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          23rd Pennsylvania

Original Photos Page 17

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Photo of Lt. James Johnston, Co. E, 23rd PA. He was mustered into service on August 14th 1861. Promoted to 2nd Lt. on July 20th 1862. Promoted to 1st Lt. December 29th 1863. Wounded at the Battle of Fair Oaks on May 31st 1862. Killed at Cold Harbor June 1st 1864.
Company B Privates Thomas W. Snowden, Lewis Strenner, Alex P. Wlkins and Daniel Graeber on Campaign. It appears they had early war hardpacks. Photo may have been taken afer March of 1862 since the Army was put into Campaign. Notice the stacked arms with the accourtraments and the dog tents in the ackground. A fifth unidentified soldier stands in the background.
Pvt. Jacob Keith, Co. C, 23rd Penn Vols. Mustered in January 28th 1864. Killed at the Battle of Cold Harbor June 1st 1864.
Pvt. Zachariah J. Shaw, Company F, 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers.Zachariah Shaw was mustered in on August 2nd 1861. He was killed at the battle of Cold Harbor on June 1st 1864.
This is a Photo of Corporal Solomon Forbaugh Company A , 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, also known by their nickname, “Birney’s Zouaves”. He was born in Philadelphia in 1836. He enlisted into the 23rd Pennsylvania at the Schuylkill Arsenal in Philadelphia on August 8th 1861. On September 8th 1861, he moved with the Regiment to Washington D.C, where he was encamped just three miles north of the Capitol on “The Queen’s Farm” at Camp Graham . He was there with the Regiment during the cold winter months and in December of 1861; Typhoid Fever broke out within the Camp which resulted in the Death of Fifty-One men of the 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. It was decided on March 12th 1862 to move the camp to higher ground in Bladensburg, Maryland to rid the epidemic and ready the Soldiers for campaign. The 23rd Pennsylvania moved to Bladensburg and were encamped at Camp Clark .He was Killed at The Battle of Fair Oaks Virginia on May 31st 1862, near Richmond. He is buried at Seven Pines National Cemetery in Sanston,Virginia in Section A, Lot 366, Grave 1 not far and just to the right of the flagpole.

You can view a Photo of the Grave of Solomon Forebaugh on Page 40 of the 23rd Pennsylvania, Virtual Cemetery pages.

You can view a Photo of Solomon Forebaugh on the Fair Oaks page.

You can view the Obituary of Solomon Forebaugh on Page 12 of the 23rd Pennsylvania, Obituaries pages.

Lt. James G. Williamson, Company K, 23rd PVI. He was mustered in on August 24th 1861. Promoted from Sgt. on July 1st 1863 on the way to the Battle of Gettysburg. Wounded at Cold Harbor on June 1st 1864 and died the following day.

Birney's Zouaves


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© May 30, 2005 - "Birney's Zouaves" The 23rd PA Infantry Volunteers
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