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          23rd Pennsylvania

Traveling Artifacts Page 2

Items pertaining to the 23rd PA
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The Origianl Flag Pole of the National Colors of the 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. It is dark in Color and has a piece of metal around the center which reads "23 Regt. PV Vols." It is owned by Paul Loane.
(Close Up) The Origianl Flag Pole of the National Colors of the 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. It is dark in Color and has a piece of metal around the center which reads "23 Regt. PV Vols." It is owned by Paul Loane.
Bible belonging to Washington Elliot, brother of Robert Elliot. It was presented to him by Chaplain Shinn. It reads, " Presented to Washington Elliotby the Chaplain of the 23rd Regt., July 2nd 1862." This item is owned by Paul Loane. Photo of Frank Marrone Holding it taken by Paul Loane on Sept 14th 2004.
Privately purchased ID Badge worn by Washington Elliot of Company C, 23rd PA. It shows the Sixth Corps First Division Badge which he wore late in the War. The 23rd was part of the Sixth Corps First Division from April - July 1864 as members of The Army of The Potomac and then from July - Sept. 1864 as members of The Army of The Shenandoah.The item is owned by Paul Loane.
Bone Cross made by and worn by Robert Elliot of the 23rd PA Company C. It was made from a bone found during the Peninsula Campaign.(Hope it was a dog bone!) It is owned by Paule Loane.
During the 1886 Monument Dedication, one of those in attendance was the treasurer of the 23rd, William Bantom, whose picture is on page 200 of the 100th Anniversary edition of the Regimental History. His brother Henry W. Bantom died while guarding prisoners at Johnson's Island on January 27th 1864. Well ,William Bantom, whose wife was pregnant, arrives at The Gettysburg Train Station, on August 5th 1886 from Philadelphia and receives a telegram from home. His wife had wired him that a son had been born to him and what did he want to call the child. He wired her to name the child after his grandfather, the occasion of the day, the general and the family, so the child received the name "William Gettysburg Shaler Bantom." The story is recorded on page 254 of the 100th Anniversary edition! Many of the men of the 23rd who beforehand knew he was to have a child, had purchased a gift for William, a Silver Spoon encased in a nice wooden box and engraved with 23rd Regiment and the Corps Badge. To the cheers of his comrades, William stepped forward and promised to keep it forever as one of his most cherished heirlooms. Well, the items have been located, and as William promised, they have been kept in the family, handed down through the generations. Bill Kennedy, from Marlton, NJ is a direct descendant of William and Henry and has the items in his home.

Birney's Zouaves


23rd PA Monument

David Bell Birney

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23rd PA Flag

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