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          23rd Pennsylvania

Traveling Artifacts Page 3

Items pertaining to the 23rd PA
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This is an original Calling Card (buisness Card) of Captain Frank Lynch of the 23rd PA. Frank Lynch was the Post 2 G.A.R. Commander in 1882. It is owned by Frank P Marrone Jr of Gettysburg, PA.
This is the Forage Cap of Pvt. Robert Elliott of Company E, 23rd PA. It is owned by Paul Loane.
An application for Musician James S. Wagner to join a G. A. R. Post from the 1890's. Original owned by Frank P Marrone Jr., which was given to him on December 25th 2010 as a Christmas Gift from William A. Faieta. It tells of his Service, his favorite Comrades, battles he was in or Witnessed and his date and place of birth.
The Forage Hat of Jacob H. Yocum, Company G. He was born in 1839 in Philadelphia PA. He was mustered into service on September 1st 1861. On September 8th 1861 he moved with the Regiment to Washington D.C. for the defences of the Capital against possible Rebel Invasion. The 23rd was encamped at "The Queen Farm" owned by Jacob Queen and they made Camp Graham thier home. Typhoid Fever broke out in November and December of 61 and over fifty men of the unit died forcing them to move to higher ground near Bladensburg, MD. There they established Camp Clark . He was mustered out with the Company on September 8th 1864. Jacob died in 1913 and is buried at St. James Kingsessing Church in Philadelphia. there is a Photo of his gravesite on Page 52 of the Virtual Cemetery . You can also see a picture of Jacob on Page 15 of the Original Photos page. Hat was owned by my friend. the late John Henry Kurtz.
The Sword Carried by First Sgt. Frederick A. Huber when he was killed at Fair Oaks on May 31st 1862. You can view a Photo of Frederick on Page 29 of the Original Photos and visit his gravesite on Page 3 of the Virtual Cemetery.
The ID Badge for 1st Sgt. Cranmar S. Williams, Company D, 23rd PA.

Birney's Zouaves


23rd PA Monument

David Bell Birney

Original Photos


23rd PA Flag

Virtual Cemetery

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