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Native American WebQuest 

Butler Area School District
Butler, PA

Mrs. K. Santillo,
School Library Media Specialist

Introduction | Task | Process | ResourcesEvaluation | Conclusion

Introduction: This Native American WebQuest will provide students with the opportunity to learn about the different tribes which make up the Native American culture, and their ways of life. Historical information will be located about who these "First Americans" are and how they lived in the early years of our country's settlement.

Task: You were hired by a museum of Native American history to create a wax display depicting authentic Native American life from the 1800's. Your display should contain authentic replicas of the type of shelter your specific tribe lived in, and the wax models of the Native American people must wear authentic tribal clothing. Your display must also contain models of the foods, tools, and recreational items used on a daily basis by the tribe.

Process: You need to research your tribe's way of life to find out what items need to be created for your display. Your classmates will be museum board members who decide if you have enough information to make the display authentic.

Answer the questions below using the resource links provided:

1. What did they eat?
2. How did they get their food?
3. What did they wear?
4. What were their clothes made of? Do they sound comfortable? Why or why not?
5. What area of the United States did they live in?
6. What kind of shelter did they have?
7. Why do you think they used the materials they chose to build their shelters?
8. What did they do for fun? Compare it to something you do for fun.
9. What does the tribal name mean?

Choose one of the tribes listed below and click on the name. Use the linked site to locate your answers, as well as the additional resources below. Write your answers in your Native American booklet. Compare and contrast this tribe with the tribe you selected for your library research. You will be sharing these with the class in an oral presentation in front of the museum board members.




 SIOUX             ARAPAHO

HOPI                NAVAJO               DELAWARE

Additional Resources:

Native American Shelters:

Glossary of Indian Tribe Names:

Native American Shelter, Food, Clothes, and Habitats:

Tribe Finder: a list of information about many tribes

Links to General Sites With Information About Several Tribes:

Your research work will be evaluated based on the following rubric.

Strong Effort Some Effort Little Effort No Effort
Information presented in detailed form
Answered all nine questions
Stayed on task
Completed fact booklet
Presented comparison and contrast with library research

I hope each of you now has a better understanding of the Native American culture and a better understanding of locating and using information found on the Internet. Please take time to investigate additional information and sites during your free time. Have fun discovering the wonderful information available to you on the "information super-highway".

Mrs. Santillo

Last updated on 9/02
Meridian and Broad Street Elementary School Libraries
If you find any "dead" links (links that do not work) please e-mail Mrs. Santillo at .

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