here to play water polo. Paddle like crazy!" -Tai
"There's no escaping. You're in my element now!" -Shellmon
(Sea-Sick and Tired)

"Meet my newest slave: Shellmon. His Aqua Blasters attack shoots water so hard it can demolish solid rock!" -Digimon Emperor (Old Reliable)

"ShogunGekomon finally restored to us after many centuries!" -Gekomon (Princess Karaoke)

"I've seen him in action before! ShogunGekomon is an ultimate Digimon! You may think he just toots his horns, but he can flat a note so flat, it'll flatten everything around him!" -TK (Big Trouble in Little Edo)

I am Shurimon. As Hawkmon, I used the DigiEgg of Sincerity to armor digivolve. My Double Stars attack is double trouble!" -Shurimon (The Samurai of Sincerity)

"Silphymon is the DNA Digivolved form of Gatomon and Aquilamon. Silphymon's Static Force is the ultimate weapon against darkness and hate." -Stingmon (Opposites Attract)

"Sinduramon. Uh oh, he's an ultimate." -Takato (Back to Nature, Back to Battle)

"SkullGreymon! The sight of him makes other Digimon tremble! He is a fully digivolved Digimon whose explosive nature causes him to constantly search for battle." -Tentomon (The Arrival of SkullGreymon)

"The only thing more terrifying than his looks are is fighting skills. His specialty is Dark Shot attack." -TK (The Emperor's New Home)

"He's SkullMeramon. His element is fire. He's tough and can sure dish it out." -Agumon (Gatomon Comes Calling)

"I am SkullSatamon, a ghost Digimon. I seek power and my special Nail Bone attack always crushes anyone who gets in my way." -SkullSatamon (Invasion of the Daemon Corps.)

"SkullSatamon, a frightening fallen angel Digimon, whose lust for power and destruction is only exceeded by his loyalty to Lucemon. He's an unnatural disaster with his deadly Bone Blaster." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Bad To The Bones)

"Snimon, a deadly praying mantis Digimon. Which is so appropriate, since you're about to become his prey." -Phantomon (City Under Siege)

"Quick! Don't let Snimon catch us! This praying mantis Digimon can cut through anything with his Twin Sickles attack!" -Tentomon (Enter Flamedramon)

"Snimon. This praying mantis Digimon has blades for hands. His special attacks is Twin Sickles." -Bokomon (Ladies and Gentlemen: The Beetlemon)

"Teeny weeny SnowBotamon are cute baby Digimon with white fur. Your Bubble Blow attack is almost as big as your appetites." -Mimi (Spirit Needle)

"My solitude has driven common courtesy from me. I apologize, friends. My name is Sorcermon. Please come in." -Sorcermon (Better An Egg Than An Egg Shell)

"Starmon is a law and order Digimon who keeps the peace. But, if you break the law, his powerful Meteor Shower will rain down swift justice upon you!" -Hawkmon (The Good, the Bad, and the Digi)

"Starmon, a helpful star-shaped Digimon. His special attack is Meteor Squall." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (The Man In The Moon Is You)

"This insect Digimon bugs enemies with his Striking Spike attack. Don't try bug spray on him, though. It'll only make him angry!" -Ken (Spirit Needle)

"I am Submarimon. I digivolved using the DigiEgg of Reliability. My Oxygen Torpedo attack makes my enemies truly seasick." -Submarimon (20,000 DigiLeagues Under The Sea)

Sukamon and Chuumon
"Hey, Sukamon and his mouse friend are always together, 'cause they share the same teeny tiny brain." -Palmon (A Clue From the Digi-Past)

"SuperStarmon, a legend in his own time. His special attack is Haley's Squall." -Bokomon (The Man In The Moon Is You)

"I am Susanoomon, inherit of the spirits of the ten legendary warriors." -Susanoomon (Lucemon on the Loose)

″Swanmon! Feathered, yet fierce. This Digimon′s beauty is only rivaled by her protective instints. The feathers will definitely start flying if you try to mess with this mama.″ –Bokomon (Glean Eggs and Scram)

"Mimi, are you all right?" -Tanemon
"Think so?" -Mimi
"Don't worry. Tanemon's here to protect you." -Tanemon
(And So It Begins...)

"Tankmon, an armor plated bully with a sneeze like a cannon. If you think the other guy's are bad, these creeps have more fire power than a volcano." -Agumon (My Sister's Keeper)

"Taomon, ultimate, data type Digimon. Her graceful appearance masks her Thousand Spells and Talisman of Light attacks." -Takato (Digital Beauty)

"I'm Tapirmon. I'll be your waiter. You better leave me a big tip or next time you'll have a fly in your wanton." -Tapirmon (Stone Soup)

"It's Thundermon! He's a highly charged Digimon, who's electrifying. But what's shocking about this pint-sized powerhouse, is that he packs a ten-million-volt wallop!" -Digmon (If I Had A Tail Hammer)

"They're popping up everywhere." -Izzy
"Oh." -Tai
"Hello. I am Tokomon. Hey, TK, over here!" -Tokomon
"Coming! Tokomon, there you are!" -TK
(And So It Begins...)

"I am Tortomon. I am a turtle type Digimon, but I hide my head from no one. I use my Strong Carapace attack to be hard on my enemies." -Tortomon (Davis Cries Wolfmon)

"Oh goody, it's the Toucanmon. Gaudy looking creatures. but very timid. There attack is Crazy Crest. Sounds silly, doesn't it?" -Bokomon (Beastie Girl)

"I'm Triceramon. Get my point well. You will if I use my Tri-Horn attack on you. And don't bother hitting back. My shell is the hardest of any Digimon alive." -Triceramon (Dramon Power)

"Hello. You appear pleasant. Tsunomon is my name and I am quite pleased to meet you." -Tsunomon (And So It Begins...)

"Say hello to Tuskmon. Avoiding his horns is no easy task. He, he, sorry." -Phantomon (City Under Siege)

"Tyrannomon, a huge Digimon with fire breath strong enough to cook a couple o' boys like you," -Piximon (Piximon's Cometh)

"Get 'em, Tyrannomon! He's one of the most powerful Digimon. His Blaze Blast attack incinerates his enemies!" -Digimon Emperor (A New Digitude)

"That's not your everyday flying horse, Joe, that's Unimon. He's a wise, old Digimon. I never knew he lived in these mountains. He's not much of a talker." -Gomamon (Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo)

"Vademon is living proof that you should always stay away from Digimon with unusually large heads. that big brain is scrambled if you ask me." -Tentomon (No Questions, Please)

"Vajramon, same nasty type, same nasty level." -Takato (?)

"I've heard of Veemon. Supposedly, he's a fun-loving, adventure-seeking little Digimon that brings you good luck. But I thought he was just a legend." -Agumon (Enter Flamedramon)

"Meet Vegiemon, the menial manager of a run-down cafe. He puts a new spin on the term slave driver." -Joe (WereGarurumon's Diner)

"Duskmon, slide evolution..." -Duskmon
"Velgemon!" -Velgemon

"Hmm, I thought he was fully evolved, but he found some way of digivolving to a higher level. Some kind of mega ultimate level." -Izzy (Prophecy)

"Well, there's your pig Deva. Vikaralamon. He's ultimate level." -Rika (The Boar Wars)

"This is more fun than a barrel of flying monkeys! DigiDestined, meet the Vilemon. Their Nightmare Shock will give you a rude awakening!" -Piedmon (Piedmon's Last Jest)

"Vilemon, champion level. Nasty little thing." -Henry (Dream A Little Dream)

"Volcamon, a cyborg Digimon who uses his microphone to project his Magma Bass attack. You'll get a really bad vibe from this guy." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Alone But Never Alone)

"It's WarGreymon. It says here his attack is Terra Force. He gathers the energy around him and focuses it in the palm of his hand." -Izzy (The Battle for Earth)

"WarGreymon is a dramon destroyer. The weapons on his arms are the key and especially effective on Dramon-type Digimon. Hense the name Dramon Destroyer." -Izzy (Sea-Sick and Tired)

"WarGrowlmon, cyborg type, ultimate Digimon." -Takato (?)

"Isn't that Monzaemon? What happened to him? He used to be so cuddly." -TK
"That's not Monzaemon, TK. That's WaruMonzaemon." -Patamon
"Monzaemon was sweet and cute, but WaruMonzaemon is about as cuddly as a porcupine! His Bear Claw will give you heartburn, along with his Heartbreak Attack!" -Biyomon
(The Crest of Light)

"The ShadowToyAgumon turned Monzaemon into WaruMonzaemon. His Heart's Break Attack will really bring you down." -Ophanimon (D-Tector) (Island of Misfit Boys)

"WereGarurumon, ultimate form of Gabumon. He's a really fierce warrior with claws, strong kicks, and jumps. He's extreme, but egg-head and his little buddy leave him no choice." -Matt (WereGarurumon's Diner)
"Whamon is a giant Digimon and lives deep in the oceans of the Digital World. His Jet Arrows are unbelievable." -Tentomon (Departure for a New Continent)

"What's Whamon doing down here? He lives in the ocean." -Bokomon
"Who is Whamon?" -Zoe
"He's a whale Digimon, and he seems to be quite out of his element." -Bokomon
(No Whamon)

"Wizardmon. This mysterious champion level Digimon can make you disappear with his Electro Squall and Magical Gain attacks." -Bokomon (Kumamon Baby, Light My Fire)

Get away from me, you pile of Woodmon! I know your trick. You pretend to be tree's and absorb the energy from unsuspecting Digimon as they pass by." -Ogremon (Etemon's Comeback Tour)

"That's Woodmon, a plant Digimon who's Branch Bash attack is one of tremendous strength. And his bark is like armor." -Bokomon (Kazemon Kicks It)

"I am enchanted to meet you, friends of Sora." -Yokomon
"Tai, Izzy, meet Yokomon. My own personal something or other." -Sora
(And So It Begins...)

"That is Zephyrmon. Behold the legendary warrior of wind." -Bokomon (The Swiss Family Digimon)

"Whoa, who's that Patamon?" -TK
"Don't worry, he's one of ours. That's Zudomon, he's the fully digivolved version of Ikkakumon. I was wondering when he'd finally show up." -Patamon (City Under Siege)