Season 9

Nothing Important Happened Today Nothing Important Happened Today II

Daemonicus 4-D Lord of the Flies Trust No 1 John Doe Hellbound

Provenance Providence Audrey Pauley Underneath Improbable

Scary Monsters Jump the Shark William Release Sunshine Days The Truth

9x01 Nothing Important Happened Today- With Mulder gone, and Scully's pregnancy still a mystery, the 9th season picks up with a case about a mysterious woman who can breath under water.(Part 1) Episode Name Meaning: On July 4th, 1776, King George III of England titled his diary entry "Nothing Happened Today." He didn't know that the American Patriots had just declared independence that day, which means that something important happened without him knowing about it. Kersh tells Doggett this story in the 2nd part of the episode to explain, I think, that just because they didn't seem to make much progress or that that day didn't seem important, it may actually prove to be significant. Aired: 11/11/01

9x02 Nothing Important Happened Today II- Shannon McMahon, the mysterious woman from part 1, tells the agents that water is being treated to produce super soldiers. Scully is not ready to believe, but a secret lab on a ship may change her mind.(Part 2) Episode Name Meaning: The second part to Nothing Impportant Happened Today. One of only three(Redux I&II, Dreamland I&II)two-parters to have the exact same name as the first part. Aired: 11/18/01

9x03 Daemonicus- Scully is assigned to teach at Quantico while Doggett and Reyes investigate a man that may be psychic and can help on their case. Doggett is skeptic as usual, but his skeptism may be lost when the man reveals personal information about Doggett. Can the man be trusted or is he just playing with Doggett's head? Episode Name Meaning: Latin for 'Satan.' Aired: 12/2/01

9x05 4-D- The backwards tagline explains everything; Who shot Doggett? Reyes tries to find answers that may lead to an alternate universe. Episode Name Meaning: Number on locker; it also refers to the 4th dimension of a parallel universe. The thing with the tagline being backward, and the teaser's filming being shown backward, was used to show the idea of this dimension. Aired: 12/9/01

9x06 Lord of the Flies- The agents consider whether hormones are causing a teenage boy to control flies, when his classmate is found dead. Episode Name Meaning: The title is the tranlation of Beelzebub(for those of us who read alot of Shakespeare, the name is familiar.) I'm assuming the langauge is Latin, though don't take my word on it. Beelzebub was a demonic god in Judeo-Christian belief, and is still a common name for Satan. Aired: 12/16/01

9x08 Trust No 1- Scully sends for Mulder, but a "shadowman" who has watched Scully and knows about her son's "uniqueness," may keep Mulder and her apart. Episode Name Meaning: The e-mail Scully gets is from 'Trust no one' also were the dying words of Mulder's first source Deep Throat(The Erlenmeyer Flask). Mulder has lived by that saying ever since, except he did trust Scully. Aired: 1/6/02

9x07 John Doe- Doggett wakes up in a small Mexican town with no memory of who he is or why he is there. Reyes, who was raised in Mexico, crosses the border in an attempt to find him. Episode Name Meaning: Doggett loses his memory in this episode and John Doe is a name given to people that don't know, or won't/can't give their identity. Aired: 1/13/02

9x04 Hellbound- Reyes has a strange connection to a case where a man has been skinned alive. She searches for answers that may be just as strange as the crime itself. Episode Name Meaning: 'Hellbound' is after a tattoo on a biker's arm(seen in the opening teaser in group theropy) that symbolizes his previous behavior. Aired: 1/27/02

9x10 Provenance- Scully is called in to answer questions about rubbings that appear to be the same as the rubbings she took 2 years earlier(The Sixth Extinction). Mulder is thought to be dead, and William is kidnapped by an alien cult.(1st part) Episode Name Meaning: According to the online Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, provenance means "the history of ownership of a valued object or work of art or literature" Synonyms included source and origin. Well, um, I guess it's referring to the rubbings of the ship. The ship is the source of the rubbings and may even be the source of our existence. It is also a valued object of the alien cult. Aired: 3/3/02

9x11 Providence- Scully searches for William. She refuses to trust anyone at the FBI except Reyes and Doggett. The cult leader demands proof of Mulder's death before he will allow Scully to see her son.(2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: Providence is the divine care of someone/something by God or the like. William was the sole survivor after the UFO took flight. Aired: 3/10/02

9x13- Audrey Pauley After a car accident, Agent Reyes lies in a coma in a hospital. As all but Doggett give up hope that she is alive, Reyes(her soul?) travels to what appears to be the same-but-different hospital. Reyes's only hope of getting out of the strange hospital is a woman named Audrey, who has a closer connection to the ghost hospital than anyone knows. Episode Name Meaning: The name of the woman who delivered flowers to the patients at the hospitals, and who acted as the go-between messenger for Doggett and Reyes. Aired: 3/17/02

9x09 Underneath- Agent Doggett works on an old case after new evidence clears the man he arrested 13 years earlier. As soon as the man is released, however, the murders begin again. Everything seems to point to the man, except proof. Doggett has to make a connection between a bearded man that seems to just appear and vanish whenever he wants and the man he suspects, before more murders happen. Episode Name Meaning: That killer dude, whatever his name was, anyhow, he hid the bodies underneath the ground in a sewer. Aired: 3/31/02

9x14 Improbable- Agent Reyes believes that a man is murdering based on numbers from numerology. Scully has her doubts, but she helps Reyes anyway. While investigating, they meet a strange a man who seems to know alot about gambling and numbers. Episode Name Meaning: Well, when something is improbable that usually means that it rarely or never happens(like that whole 3 of everything going on). I think it refers to the whole numerology thing that was in the episode. Aired: 4/7/02

9x12 Scary Monsters- Leyla Harrison asks Doggett and Reyes to assist on a case where a little boy's imagination of monsters seems to have killed his mother and pet cat. Episode Name Meaning: It's referring to the monsters that Tommy sees and that are attacking his family. Aired: 4/14/02

9x15 Jump the Shark- Morris Fletcher asks Doggett and Reyes for protection. At first, they refuse but then Fletcher mentions super soldiers. The agents go to the LoneGunmen and ask about Yves(for those of you who didn't watch The LoneGunmen series, she was a fellow hacker, who at first was enemies with the guys but later became their friend), because Fletcher said that she was a super soldier. The three want to get to the truth, including Jimmy(also from the other series) who returns after trying to find Yves himself. After finding Yves, they learn that a bioterriost is planning to release a poison that will kill everyone in a 5 mile radius unless they can stop him. Episode Name Meaning: Because a shark's immune system is stronger than ours, the terriosts used shark cartiledge to protect them from the poison that was hidden inside of them. Aired: 4/21/02

9x17 William- A disfigured man is found stealing X-files. After he is attacked by the man, Doggett arrests him. The man, Miller, tells him and Scully that he knows Mulder. Suspicions about the man and his honesty heighten when he seems to be a threat to Scully's son. Episode Name Meaning: This episode has to do with the baby, William. Aired: 4/28/02

9x16 Release- One of Scully's students tries to help Doggett with his son's case. Clues start to surface that may lead Doggett to his son's killer-clues that may lead to the student. Episode Name Meaning: After discovering who murdered his son, Doggett finally has release from all the pain he has had. Aired: 5/5/02

9x18 Sunshine Days- After a man is killed mysteriosly in what appeared to be 'the brady bunch house,' Doggett and Reyes begin an investigation into a man that may be the answer to everything in The X-Files. Episode Name Meaning: Um, well, I'm thinking it has to do with better days. Oliver daydreams of The Brady Bunch because he had watched it as a child with the doctor. It had been the first time he was really happy. Aired: 5/12/02

9x19 The Truth-Scully and Skinner find Mulder. He is being held by the military and is scheduled to appear before a military tribunal for killing a man. The man was a supersoldier, so he could obviously not have been killed without the special type of stone discovered by Scully in Providence. However, the tribunal is out for a guilty verdit- no matter what. Scully, Skinner, Doggett, and Reyes must find a way for Mulder to escape, or he will be found guilty and killed. (2 hours) Episode Name Meaning: It refers to the truth that Mulder discovers in the episode. I think it also refers to the ending of the entire series. The whole series had been based on finding the truth. Aired: 5/19/02

Queenie's X-Files