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          23rd Pennsylvania

Traveling Artifacts Page 6

Items pertaining to the 23rd PA
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The Home of William Schrutretter of Company A, 23rd Pennsylvania. He lived in Gettysburg from 1895 until his Death. this home was purchased by him and his wife in 1926. He is buried at Gettysburg National Cemetery.
This is A Handwritten Record of Private John (James)Henry Company C , 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. John Henry was Wounded in the leg at The Battle of Cold Harbor Virginia on June 1st 1864, near Richmond. While at a Hospital in Salsbury,NC he was Transfered to the 82nd Pennsylvania, Company F. He died at the Hospital there,date unknown. This is a handwritten rosater of the Hospital from August 1864.
This is a Page 1 of a Letter written home by Private John Shillady Company E , 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. the Letter was written while he was at Johnson's Island in April of 1864. He would die just two months later as a result of his gunshot wound at Cold Harbor . this is courtesty of the Late Horrace Shillady of Havertown,PA.
This is a Page 2 of a Letter written home by Private John Shillady Company E , 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. the Letter was written while he was at Johnson's Island in April of 1864. He would die just two months later as a result of his gunshot wound at Cold Harbor . this is courtesty of the Late Horrace Shillady of Havertown,PA.
This is the Enlistment Certificate of Private John Shillady Company E , 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. the Letter was written while he was at Johnson's Island in April of 1864. He would die just two months later as a result of his gunshot wound at Cold Harbor . this is courtesty of the Late Horrace Shillady of Havertown,PA.
This is the Officers Certificate of Death for Private John Shillady Company E , 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. the Letter was written while he was at Johnson's Island in April of 1864. He would die just two months later as a result of his gunshot wound at Cold Harbor . This certificate was signed by Lt. william Clark of Company e. This is courtesty of the Late Horrace Shillady of Havertown,PA.

Birney's Zouaves


23rd PA Monument

David Bell Birney

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