Season 3

The Blessing Way Paper Clip D.P.O. Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose The List

2Shy The Walk Oubliette Nisei 731 Revelations War of the Coprophages

Syzygy Grotesque Piper Maru Apocrypha Pusher Teso Dos Bichos Hell Money

Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space' Avatar Quagmire Wetwired Talitha Cumi

3x01 The Blessing Way- Mulder is found half-dead by the Navajos. (2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: The Blessing Way Chant; the ritual performed on Mulder by Albert Hosteen and the other Native Americans that saved his life. Aired: 9/22/95

3x02 Paper Clip- Mulder and Scully uncover a room full of files on people. (3rd part) Episode Name Meaning: In real life, Operation Paper Clip protected Nazi war criminals in exchange for their scientific knowledge. Aired: 9/29/95

3x03 D.P.O.- Darin Peter Oswald can control lightening. Episode Name Meaning: Darin Peter Oswald; the boy who could control lightening Aired: 10/6/95

3x04 Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose- A series of murders lead Mulder and Scully to Clyde Bruckman. Is he physic? Episode Name Meaning: Repose means rest. The title refers to Clyde Bruckman's final journey or act in life. Aired: 10/13/95

3x05 The List- A prisoner, who believed in reincarnation, dies leaving a list of names of who he wants to kill in revenge. Episode Name Meaning: Neech Manley swore to come back from the dead and to have revenge on the 5 people who had caused him to sufffer; The 5 names were on a list. Aired: 10/20/95

3x06 2Shy- A man lures a woman on a date after talking to her on the internet. How and why does he kill her? Episode Name Meaning: The internet nickname for Virgil Incanto, the murderer in the episode. Aired: 11/3/95

3x07 The Walk- A man, who is a quadamputi, wants revenge on the people who he thinks made him that way. Episode Name Meaning: Leonard "Rappo" Trimble couldn't walk because he was a quadamputi but he was able to walk on the astral plane, between dimensions, which made him look like a phantom to others. Aired: 11/10/95

3x08 Oubliette- A young girl is kidnapped by a man who kidnapped another girl before. Lucy Householder is able to feel what the girl is going through but will she help? Episode Name Meaning: French for dungeon. The dungeon that is refered to only has an entrance through the roof, like the place where Amy Jacobs was held in. Aired: 11/17/95

3x09 Nisei- Scully discovers that there is a group of women in Allentown, Pennsylvania that were abducted like she had been. (1st part) Episode Name Meaning: A term given to someone who was born and educated in the USA, but whose parents were Japanese immigrants. It's possible that the title came from the fact that there are many Japenese characters, such as the Japenese diplomat who was carrying the list of the names of the MUFON women, and the doctors in the photograph that Mulder receives, whom he believed were trying to create a human/alien hybrid. The Japenese doctors may fit the term Nisei, but I am unsure. Aired: 11/24/95

3x10 731- Mulder finds something of interest on a train. (2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: Unit 731 was a Japanese biological warfare project during WWII. Aired: 12/1/95

3x11 Revelations- A little boy bleeds from his hands. Is it a sign from God? Episode Name Meaning: The last book of the Bible. Aired: 12/15/95

3x12 War of the Coprophages- Cockroaches terrorize a town. Are they killers? Episode Name Meaning: A coprophage is a dung-eating insect which, I suppose, is what a cockroach is. The episode is a parody of 'The War of the Worlds,' a radio drama that aired on Oct. 30, 1938. Although annoucements kept being made that the program was fiction, the program's, that had to do with alien invasion, was all too real and caused mass hysteria. Aired: 1/5/96

3x13 Syzygy- Two girls born on the same day are able to do some weird things including kill. Episode Name Meaning: An alignment of Earth, the sun, and either the moon or another planet. In the episode, the syzygy causes people to become angry or highly stressed. The ones most affected, according to Madame Zirinka, are those born in 1979, which is when Terri and Margi, the girls responsible for the town's many murders, were born. Aired: 1/26/96

3x14 Grotesque- Are gargoyles coming to life and killing people? Episode Name Meaning: The ancient word for gargoyle, especially used in France Aired: 2/2/96

3x15 Piper Maru- A diver is infected by something. What is it? (1st part) Episode Name Meaning: Maru is Japanese for 'ship.' Piper Maru is the name of the ship in the episode as well as Gillian Anderson's, the actress that plays Scully, daughter. Aired: 2/9/96

3x16 Apocrypha- Scully goes and talks to a man who explains everything about the virus to her. (2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: One of the collection of writings that appeared in the 1st and 2nd century that was proposed be made part of the New Testament of the Bible but never were. Aired: 2/16/96

3x17 Pusher- Robert Modell can make people commit suicide. Episode Name Meaning: Robert Modell's nickname Aired: 2/23/96

3x18 Teso Dos Bichos- An ancient curse is put on an archological dig and there's killer cats. Episode Name Meaning: Spanish for 'burial mound for small animals' Aired: 3/8/96

3x19 Hell Money- What price will someone pay to gamble for money? An eye or heart? Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the fake money that the Chinese used to tempt the other Chinese people, which made the poor even risk eyes and their hearts. Aired: 3/29/96

3x20 Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'- Writer Jose Chung interviews Scully for a book. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to Jose Chung's book, 'From Outer Space' Aired: 4/12/96

3x21 Avatar- Skinner is suspected of murdering a prostitute. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the human incarnation of a god or deity Aired: 4/26/96

3x22 Quagmire- A lake monster known as Big Blue is suspected of killing people. Episode Name Meaning: A quagmire is an area of soft land, such as a swamp, that gives way under foot. Aired: 5/3/96

3x23 Wetwired- Are people being brain washed by television? Episode Name Meaning: Refers to cyberware being placed in someone's brain. Aired: 5/10/96

3x24 Talitha Cumi- Jeremiah Smith saves a man's life who has been shot and offers to take Mulder to see his sister. (1st part) Episode Name Meaning: In the Bible, 'Talitha Cumi' is what Jesus said to the sick girl when he healed her with the palm of his hand. It is Hebrew for 'Arise, child.' Aired: 5/17/96

Queenie's X-Files