Season 4

Herrenvolk Home Teliko Unruhe The Field Where I Died Sanguinarium

Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man Tunguska Terma Paper Hearts El Mundo Gira

Leonard Betts Never Again Memonto Mori Kaddish Unrequited Tempus Fugit

Max Synchrony Small Potatoes Zero Sum Elegy Demons Gethsemane

4x01 Herrenvolk- Mulder follows Jeremiah Smith to a place that may be able to explain what happened to his sister. (2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: German for 'Master Race.' During WWII, Adolf Hitler attempted to make his own herrenvolk. In the episode, Jeremiah Smith leads Mulder to a place with cloned children who work and are immune to the killer bees; this may be the master race and the reason for the title. Aired: 10/4/96

4x03 Home- A baby's body is found buried outside of a family's place. Episode Name Meaning: The name of the town where the ep took place was Home, Pennsylvania. Aired: 10/11/96

4x04 Teliko- Several African-American men are found drained of pigment. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to African spirits that come at night to suck the life and color from their victims. In the ep, African-Americans were found completely white, their pigment had been drained/taken. Aired: 10/18/96

4x02 Unruhe- House painter, Gerry Schnauz, abducts women to try to to ease their spiritual unrest. Episode Name Meaning: Unruhe is German for 'unrest.' Gerry Schauz believed that the women he captured were consumed with unrest and that the only way to help them was to make a hole in their heads to let the bad spirits, howlers, out. Aired: 10/27/96

4x05 The Field Where I Died- Mulder explores his past-life. Episode Name Meaning: In the episode, Mulder finds that he had died in a field in a past-life. Aired: 11/3/96

4x06 Sanguinarium- A doctor at a plastic surgery clinic goes insane and kills a patient. Episode Name Meaning: Means 'place of blood' Aired: 11/10/96

4x07 Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man- Shows what may be the CSM's past. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the life of the CSM. The episode has to do with what has happened in his life, as found out by Frohike. Aired: 11/17/96

4x09 Tunguska- A rock, which is thought to be from Mars, is discovered and it has a deadly liquid inside.(1st part) Episode Name Meaning: Tunguska, Russia was where Mulder and Krycek went and were captured in the episode. In 1908, a large explosion, believed to be a meteorite(and alien by others), flattened Tunguska. The force of the explosion was so great, greater than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima during WWII, that the damage can still be seen over one hundred years later. Aired: 11/24/96

4x10 Terma- Mulder escapes from the Russian prison, while managing to keep both of his arms.(2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: Terma, North Dakota was where the oil blew up in the ep. Aired: 12/1/96

4x08 Paper Hearts- Serial killer, John Lee Roche, tries to convince Mulder that he killed Mulder's sister. Episode Name Meaning: Paper Hearts was the name Mulder gave to the case of John Lee Roche who had killed little girls and then had cut out a heart from their clothing as a trophy. Aired: 12/15/96

4x11 El Mundo Gira- Yellow rain causes a fungus to grow and kill. Episode Name Meaning: Spanish for 'The World Turns.' In the ep, Scully says that the case is just like 'a Mexican soap opera'. As the World Turns is a popular soap opera in the USA. Aired: 1/12/97

4x14 Leonard Betts- Leonard Betts can rebuild his body by eating cancer. Episode Name Meaning: The name of the EMT that is beheaded but comes back to life and survives by eating cancer in the episode. Aired: 1/26/97

4x13 Never Again- Scully meets and starts a romantic relationship with Ed Jerse, who has a tattoo that's literally controlling his life. Episode Name Meaning: The words under the tatoo on Ed Jerse's arm. He got it after his wife left him. I think it's supposed to mean that he wouldn't allow himself to get used/left again. Aired: 2/2/97

4x15 Memonto Mori- Scully finds out she has cancer. Episode Name Meaning: Latin phrase that is used to describe an object that reminds us of our mortality, such as the x-ray of the skull that Scully is examining in the beginning of the ep that shows her cancer. Aired: 2/9/97

4x12 Kaddish- A young Jewish man who was murdered is believed to have rose from the dead. Episode Name Meaning: Hebrew word for the Jewish memorial prayer that the mourners recite for the dead. Aired: 2/12/97

4x16 Unrequited- A man is killing off the people responsible for making him suffer during war. Episode Name Meaning: Unrequited means to be seperated from someone you rightfully belong to be with. It can also mean to love someone and not to be loved back. Aired: 2/23/97

4x17 Tempus Fugit- A plane crashes without explanation. Mulder finds a woman who knew Max Felling(Fallen Angel), an abductee.(1st part) Episode Name Meaning: Latin for 'Time Flies.' The plane lost nine minutes, so in a way time flew. Aired: 3/16/97

4x18 Max- Mulder discovers Max was on the plane and that it may have encountered an UFO. (2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: Refers to Max Fenig, the abductee. Aired: 3/23/97

4x19 Synchrony- A man claims to be from the future. Episode Name Meaning: Synchrony is when two things happen at the same time in harmony, like when two dancers dance together in synchrony. In the ep, Jason Nichols travels back in time to warn his young self of the future that time traveling will have on Earth. Both Nichols past and present(or present and future as we are looking at it) are happening at the same time- synchrony. Aired: 4/13/97

4x20 Small Potatoes- Five babies in one town are born with tails. The result of aliens or something stranger? Episode Name Meaning: The phrase that Eddie VanBlundht says throughout the episode. Small Potatoes refers to something unimportant compared to the larger picture. Aired: 4/20/97

4x21 Zero Sum- Why is Skinner pretending to be Mulder and destroying evidence? Episode Name Meaning: Refers to a siutation that results in one person's loss and another's gain. Skinner loses Mulder's trust(though only briefly), after he covers up evidence. The CSM gains, because he has control of Skinner(The CSM told Skinner that he had a cure for Scully's cancer.)if Skinner wants help. Aired: 4/27/97

4x22 Elegy- A woman's apparition is seen right before she is killed in a bowling alley. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to a death song, or song of mourning. Aired: 5/4/97

4x23 Demons- Mulder undergoes a test to try and remember what happened to his sister. Episode Name Meaning: Demons refer to the physcological demons of Mulder's memories of his sister. Aired: 5/11/97

4x24 Gethsemane- A man confronts Mulder and Scully about the conspiracy. (1st part) Episode Name Meaning: In the Bible, The Garden of Gethsemane was where Judas betrayed Jesus, just like Mulder was betrayed by believing the lies he was led to believe(according to Scully). Aired: 5/18/97

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