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          23rd Pennsylvania

Virtual Cemetery Page 1

The Final Resting Places of 23rd PA Soldiers
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The Grave of Private Andrew Floyd Gallagher of Company A, Three Months Volunteers. He is buried at West Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia. He was born on November 24th 1841 and died on April 20th 1917. He is buried in Section MA, Lot 205, Grave 1. Thanks to all of those at West Laurel Hill Cemetery for being very kind of my genealogical research and for having someone on staff to help. I recommend this cemetery for anyone who is interested in buying a plot.
Grave of Pvt. Andrew J. Albany of Company D. He was mustered in August 21st 1861. He proceeded with the Regiment to Camp Graham in Washington D.C. where he along with the Regiment, "Dug in", for the Defence of Washington City. He was transfered to Company H, 82nd PA Vols., on September 8th 1864. He was discharged a vet on July 13th 1865. He is buried in Levington Cemetery in Roxbourough, PA. He was born in 1836 and died in 1911.
Grave of Pvt. Benjamin F. Davis of Company O. He proceeded with the Regiment to Camp Graham in Washington D.C. where he along with the Regiment, "Dug in", for the Defence of Washington City. He is buried at West Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia. He was born in 1836 and died on May 30th 1906. He is buried in Section MT, Lot 10, Grave 1. He also served with Company H of the 61st PA.
The Grave of Pvt. Benneville S. Ruth of Company I. Drafted on July 10th 1863. He was wounded and captured at Cold Harbor and sent to Andersonville Prison. He died there on November 16th 1864. He is buried there in Grave 12048.
Grave of Pvt. Byron G. Keyser of Company B. Byron was mustered into service on August 2nd 1861.He proceeded with the Regiment to Camp Graham in Washington D.C. where he along with the Regiment, "Dug in", for the Defence of Washington City. He was "accidently killed" while at Camp Graham, in Washington D.C. on February 13th 1862. He is buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia in Sec W, Lot 96, Grave 2.

We later learned from a letter written by Lt. Joshua Garsed on February 12th 1862 just how Byron Keyser was killed. Here is a paragraph from the letter.

"There is nothing of interest transpiring in camp except that Keyser of our company is going to die from a blow in the head with a hatchet. Erysipeles is setting in. I regret losing him; he was a good man and attended to duty well."

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Grave of Sgt. Casper Miller of Company F. He proceeded with the Regiment to Camp Graham in Washington D.C. where he along with the Regiment, "Dug in", for the Defence of Washington City. He is buried at Lakeside Cemetery in Dover Delaware. He is buried in Sec G, Lot 2, Grave 2. He died on March 26th 1901.

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© December 15th 2018 - "Birney's Zouaves" The 23rd PA Infantry Volunteers
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