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          23rd Pennsylvania

Newspaper Clippings Page 2

Newspaper Clippings pertaining to the 23rd PA
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From a Washington Paper, December 24th 1861. This Clipping was about the festivities at Camp Graham in Washington D.C. from September through December 1861. Visit the Camp Graham page for more info and a War Time Sketch.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer, August 11th, 1860. Captain Louis B. Hillebrands Gymnasium was made into Company B of the 23rd PA Volunteers. This is an add in the Paper just prior to the War.
During the Harsh Winter of 62, ladies in Philadelphia knitted mittens for the Soldiers in the 23rd PA. This was a Testament to how local Citizens partook in the War and aided the Soldiers needs.
This Newspaper clipping is from The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 16, 1861. Company C, of 23rd PA Three Month Volunteers from Germantown, PA ready to leave the city.
This Newspaper clipping is from The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 15, 1863.This is a story about the 23rd Pennsylvania being Paid while at Downsville and Chaplain Shinn taking 18,000 back to Philadelphia for the soldiers Families.
Philadelphia Inquirer August 15th 1861 recruiting ad for the 23rd Pennsylvania at The Globe Hotel in Philadelphia.

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