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    Broad Street Elementary School library is open to students on Mondays and Wednesdays of each week.  Students in grades 1-6 attend library classes for 35 minutes once a week.  Students can exchange books in the morning before classes begin.


    Library classes are taught by Mrs. Kathe Santillo.  Mrs. Santillo completed a Bachelors of Science in Education, with Library Science, K-12 certification in 1995 from Slippery Rock University; and a Masters of Education in School Library and Information Technologies in 2002 from Mansfield University in Mansfield, Pennsylvania. She is currently serving as Library Department Chairperson for the Butler Area School District. Library instruction includes learning how to use the library, such as instruction on the Dewey Decimal System or using the online catalog; locating, using, and evaluating information in books, online databases, the Internet, and reference tools; types of literature; and literature appreciation. Mrs. Pyewell and Mrs. Christy are the library clerks at Broad Street School.  Both clerks are in charge of preparing new books, shelving returned books, and helping with the day-to-day operations of the library.


    As of October 2002, the Broad Street library has approximately 9,500 books.  New books are added to the collection each year, and are selected for several reasons, including themes which support the curriculum, award winning fiction titles, and books for use with the Accelerated Reader program.


    Library classroom rules are:

    1.)  Take care of library property, such as books, magazines, shelf markers, and furniture.
    2.)  Walk in the library.
    3.)  Speak in a quiet voice.
    4.)  Listen quietly during lesson and story time.
    5.)  Be respectful to the librarian, library clerk, and other students.
    6.)  Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

    Students are expected to follow the rules, and prizes are given each week to the students who show the best library behavior in each class.


Students in grades 2 through 6 may check out two books during each library class circulation period. Students in grade 1 may check out one book until they return from the winter break, at which time they may begin checking out two books. Additional books for individual or group classroom projects and assignments may be checked out by a student with approval from Mrs. Santillo. All library books are due on the next library day. The student may choose to renew a book at this time, or make new selections. If a student forgets one of the two books checked out the week prior, he or she may take one new book. If both books are not returned, no new books can be checked out until the books are returned. If a student has one or more books that is one month or more overdue, no books can be checked out until the books are returned or paid for if lost.


If a student loses or damages a book beyond repair, the student must compensate the Butler Area School District for the lost or damaged property. The student should bring a personal check or money order made payable to Broad Street Elementary School Library to Mrs. Santillo, Mrs. Pyewell, or Mrs. Christy in the library. All damaged books will become the property of the student at the end of the school year.


The Broad Street Elementary School Library policies for selecting materials and for dealing with challenged materials have been established by the Butler Area School District Board Members and can be viewed on the Butler Area School District Home Page. The file is a PDF file and requires Adobe Acrobat on the viewer's computer in order to read it. Click here and choose 109 - Library Media Materials Selection to view both policies.

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