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          23rd Pennsylvania

Funkstown Field
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Funkstown , MD
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Funkstown, MD
(Click to Enlarge)

Smoke from Battle at 2005 Re-enactment
(Click to Enlarge)

23rd PA at Funkstown

July 11th and 12th 1863

July 7th (Gettysburg)

On July 7th 1863, the 23rd PA moved from their camp in Gettysburg around 6 A.M. and moved to Liberty, MD about 10 miles from Frederick in which they arrived at 6 P.M. During the night it began to rain and as morning came the rain became heavy. The next morning the Regiment moved toward Frederick in the heavy rain. They arrived around 11 A.M., just as the rainfall stopped. They passed through Frederick and arrived near Middletown at 3 P.M for a distance of 19 miles.

July 9th (Middletown)

The 23rd moved camp to near Middleton at ½ past 9 oclk. A.M. and arrived at camp on South Mountain at 2 oclk. P.M., having come a distance of 4 miles, They were now encamped in a valley between two mountains. With the recent, long marches just prior to The Battle of Gettysburg , three days of fierce fighting there and then on the march again, about half of the regiment was without shoes. Skirmishing had already begun at Funkstown, MD, so the tents were struck as the men made thier way.

In Funkstown (July 10)

In marching from Boonsboro' towards Funkstown, the 23rd PA crossed a little stream, Beaver Creek. In the distance could be seen a small skirmish line of the Rebels in a stretch of woods on the heights. Skirmishers were sent out to engage the enemy. The rebels opened up a fire of artillery and musketry but the men of the Sixth corps refused to leave and sent the presumptuous rebel line of battle to the rear in confusion. On the evening of the tenth, near Funkstown there was severe skirmishing along the lines of the 23rd. They formed the division in two lines on the right of the pike. Skirmishing with cavalry and infantry was kept up until night, the enemy slowly retiring.

In Funkstown (July 11)

About 10 a.m.,on the 11th of July ,the 23rd Pennsylvania passed through Funkstown and took up a position across the Antietam creek in the center of the line occupied by the Sixth corps. Late in the afternoon, there was an order to advance a skirmish line, and take, if possible, the crest occupied by the enemy's skirmishers. The movement was but partially successful.

July 12th 1863

On the morning of the 12th it was realized that the Rebels had fallen back from the town and were on thier way toward the Potamac River. Though not a major battle of any sort, it was realized that "The Skirmish at Funkstown", was in fact very important. It was the last time the Rebel Army would be in the North in 1863. The Rebels had invaded the North and were defeated and pushed back to Virginia.


The 23rd Pennsylvania would not take a great amount of casulties during the skirmish at Funkstown.


  • 0 Killed
  • 4 Wounded


    The information to put this write-up together was taken from the following sources:

  • “Life of the 23rd Pennsylvania “Birney’s Zouaves” ,William J. Wray 1904, 1999,2004
  • Research and Studies of Frank P. Marrone Jr.

  • Birney's Zouaves


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