Search Engines,
Meta-Search Engines,
Subject Directories
and Searching Tips
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There are great tools to help you locate information on the Internet. These tools are called search engines, meta-search engines, and subject directories. A search engine is a LARGE collection of Web documents. You must use search strategies to successfully locate a Web document on your topic. A meta-search engine looks for your topic using more than one search engine at a time. Subject directories are lists of Web resources arranged by the subject, such as "Sports", "Education", "Money and Finance", and so on. Subject directories do not store Web sites, they point to them.
Below is a list of links to search engines, meta-search engines, and subject directories, as well as sites that can help you with your searching strategies.
Most search engines and subject directories provide searching tips for finding information using their tools. Here are some additional sites for you to check out.
Step Zero: What to Do Before Searching - This page is the FIRST place to visit before starting your Net searching. A step-by-step guide to preparing for Internet research.
Seven Steps Toward Better Searching - This page was created by Bernie Dodge and presents steps to help guide Internet research. It's also a great starting point for any research project.
Choosing the Best Search Tool - Created by Debbie Abilock, this tool presents real, information seeking problems, and lists which search engines and subject directories are the best to complete the task. Each search engine/subject directory is hyper-linked to the page.
KidsClick! Worlds of Web Searching - A great place to learn basic Internet searching strategies.
Do I Find Information on the WWW? - Created
by the Monroe County Public Library in Indiana, this site provides instructions
on using search engines and subject directories, and provides information
on different search tools and search tips.