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          23rd Pennsylvania

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Pvt. John M. Wells, Company K, 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Captain George W. Mindil Company B 23d PA. Mustered in August 2nd 1861 as 1st Lt. Trasfered to Company R on October 5th 1861. He was later Col. of the 33rd NJ "Mindil's Zouaves" and then detached to Gen. Kearny's Staff as Adj-Gen. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery (see Virtual Cemetery).
Captain Henry Marchant Company I 23d PA. Mustered in August 2nd 1861. Promoted to Captain of Co. I on January 1st 1863. Killed at Cold Harbor June 1st 1864.
Pvt. Charles Donahue Company G 23d PA. Mustered in August 24th 1861. Wounded at Fair Oaks on May 31st 1862 and at Marye's Heights (Fredricksburg) on May 3rd 1863. Mustered out with Company on September 8th 1864.
Corporal Charles F. Huber Company A 23d PA. Mustered in August 8th 1861. Transfered to Comapany F 82d PA. Mustered out July 13th 1865 as a vet. Wounded at Cold Harbor as a member of the 23d on June 1st 1864.
Lt. Thomas J. Armstrong, Company G , 23rd PV. Mustered in on September 2nd 1861. Promoted to 1st Lt. Company M on September 2nd 1861, to Company G, August 31st 1862. He was detached to General Shalers staff. He died on January 2nd 1864.

Birney's Zouaves


23rd PA Monument

David Bell Birney

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© May 30, 2005 - "Birney's Zouaves" The 23rd PA Infantry Volunteers
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