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          23rd Pennsylvania

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A CDV of Captain John Fassitt (right) and General Bristoe. Fassitt won The Congressional Medal of Honor at Gettysburg and was Captain of Company F, 23rd PA.
Photo of Private John Mooney, 23rd PA, Company B. He was mustered in on August 2nd 1861 and mustered out on September 8th 1864.
Adj. Thomas K. Boggs of the 23rd PA. He was mustered in on August 2nd 1861 as a Lt. of Company C. He was wounded at The battle of Fair Oaks on May 31st 1862. He was mustered out on September 8th 1864.
1st Lt. , Company B, William H. Coulston. William was mustered in on August 2nd 1861. He was promoted from 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt. on October 20th 1861 while at Camp Graham, Washington D.C. While at Warwick Creek in April of 1862 he was accidendly wounded. He resigned on July 12th 1862.

Birney's Zouaves


23rd PA Monument

David Bell Birney

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© October 27, 2010 - "Birney's Zouaves" The 23rd PA Infantry Volunteers
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