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          23rd Pennsylvania

Newspaper Clippings Page 9

Newspaper Clippings pertaining to the 23rd PA
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From The Philadelphia Inquirer, 1866. Amos Hansell a Salesman of Jardella Syrup of Blackberry. After the war that Amos and George formed the partnership of Hansell & Bro. After their younger brother Wilmot became a pharmacist, there was a business called Hansell Brothers which included Amos, George and Wilmot. The Hansell & Bro. store offered drugs, paints, colors, varnishes, etc.Various advertisements in the Public Ledger indicate Amos may have acquired the building and/or business from Jerome B. Jardella, owner of Jardella’s Drug Store located at the same address in the 1850s. The most advertised item for Hansell & Bro. is “Jardella’s,” a potion which cures most ailments without using camphor or opium. This product was developed by Jerome B. Jardella in the 1840s and after 1864 was advertised as prepared only by Amos Hansell. Amos worked and prepared these elixers at the Corner of 20th and Market Street in Philadelphia.

You can view a Photo of the Grave of Amos Hansell on Page 67 of the 23rd Pennsylvania, Virtual Cemetery pages.

From The Philadelphia Inquirer, February 12th 1862. The Deaths of Charles Anderson and Howell Reeves at Camp graham, Washington D.C.
From The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 2nd 1862. Members of 23rd PA, Company B captured at Nolan's Ferry.
From The Philadelphia Inquirer, June and July 1862. Various Newspaper articles explaining the action of the 23rd PA Volunteers at the Battle of Fair Oaks, May 31st 1862.
From The Philadelphia Inquirer, June and July 1862. Various Newspaper articles explaining the action of the 23rd PA Volunteers at the Battle of Fair Oaks, May 31st 1862.
From The Philadelphia Inquirer, June and July 1862. Various Newspaper articles explaining the action of the 23rd PA Volunteers at the Battle of Fair Oaks, May 31st 1862.

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