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          23rd Pennsylvania

Virtual Cemetery Page 32

The Final Resting Places of 23rd PA Soldiers
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Grave of Pvt. Isaac Tustin, Company A, 23rd Pennsylvania. He served in three different Pennsylvania Regiments. he first served as in Company K of the 22nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, a regiment that was raised at the outset of the Civil War, and was mustered in for only three months. After his enlistment expired in that unit, he enlisted in Company A of the 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, which was known as "Birney's Zouaves". He served with that unit until his early discharge. Finally, he enlisted in the 192nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, serving in Company B. That unit served for only for a 100 days enlistment, and he was honorably mustered out when the enlistment expired.

A big thank you to Steve Lubetkin of Cherry Hill, NJ for his research and photos of the Grave of Isaac Tustin of Company A, 23rd PA Volunteers.

This is the Grave of Private/Corporal John J. Gormley Company K , 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, also known by their nickname, “Birney’s Zouaves”. He was born in New Castle Delaware in 1837. He enlisted into the 23rd Pennsylvania at the Schuylkill Arsenal in Philadelphia on August 2nd 1861. On September 8th 1861, he moved with the Regiment to Washington D.C, where he was encamped just three miles north of the Capitol on “The Queen’s Farm” at Camp Graham . He was there with the Regiment during the cold winter months and in December of 1861; Typhoid Fever broke out within the Camp which resulted in the Death of Fifty-One men of the 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. It was decided on March 12th 1862 to move the camp to higher ground in Bladensburg, Maryland to rid the epidemic and ready the Soldiers for campaign. The 23rd Pennsylvania moved to Bladensburg and were encamped at Camp Clark . He was promoted to the Rank of Corporal on May 1st 1864. John J. Gormley was Wounded at The Battle of Cold Harbor Virginia on June 1st 1864, near Richmond. He was mustered out of Service on September 8th 1864. After the War, He returned to Delaware. Because of some poor record keeping John J. Gormley who was also known as John Gorman, was left out of records during the Civil War. His name does not appears in The History of Pennsylvania Soldiers, The Regimental History of the 23rd PA and the Pension Office as John Gorman. He married a woman named Sarah in 1873. Sarah died in Philadelphia on December 17th 1876 at 1824 Hemphill Street. He married Susan Mellon on May 22nd 1879 in New Castle Delaware at St Peters. The wedding was oficiated by Father Benjaman F. Kelley. John and Susan had five Children. Catherine Gormley (7/21/1880), Mary E. Gormley (3/5/1883), Susan Gormley (10/27/1884), Anna Gormley (9/4/1890), and Edward Gormley (8/19/1888). John J. Gormley was the Past Post Commander of The G.A.R. Post 12 in New Castle Delaware His death occurred on December 2nd 1892. He is buried at St. Peters Cemetery in New Castle Delaware. Susan filed for John's pension on December 6th 1892. His new Headstone was provided by Frank P. Marrone Jr of the 23rd Pennsylvania Memorial association on February 14th 2006.

You can view a Photo of John J. Gormley on Page 20 of the 23rd Pennsylvania, Original Photos pages.

Grave of Pvt. Edward C. Andrews, Company A, 23d PA, "Birney's Zouaves". He is buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia, PA. He is buried in Section L, Lot 201 , Grave 1. Edward signed up on August 8th 1861 for his three year enlistment. He was wounded at the Battle of Funkstown on July 11th 1863. During the Winter of 63, the 23rd Pennsylvania was sent to Johnson's Island in Sandusky Ohio to guard Rebel Prisoners. While there on duty, Andrew became ill and died in February of 1864. His remains were returned home and buried at Laurel Hill on February 25th 1864.
Grave of Private Benard Quinn, Company C, Three Month Volunteers, Twenty third Pennsylvania. Benard mustered in on April 21st 1861. He fought with the unit at the Battle of Falling Waters. He was mustered out on July 31st 1861. He died on August 12th 1861 in the 28th year of his age. Benard was a member of The Viligent Hose Company of Philadelphia. His coffin was draped with an American Flag and the Soldiers at his funeral passed it at "Present Arms". He was buriat at The Mutuel Burial Grounds on august 15th 1861. In 1924 the Cemetery was removed to Forest Hills Cemetery. All of the remains were buried in a Mass Grave near the back of the Cemetery.
Grave of Private Edward Donahue, Company D,23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, "Birney's Zouaves". He was mustered into service on August 21st 1861. He was wounded at the battle of fair Oaks. He died on August 12th 1862 as a result of his wounds. He is Buried at Louden Park National Cemetery in baltimore in Section M Grave 298.

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