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          23rd Pennsylvania

Virtual Cemetery Page 10

The Final Resting Places of 23rd PA Soldiers
"Click a page to view Gravesites."

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The grave of Corp. Joseph Walker Co. P. He was mustered into service on September 4th 1861. At Camp Graham on the Queens Farm he died in December 1862. He was buried at American Mechanics Cemetery and then on April 10th 1895 he was disinterred and his remains were moved to Fernwood Cemetery by his mother Eliza Walker. He is buried there in the Berger plot.
Grave of Pvt. John W. Watermeyer Co. H (Three Months Enlistee). He was mustered into service on April 21st 1861 making him one of the first to sign up. He was mustered out of service on July 31st 1861. He died in September of 1898 and is buried at Fernwood Cemetery in Philadelphia in Section 39.
Grave of Drum Major Louis P. Landenberger of the 23rd PA. Little is known about Louis Landenberger accept that he lived in Perkasie at the outbreak of the Civil War and that he died there in 1898. He was born in 1825. His family of German heritage comes from a long line of musicians.
The Grave of Pvt. William Starsmore of Company H. He was mustered into service on September 1st 1861. His name is mispelled William Stairsmore on page 235 of the unit history. At the Battle of Cold Harbor, on June 1st 1864, he was severly injured by a bayonet wound, but survived. He was mustered out with the company on September 8th 1864. He is buried at Hampton National Cemetery in Virginia in Lot 7485. Thanks to Mr. Hardamon and the staff at Hampton National for all your help and the photos.

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Grave of Pvt John Vanfleet of Company G (Three Months Volunteers). He mustered into service on April 21st 1861 making him one of the first to sign up for Lincoln's 75,000 volunteers. He served his three month term and was mustered out on July 31st 1861. He is buried at Hampton National Cemetery in Virgina. He is buried in Lot 10627. Thanks to Mr. Hardamon and the staff at Hampton National for all your help and the photos.

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Grave of Pvt. William Schtretter of Company A. He was mustered in on August 8th 1861 and served three years and was mustered out on September 8th 1864 with his company. After the War he moved to Gettysburg, PA and died there. He is buried in Gettysburg National Cemetery in Sec. 8L Row B Pos. 15, which is just off from the NY plots.

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© May 30, 2005 - "Birney's Zouaves" The 23rd PA Infantry Volunteers
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