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          23rd Pennsylvania

Virtual Cemetery Page 30

The Final Resting Places of 23rd PA Soldiers
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(Thanks to Rich Ascani for The photo of Patrick Hickeys Grave) The Grave of Pvt. Patrick Hickey, Company F, "Birney's Zouaves" , 23rd PV. Patrick was born in Ireland in 1840. At the age of three he moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he grew up. One of his best friends growing up in the city was William J Wray. At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, Patrick Hickey signed up as a volunteer with his "chum", William Wray into the 23 rd PA , Company F. They were tent mates and fought together during the Seven Days Campaign in 1862. At the Battle of Fredericksburg on December 12th 1862 a shot was fired that took a direct hit on William Wray's eye, passing through his head and hitting Patrick Hickey in the left arm. On the way back to the rear assisted by Billy Craig, they found an ambulance. A shell exploded nearby and the team of horses took off. He grabbed Wray's waist and they fell off. They found their way to Surgeon William Roller of the 23 rd PA. Roller did what he could to stop the flow of blood and told Hickey to stay with his friend. Hickey walked six miles found a train and 11 days later the pair was in a hospital in Washington D.C. Hickey cared for the seriously wounded Wray the entire time. When they came up for examination by the surgeon for furlough, Wray was given sixty days and Hickey, thirty days. Wray refused his sixty and asked to be cut to thirty. When the surgeon found out about this and seen the bond the men had, he gave Hickey a sixty day furlough. While there, the boys bumped into Surgeon Roller who had come to D.C. for his pay and he found Wray and Hickey broke. He gave them each a five dollar bill. After the war William Wary moved back to Philadelphia. He named one of his nine children William Hickey Wray.

Patrick Hickey served his three years and was mustered out with the regiment on September 8th 1864. He returned to Philadelphia. In 1873 he moved to Kansas City ,MO. He worked at several hotels and saloons, and resided at various hotels between 1873 and 1885. His occupation in 1873 was a "runner" (delivery man), for the Coates House (Hotel); barkeeper at the East Stanton Saloon in 1876 and bartender at the Laclede Saloon in 1878. In 1883-1884, before his death, he Owned/Operated a saloon at 1330 W. 9th Street. The 1884-1885 city directory and after , there is listed a Mary Hickey who was his wife.

Patrick Hickey died on October 18th 1885 at the age of 45. The cause of death was Alcoholism and Bronchitis. The death notice is in the October 19th 1885, Kansas City Times on page 7. The obituary reads: HICKEY- On October 18th, at his residence, 1718 West Ninth Street, Patrick Hickey, in the 45th year of his age. The funeral will take place from the Church of the annunciation, on Tuesday, at 9 O Clock, A.M., Father Dalton officiating.

He is buried in Mount St Mary's Cemetery in Kansas City, MO. Patrick Hickey, born Ireland, died 18 October 1885 and was buried from the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri.

The Grave of Private Isaac McMurdy, Company I, 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. Isaac was born on January 10th 1827 in Ireland. he moved with his family to Lancaster County Pennsylvania as a young boy. He was mustered into service on August 2nd 1861 into Company I. He died on August 30th 1910 in Wichita, KS. He is buried there in Highland Cemetery.
Grave of Corporal Anthony Schaffer of Company H , 23rd Pennsylvania, Birneys Zouaves. Anthony Schaffer was born on November 12th 1841 in Ireland. As a young boy he and his family moved to New Jersey. At the outbreak of the Civil War Anthony enlisted in the 23rd Pennsylvania, "Birney's Zouaves". He was mustered in at the Skuykill Arsenal on August 10th 1861 and placed into Company H, the Color Company. He served throughout the Peninsula Campaign of 62' and Fredericksburg in late December. On May 1st 1863, two days before being engaged at 2nd Fredericksburg, he was promoted to Corporal of Company H. At the Battle of Gettysburg (July 3rd 1863) , Culp's Hill, two men from each Company, (Anthony being one of them from Co. H) were chosen as Skirmishers. He was struck in the left arm and wounded. He was taken to The Michael Trostle Farmhouse which was the Sixth Corps Hospital which was under the direction of Dr. Chamberlain (U.S. Vols.) and Dr. Oakley (2nd NJ). After a brief furlough he returned to the unit and fought with them during the Mine Run Campaign in Virginia. In December (63) the unit was transferred West to Johnson's Island, Sandusky OH to guard Confederate Prisoners . In the spring of 64 The Regiment returned to The Peninsula again and joined up with The Army of the Potomac during U.S. Grant's Overland Campaign. At the Battle of Cold Harbor on June 1st 1864 Anthony Schaffer was shot in the neck and back and carried from the field. He spent the next three months in a Hospital before being mustered out with the Regiment on September 8th 1864, his three year enlistment running out. He returned home to New Jersey after the War. Anthony died on March 8th 1876 as a result of his wounds from Cold Harbor.
The Grave of Pvt. Benjamin H. Arney of Company C, 23rd PV. Benjamin's name is not listed on The Regimental Rolls of the 23rd. He has the distinction of being the only soldier honorably discharged with only Nine Days of Service. He was from New York. He mustered into the 23rd PA on 9/21/1862 and was mustered out on 9/30/1862 in Harrisburg , PA. He is Buried at Oakwood Cemetery, ( Portage Road) Niagara Falls, New York. He was born in 1840 and died in 1923.
The Grave of Corporal George F. Peifer. He was mustered in as a Private into the 23rd Pa on August 2nd 1861 at the Arsenal in Philadelphia. At the Battle of 2nd Fredericksburg on May 3rd 1863, the 23rd Pennsylvania stormed Marye's Heights and helped to capture the Washington Artillery. They made this charge without being ordered to since there was a need. It was such a brave and desparate charge that afterward Col. John Ely had Medals Struck for them in the Regiment who made the charge. Shortly afterward he was promoted to Corporal in Company B, 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. George was mustered out with the Company on September 8th 1864. He was a member of Post 94 G. A. R, The Anna B. Ross Camp out of Philadelphia, and a 33rd Degree Mason. In 1904 he was elected to be one of the twelve members of The council of Administration of The Twenty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers. He died in 1915 of Heart Failure. He is buried in a Mausoleum in Section D, Lot 15 Grave 1.
Grave of Pvivate Frank Davis Hahn of Company B, 23rd Pennsylvania Vounteers. He was mustered into service on August 2 1861. He was born in Lockport New York in 1843. After the war he returned to Lockport and married Mary Pinney. Frank died in Lockport in 1934 at the age of 81 Years Old. He is buried in Garland Cemetery, Lockport , NY in Section 7, Lot 56, Grave N 1/2

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