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          23rd Pennsylvania

Virtual Cemetery Page 27

The Final Resting Places of 23rd PA Soldiers
"Click a page to view Gravesites."

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The grave of Pvt. James G. Osbourne Company B, 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, Three Month Regiment. James was born in 1842. He was mustered in on April 21st 1861. He was mustered out of service on July 31st 1861. James Osbourne died on June 1st 1916. He is buried at Ardsley Burial Park (Hillside Cemetery) in Philadelphia in Elm Section , Lot 255, Grave 1.
Grave of Pvt. William McKinney of Company E, 23rd PV. He mustered into service on August 14th 1861 at the Skuykill Arsenal in Philadelphia. While at Camp Graham in Washington D.C., he became ill. He was sent home on a Surgeons Certificate on April 1st 1862. He died on May 24th 1904. He is buried in

Hampton National Cemetery

in Hampton Virginia. He is buried in Section C, Site 8670.

Grave of 1st Sgt. Alexander Powell, Company F, 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, "Birney's Zouaves". Alexander A. Powell was born on September 27th,1838 to Thomas Powell and Maria Von Donagher Powell. He mustered into service on August 2nd 1861 in Philadelphia. Alexander was also wounded at Fair Oaks and fought with the unit through its 1863 and 1864 campaign. On June 1st 1864 at Cold Harbor Virginia, he was seriously wounded after the charge of the 23rd. A roll call was made and he was missing. During the truce on the evening of the first to bury the dead, John Carrigan of Company F, one of the burial detail came back to the Regiment with a sash and pocket knife which belonged to Powell. He was marked as killed and his mother and father were notified in Philadelphia. They held a mock funeral at Germantown Lutheran Church in Philadelphia. His father collected his pay to his date of death. A month later the Sixth Corps was ordered into the Shenadoah Valley. Carrigan who supposedly buried Powell was on a wagon guard when the guard was raided by John Mosby and was held as a prisoner of War at Andersonville. Passing around among the prisoners there, he came across Powell. Powell told him how he had crosed the works, was shot, falling into the rebel trenches before being captured. On reaching home his identity was established and his Parents were exuberent. He was mustered out on April 27th 1865 as a twenty-third soldier, the remainder of the regiment being mustered out on September 8th 1864. He returned home to Germantown PA where he became a woodworker. He died there on August 15th 1909 and was buried at Northwood Cemetery. The cause of death was alcoholism and heart diease. The undertaker was Kirk & Nice. The Obituary in the local paper told the story of a Union Soldier that had two funerals.His service was rendered by Rev. William Boyer of Germantown. He is buried in an unmarked Grave at Northwood in Section (Maple Grave) Lot (600)Grave (3). He is buried in a casket at a six foot depth. He was 71 Years old. The papers are being filed this moment for a marker. Click here

Original Photos Page 4

for more informationa and a photo of Alexander A. Powell.

The Grave of Corporal John McCabe Company C 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was mustered into service on September 1st 1861 as a Private. He was proted to Corporal on October 8th 1861 at Camp Graham in Washington D.C. He was wounded at captured at The Battle of Cold Harbor on June 1st 1864. He was mustered out of service on October 8th 1864. John McCabe moved to Missouri and died in Stafford on November 1st 1902. John is buried at

Springfield National Cemetery

in Springfield Missouri. He lies there in Section 24 Plot 1708. You can read more about the History of this National Cemetery by clicking the link above.

Grave of General Thomas H. "Old Bucky" Neill. Neill got his start with the 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers before moving to the 61st PA. During his time in the 23rd, "Old Buck" wore a red Kepi which was stolen by one of the men. When found out, the man was dealt with easy. Neill was a gracious man and a great soldier. He was promoted to Brig. General. He is buried at

West Point Cemetery.

The West Point Cemetery overlooking the Hudson River served as a burial ground for Revolutionary soldiers and early West Point inhabitants long before 1817 when it was officially designated as a military cemetery. Until that time several small burial plots scattered in mid-post served as places of interment. The graves from these plots and the remains subsequently found during building excavations were removed to the new site. An improved road to the cemetery was constructed in 1840, and the caretaker's cottage was erected in 1872. Development and expansion of the grounds were made in 1890, 1900, and at various intervals to the present time.

Grave of Musician Samuel Segar of Company C, 23rd Penn. Vols. He was born in South Carolina in 1840. He mustered into service on August 2nd 1861 and mustered out on September 8th 1864. He renlisted into the 28th PA on January 9th 1865 and mustered out on July 18th 1865. He was married to his wife Mary E. Segar and had one child, Ruby. He died on November 4th 1896 in Everett, Snohomish County, Washington.
Samuel Segar, of Everett, Dead
Everett, November 5, -Special- Samuel Segar died Tuesday night of pneumonia, after an illness of only a few days. He was a member of John Buford Post 89, G.A.R. of this city, and at his suggestion the name was given to the post. He had been for some time a police officer of this city. The body will be buried at Seattle under the direction of the Hebrew Society of that city.
Seattle Post Intelligencer, Friday, November 6th, 1896 page 8, col. C
He is buried in
G.A.R. Cemetery
in Seattle Washington in Plot A-17. A special thanks to Nils Solsvik of Seattle for volunteering through Find a Grave dot Com to get photo's of his grave.

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