Gettysburg Online

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Gen. R. E. Lee

Gen. Meade

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Confedarate Prisoners (1863)

Gettysburg Battlefield Online is now centered at our new home in Gettysburg. the site will once again be updated a few times a week.Our first page added today is on Gen. Abner Doubleday. You can get to it from the Union Army page. Thanks for all the patience of the last three weeks. The Re-enactment in July is just a month away. Dont forget to get your tickets and get there early.The Battlefield has several monuments which are being restored and cleaned. Making donations at the visitor center will help with these restorations.
The first major re-enactment (The Battle of New Market) is over and it was great. The weather was horrible all weekend but it didnt stop the re-enactors and crowds from showing.

The Virgina crowd was very loud. We heard alot of booos and seen alot of stars and bars waving from the grandstand. Lets hope our Gettysburg crowd supports us in July the same way. The fighing at the house was intense. The whizzing sound could be heard all over.Also 17,000 was raised from the event to goto battlefield preservation and The Hall of Valor museum. Great Job Yanks and Rebs. See you there next year!
Your weary webmaster has done it. Me and my wife have purchased a home in Gettysburg. This is a dream come true for me and it is my first home. Besides why should a great site like this on Gettysburg be based in New Jersey?

We will go to closing on June 1st so if this site isnt updated much in the next couple of weeks dont panic! A big thank you to our real estate agent Jerry Poland from Gettysburg Re-max for making the home buying very pleasant. You can find Re-max on our link page.
Well its April and The tourist season in Gettysburg has begun. Alot of the buisnesses and tourist attractions that are seasonal are now open! If you are going to be staying in town on a particular weekend it will be a great idea to book your reservations now. On our lodging page you will find a whole list of hotels and motels that you can stay at. Be sure to tell them you found out of them through Gettysburg Battlefield Online.

Gettysburg Battlefield Online Wins Civil War Excellence Award!!!

Here's the letter I Recieved

"After reviewing the following web site, we can easily say that we are impressed by the presentation of "Gettysburg Battlefield Online". This very good web site by webmaster, Frank P. Marrone, Jr. is well designed, easily navigated and viewed on Internet Explorer, choked full of images, and information regarding the greatest of American Civil War battles: Gettysburg. Anyone interested in possibly taking a trip to Gettysburg should view this website. "Gettysburg Battlefield Online" will help to enlighten them as to the events that took place in July 1863 in and around the little town of Gettysburg. We happily offer to "Gettysburg Battlefield Online" our token of appreciation -- the American Civil War Excellence Award. Three rousing cheers -- along with a Rebel Yell -- and a tip of our kepi for a job well done."

We offer our token of appreciation for what we believe are the internet's best Civil War sites and only after much review and consideration...never offered lightly.

Remaining most sincerely yours,

Joe Richard

American Civil War Excellence Award

The Hisotry Channel has released this statement in repsonse to "The Unfinished Civil War". Though they feel they did not misrepresent anyone,they do understand that alot of folks in the Living History community were offended and they have offered to meet with a few. I feel that this statement is fair enough and as I promised I would remove the "boycott" page.

Greystone's Statement

March 27, 2001 Via e-mail

Re: “The Unfinished Civil War”

Dear Mr. Calloway, Mr. Ventura, and all other concerned persons, including all of the people who participated in the petition drive:

I am writing solely on behalf of Greystone Communications, Inc. in response to your letter to me dated February 28, 2001 and to the other correspondence we have reviewed reflecting similar concerns.

I want to assure you that it was never Greystone’s intention to offend anyone in the Civil War Reenactor or Living History communities by our production of “The Unfinished Civil War.” We sincerely value our relationship with the Civil War Reenactor and Living History communities, and believe we produced a program that was a fair and accurate representation of events.

However, it is clear from the correspondence we have received and that we have reviewed on the Civil War Reenactors web site, that many members of the Civil War Reenactor and Living History communities strongly believe that portions of the program are offensive. While we differ with that assessment we have no reason to doubt the sincerity of those strongly held beliefs.

We want to take this opportunity to acknowledge your statements and apologize to any and all members of the Civil War Reenactor and Living History communities for anything contained in “The Unfinished Civil War” which is offensive to them. It was not intended to be so.

We hope that this acknowledgement, along with Greystone’s track record in producing over 100 hours of programming honoring those that fought in the Civil War, regardless of the color of their uniform (such as “Civil War Journal,” “The Unfinished Civil War,” and “Civil War Combat”), along with Greystone’s creative and financial support of Civil War Battlefield preservation and other Civil War causes, will persuade anyone whom has voiced their concern to give us the benefit of the doubt, and to accept that our intentions were honorable.

Finally, as a further acknowledgement of your position, I would like to suggest that there be a conference call between three to five representatives of the Civil War Reenactor and Living History communities who feel as you do about the program, and Glenn Kirschbaum (the program director) and Seth Isler (the program associate producer) to discuss your concerns. I have asked Glenn to follow up with you later this week to see if you are interested.


Craig Haffner

Executive Producer

Greystone Communications, Inc.

Hey this is a little differn't. We at Gettysburg Battlefield Online are offering a reward ......actually two. First anyone who has information on who broke the hand off of the 146th Pa Zouve Monument on Little Round Top and that information leads to prosecution,we will give $150 bucks! Lets help put criminals like these away. Secondly a little bit of fun! My bud Shaun lost his Tin Coffee Cup at Devils Den on the 18th at Devil's Den. It was lost around Plum Run behind what is known as the "trough rock".If your facing the restrooms from devils den it is in a wooded area maybee 30 feet in from the rock in the woods. It is about 6 inches long,well used with some dents. The cup cost about $20 new and were offering $25 to make this fun. Ok all you Ghost hunters who like getting gouged nearly to death by brush and stickers to capture a ecoplasm or orb on film! Heres your chance at a quick $25 and to be a hero. The winner needs only to take a picture of themself with the cup and contact me via e-mail. Ill tell ya where to send the Cup and ill send out to you a thank you note and your reward!!
Well on the Town beat--- Gettysburg has been getting ready to host a few million visitors this year. There's been alot of cleaning up around town. The Battlefield itself looks great (Hats off the the National Park Service) . They have been posting signs around for folks not to walk on certain parts of the Battlefield so that it is not deystoyed and trampled. There is alot of Ground restoration going on and the old Tower site is growing grass and finally on its way back to the landscape look of 1863.

Gettysburg Battlefield Online has been adding pages like mad. You all might want to click some links and see the links from the links. Were over 150 pages now. The new Fort Sumter page is nice and a great resoure for school kids. The Re-enactors are drilling and getting ready for thier season. Make sure to get out and see them this year.

On February 16, The History Channel aired a special entitled "The Unfinished Civil War" It depicted a bunch of "Wanna Be" re-enactors with racist symbols tattooed on thier hands , shouting at Blacks over The Confederate Flag issue in South Carolina. Quite frankly it was a slap in the face to the re-enacting community and Living Historians. Through garbage like this , it fuels the fire of organizations to take away symbols of American History such as The Confederate Flag and makes it Harder for re-enactors to do what we do. All we ask is for a public apology. Until then true Union and Confederat Re-enactors should boycott The History Channel. Goto the Boycott page and sign the petition!
Your weary webmaster has been hard at work here.Weve added more battles of the Civil War and alot of new links and re-enactor links.Also on February 12th the new Civil War Museum opened in Harrisburg. It is the Largest Civil War Museum in the World! You can get to the official site from the "Links" page.
A well-known restaurant and a barber shop in downtown Gettysburg were destroyed in a pre-dawn fire. Flames were discovered coming from the first and second story windows of The Pub and Restaurant along Lincoln Square shortly before 5:30 a.m. The fire extended to the Town and Campus Barber Shop along the first block of Carlisle Street. Within minutes, subsequent fire alarms were struck, sending volunteers and equipment from at least a half dozen communities to the scene. Eyewitnesses tell WGET News flames were visible and heavy smoke billowed from the roof area before firefighters arrived on the scene.

Residents of nearby apartments were evacuated. Lincoln Square was closed to morning rush hour traffic and will remain closed for several hours. The Adams County Chapter of the American Red Cross has set up a disaster shelter at St. James Lutheran Church at Baltimore and Stratton Streets to aid residents displaced by the fire.
Gettysburg Battlefield Online has been busy adding pages to the website. We now have over 50 pages for you to access. We have also decides to add pages with Other Battles, Battlefields and prisons. To see these goto the "Other Battles" link.The focus of this site however will remain on Gettysburg. If anyone has some talent in website submission and would like to help please contact me.
I have some really sad news. On Friday December 15th, 2000 my father, Frank P Marrone Sr. passed away. It was him that first got me into being a history buff and took me to Gettysburg.

He was with me on December 9th at the battlefield. It was him I drew inspiration from to be a Civil War Re-enactor. He will be greatly missed by those who knew this wonderful man.

Finally....after a long time , Gettysburg has been released in digital glory on DVD. Ive found that most stores dont have it yet. You can purchase it at and you might want to call the visitors center and see if they got it. Ive posted the number for the visitors center on this website.


On July 3, 2000 at 5:03pm , The National Tower of Gettysburg Was Imploded in just seven seconds.


This Tower which was built in 1974 was a constant issue of debate. Many Battlefield Preservists felt that the tower was an eyesore and that it not belong on the battlefield.

Many others felt that it served as an educational tool and that it was the only true way to get a birds eye view of the Battlefield. It was also the only Handicapped accessable tower on the battlefield making it easy for disabled people to view the Battlefield.

Now that its gone many local residents feel that thier taxes will go up to make up for the lost revinue.The battle continues!.....

What are people saying about This site!

"This has got to be the greatest Gettysburg website i have ever seen!!!"William Matthews--Glassboro,NJ

"Wow im impressed--Riverside,CA.

"My favorite page! "Mike Torrez--Mexico

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Gettysburg Battlefield Online
P.O. Box 3984
Gettysburg,PA 17325


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