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Burial Records Page 2

Burial Records of the 23rd PA
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Burial Information for Henry T. Ball, Company G, 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, Three Month Regiment. He died on February 15th 1902 at the age of 58. He is buried in an unmarked grave at Westminster Cemetery in bala Cwynwd PA in Section belmont, Lot 1 grave 17.
Burial Information for Ephraim H. Brighton, Company A, 23rd PA. He died on July 4th 1904 and is buried at East Cedar Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia in Section 3, Lot 113, Grave 1.
Burial Information for Lt. William H. Coulson Company B 23rd PA .He died on April 9th 1912 as a result of a suicide Hanging and is buried at East Cedar Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia in Section 6, Lot 180, Grave 1SW.
Burial Information for . William W. Milford Company H 23rd PA . He died on February 14th 1908 and is buried at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia in Section O, Lot 265, Grave 2.
Burial Information for Isaac McGrath and Charles Ball McGrath 23rd PA. Isaac was in Company A, Three Month Volunteers and then re-enlisted with the 118th PA. Charles was in Company O and then transfered to the 61st PV. Isaac died in Camp on October 21st 1862 and Charles was killed at Spottsylvania on May 12th 1864. They are both buried in the Same plat at Woodlands Cemetery in Philadelphia in an unmarked Grave. Section I Lot 1007.(Isaac grave 1, Charles Grave 3.)

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© February 1st 2019 - "Birney's Zouaves" The 23rd PA Infantry Volunteers
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