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Hydropower: The Way Energy Should Be Generated

Hydroelectric is the best kind of energy to use. Its renewable, always there, and its all around us in  South Florida. We chose Hydroelectric power because it is the cleanest since we burn no fuel in the process of converting water energy to energy you use to power homes and businesses. The "coolest" kind of energy is Hydroelectric Power.

What is Hydroelectric Power?

        -Hydroelectric Power is electricity that is generated by falling water or waves.

How is it Used?

  -Hydroelectric Power (or hydropower) is used to generate electricity.

         The energy then is used to power our homes within our development.

Why use hydropower to power our homes?

       -Not costly to run once the dam is built

       -The government pays top dollar for dams

-No fuel is ever burned since all of the power comes from water

       -The water needed is provided by nature so its free all the time.

       -Most of all, Hydropower is a renewable resource so it's always there.

What is a dam?
hydrodam-A dam is a barrier that controls the flow of water or raises the water level of a river or lake.

How does a dam work?

    - Near the bottom of the dam wall is the water intake. The water intake is the a part of the dam that water enters. Gravity causes the water to travel through the penstock and end up at the turbine where the water goes around the turbine. A penstock is the filter for the water to leave out animals and other unwanted things. The energy from the turbine travels to the generator where it is transformed into electricity and is distributed to homes and businesses by long distance power lines. The water then travels to a river where it leaves the dam.

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