Season 8

Within Without Patience Roadrunners Invocation Redrum Via Negativa

Surekill Salvage Badlaa The Gift Medusa Per Manum This is Not Happening

DeadAlive Three Words Empedocles Vienen Alone Essence Existence

8x01 Within- Kersh is back as the new Deputy Director and appoints Agent John Doggett ahead of the manhunt for Mulder. Scully doesn't trust Doggett and works with Skinner and The LoneGunMen to uncover the truth behind Mulder's abduction. (2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: Refers to Scully's internal struggle to find Mulder. Aired: 11/5/00

8x02 Without- Gibson Praise(The End) is found in a school for the deaf. Scully is determined to protect the boy, while Doggett believes that Mulder will be after Gibson. But is it really Mulder who is after Gibson? (3rd part) Episode Name Meaning: Refers to Mulder and Scully; they are without each other. It may also refer to the outward struggle to find Mulder. Aired: 11/12/00

8x03 Patience- People are being killed by a bat creature. Episode Name Meaning: 'Patience' refers to the bat creature since it waited 40 years to attack Ernie. Aired: 11/19/00

8x04 Roadrunners- A religious cult puts a slug into the backs of people. Their next victim? Scully. Episode Name Meaning: The name of the gas station where Scully fills up her car(well, tries to). Aired: 11/26/00

8x05 Innovocation- A 7-year-old boy is kidnapped 10 years earlier. He suddenly reappears- still 7-years-old.Episode Name Meaning: 'Invocation' is invoking a spirit. I think to invoke a spirit you call on that spirit(there's probably a ritual) so that the spirit enters your body. Just watch the The Craft where Sarah is invoking that guy, whose name I don't remember(but keep in mind that that's not how most real now-a-day witches or wiccans act). Aired: 12/3/00

8x06 Redrum- A man awakes in a jail cell unable to remember what happened three days earlier. As the days progress, he realizes that they are going backwards. He also realizes he can find out who murdered his wife. Episode Name Meaning: 'Redrum' is murder backwards. The days in Martin Wells's life are going backwards. Redrum is also a phrase made famous by the great movie, 'The Shining.' Aired: 12/10/00

8x07 Via Negativa- Cult members are found murdered. The suspect is their own leader, who invades people's dreams and causes their nightmares to become true. Episode Name Meaning: A latin phrase; it means that to reach the path of enlightment, you first have to travel the path of darkness. It was the cult's belief. Aired: 12/17/00

8x08 Surekill- A man is somehow able to see through walls to shoot people. Episode Name Meaning: The name of Dwight and Randall's business is AAA1 Surekill Exterminators. Aired: 1/7/01

8x09 Salvage- A man that supposdly dies comes back with super human strength and the salvage junk yard may hold the key to the mystery. Episode Name Meaning: A salvage yard is where junk is put, like a dump site, I guess. To salvage something is to restore it, as Ray Pearce's body was salvaged and turned into the metal man. Aired: 1/14/01

8x10 Badlaa- People are mysteriously dying. Scully believes that the little man from India seen at the crimes is killing them. But even she can be tricked by the man's powers by looking like someone else. Episode Name Meaning: The Urdu word for revenge. Aired: 1/21/01

8x11 The Gift- Doggett investigates a case Mulder kept hidden from everyone, including Scully. But will this lead to Mulder's whereabouts? Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the creature's ability to heal people. Aired: 2/4/01

8x12 Medusa- A man is found dead in a subway and Scully and Doggett are called to investigate. But not even Scully can explain how the people are dying and why there are bodies in the tunnel. Episode Name Meaning: The medusas were the organisms in the subway. When something triggers them, like sweat, they can burn a person's skin. Aired: 2/11/01

8x13 Per Manum- The truth concerning Scully's pregnancy is revealed but the baby might not be what she thinks. Episode Name Meaning: Latin for 'By Hand.' It might refer to how Scully tried to conceive a child, by science or by hand. Aired: 2/18/01

8x14 This is Not Happening- Abductee Theresa Hoese, who was taken one day before Mulder, is found in a field badly injured. Scully fears that Mulder has also suffered this fate, or worse, is dead. (1st part) Episode Name Meaning: The title is a phrase spoken throughout the episode. "This is not happening" was first spoken by the smoking alien in Jose Chung's From Outer Space. Aired: 2/25/01

8x15 DeadAlive- Scully hopes that, after finding an abductee alive after spending months in the sea, she can bring the recently buried Mulder back to life.(2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: Refers to Mulder; although he appears to be dead, the monitor registers life. It may also refer to the fact that Mulder WAS dead-even buried-but was brought back to life. Aired: 4/1/01

8x16 Three Words- A man tries to break into the White House to give the president a CD, inscibed with the words' Fight the Future.' Mulder is convinced that it is the beginning of the alien abduction and dislikes Agent Doggett's skeptical approach to the case. Episode Name Meaning: The 3 words on the cd-"Fight the Future." Aired: 4/8/01

8x17 Empedocles- Reyes asks Mulder to assist on a case that might explain the murder of Doggett's son. Episode Name Meaning: Empedocles was a Greek philosopher who believed in transmigration of souls. A sinner would have to travel between mortal bodies for 30,000 seasons and would be thrown around to the elements-earth, air, water, and fire. This could explain the whole pocession and fire thing. Aired: 4/22/01

8x18 Vienen- Doggett is assigned to investigate an oil rig where men have died. Mulder univitedly comes along and is convinced that the rig is contaminated by the alien black oil. Episode Name Meaning: Latin for 'They Come' which may refer to the aliens. Aired: 4/29/01

8x19 Alone- While Scully is on maternity leave, Doggett is assigned a new partner, Leyla Harrison. They investigate a case that involves a new bread of a reptile that kills. Episode Name Meaning: After Mulder and Scully leave, Doggett is left alone with The X-Files. Aired: 5/6/01

8x20 Essence- Mulder and Doggett investigate the nature of Scully's pregnancy, while they try to protect her unborn child.(1st part) Episode Name Meaning: In the beginning, Mulder says "We call it the miracle of life. Conception: A union of perfect opposites-- essence transforming into existence-- an act without which mankind would not exist and humanity cease to exist." The essence of something is the most important part of something. The essence of the union between a man and a woman, I assume, is conception. Or maybe the essence of conception is the baby. Maybe it's both. Aired: 5/13/01

8x21 Existence- Reyes and Scully travel to a ghost town in Georgia, hoping to hide from Billy Miles and the others of the new alien race, so that Scully may give birth safely.(2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: See the above quote from Essence. "Essence transforming into exstince" may refer to the child growing from something planned/unplanned, or just hoped for to an actual life. Aired: 5/20/01

Queenie's X-Files