Teena Mulder

Teena Mulder was the mother of Fox Mulder. In Paper Clip, Mulder asks his mother if she had to make a choice, refering to the fact that it was him not his sister who was supposed to be abducted. She tells him it was his father's choice.

In Talitha Cumi, she is seen fighting with the CSM. Mulder is led to believe that she had an affair with the CSM and that Samanatha is the CSM's daughter. This is why Mulder's father chose Samantha to be taken. In the same episode she has a stroke and writes 'PALM' on a notepad which Mulder had given her. This leads Mulder to the stiletto that is hidden in a lamp at his parents' summer house. The stiletto is used to kill the alien bounty hunters and such.

Mrs. Mulder is healed from her stroke by the alien bounty hunter in Herrenvolk at the request of the CSM.

In Demons, Mulder accusses his mother of having an affair with the CSM after he experiences flashbacks that confirm his suspicion that Samantha is the CSM's daughter.

Mrs. Mulder commits suicide Sein Und Zeit due to a disfiguring disease. As a ghost, she helps Mulder find out about his sister.



Queenie's X-Files