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          23rd Pennsylvania

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Sgt. Daniel Colville Company F 23rd Pennsylvania. Mustered in August 2, 1861. Promoted to Sgt. on May 18, 1863. Mustered out with regiment on September 8, 1864.
Pvt.Daniel Fow Company E 23rd Pennsylvania. Mustered in on August 14, 1861. Transfered to 82nd PA in September 1864. Mustered out a veteran on July 17, 1865.
Corp.Daniel Schlabach Company L 23rd PA.Mustered in on August 18, 1861. Transfered to 61st PA in March 1862. Mustered out with company on June 28, 1865 a veteran.
Private William Dawson.
Corp. David Applegate Company G 23rd PA.Mustered in on Septtember 1, 1861. Killed at the Battle of Cold Harbor June 1, 1864.
Pvt. John McGraw of Company A. He served in the US Marine Corps from May 18th 1857 til July 1861. He enlisted in Company A of the 23rd PA on September 1st 1861 in Washington D.C. He served with the 23rd PA until it was consolidated on Sept. 14th 1864. He mustered in with the 82nd PA. He recieved a gunshot wound to the hip on April 6th 1865 at Sailors Creek. He was mustered out a Sgt on July 13th 1865 in Halls Hill Virginia from the 82nd PA Company K. He went back into the Marines on August 28th 1865 and served until December 24th 1869. He then enlisted in The 23rd US Reg Infantry on January 28th 1870 and served until he retired in April 1879.He died at the soldiers home in Elizebeth City Virginia , (now Hampton Virginia)on July 13th 1908 and is buried in Hampton National Cemetery.

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David Bell Birney

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© May 30, 2005 - "Birney's Zouaves" The 23rd PA Infantry Volunteers
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