Testified that she and McWilliams called the police as soon as they found the card on the apartment door, Click exhibit "THE DEFENSE'S EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT TRIAL"
The prosecutor called Investigator Rester as a witness to discredit Sonya's alibi for McWilliams. Investigator Rester stated that he never received a call from Sonya, making the jury believe she was outright lying for McWilliams.
The prosecutor's own file contained a police telephone log which notes the time, date, name, address and information communicated when Sonya called!
Click exhibit 49 "Police Log"
The prosecutor and police investigator deliberately lied to the jury to discredit McWilliams' only alibi!
Mr. Ronald Thomas was the only witness reportedly inside Austin's with Ms. Reynolds murderer. He testified that the person was wearing "real light tan khaki pants, with a brown stain on the
right leg (alleged to be blood) and a white long sleeve shirt."
The Prosecutor deliberately fabricated the evidence and mislead the jury to believe that the clothing confiscated from McWilliams was the clothing Mr. Thomas testified the murderer was wearing.
The Prosecutor, further mislead the jury by inferring that the clothes were given back to McWilliams, who then destroyed them to prevent detection!
The Prosecutor's OWN files reveal the TRUTH! The clothing confiscated from McWilliams was in the possession of the prosecution and police investigator's the entire time!
The files show:
- A handwritten inventory list of the items confiscated from the vehicle McWilliams was driving in Ohio at the time of his arrest.
Click Exhibit 21 "Handwritten Inventory List"
- A typed inventory list of the items confiscated from the
vehicle McWilliams was driving in Ohio at the time of his Arrest.
- A taped telephone conversation between two (2) investigator's in which they discussed the pants and state "the pants would be kept as evidence and shipped to the prosecutor "!
- A 2nd undisclosed inventory list noting that the pants were in police custody after McWilliams' release on January 17, 1985.
- A certified letter receipt indicating that the pants had been sent to and received by the Alabama Department Of Forensic Science lab for testing.
- An Alabama Department Of Forensic Science official lab report indicating that the certified package was received from Ohio containing:
One (1) White Blouse;
One (1) White T-Shirt;
one (1) Toy Gun;
Two (2) Pair Green Army Fatigues.
Click exhibit 56 "Alabama Department Of Forensic Sciences Receipt"
- An Alabama Department of Forensic Science official lab report indicating that these clothes were tested at the instruction of the Prosecutor for signs of blood/or gun powder residue. Test Results: "NONE FOUND"!
[Note: Ronald Thomas testified that the person he saw at the store was wearing "light tan khaki pants and a long sleeve white shirt".
The prosecutor and police investigator s knew that no such clothing was confiscated from McWilliams, nor did McWilliams have any such clothing in his possession at the time of his arrest.
The prosecutor knew that the khaki pants Trooper Elder testified about were not light tan, but were Green Army Fatigues! The prosecutor knew that McWilliams pants did not have any blood on them!
The prosecutor also knew that the two white shirts confiscated from McWilliams, in no way fit the witnesses description of the clothing the perpetrator was wearing. The shirts confiscated from McWilliams were a woman's white blouse and a white long sleeve T-Shirt!
When the persecutor stated to the jury, "As to what happened to the khaki pants taken out of McWilliams car...I suspect they had (the victim's) blood on them, McWilliams got rid of them", he deliberately lied, and fabricated false facts to mislead the jury!
The prosecutor deliberately allowed Trooper Elder to lie under oath when he stated that clothing found in the vehicle McWilliams was driving
was inventoried as "Two pair of khaki pants, two white shirts and
one brown coat! One of the witnesses stated the perpetrator was wearing
a brown coat, thus the prosecutor needed evidence of a brown coat
against McWilliams. Trooper Elder assisted the prosecutor with that false
The prosecutor's own files contain a phone conversation between John Helm (an Ohio Investigator) and Captain Fields of the Tuscaloosa Police Department, which noted that at the time of McWilliams' arrest he was wearing "blue jeans, white pullover shirt and brown shoes"
Click exhibit 51 "Captain Fields Report"
Investigator Helm has given an affidavit concerning the evidence log in which he noted a "pair of military pants"; explaining that his notation meant "military style" pants. Click exhibit 52 "Affidavit of Helm's"
The prosecutor knew that McWilliams did not destroy any clothing and that the production of the actual clothing confiscated from McWilliams; if seen by the jury would destroy its case against McWilliams, The prosecutor and police investigator's cannot, in any shape or form; explain that their actions were not deliberately done to mislead the jury.
By their own hand, they fabricated evidence and hid from the jury the true facts of the evidence which lead to the conviction and death sentence of an Innocent Man!
Police Investigator Doug Turner testified at McWilliams' preliminary hearing and introduced bullets he reported to be the ones recovered from the crime scene- He described those bullets as being one-half inch to one inch long, perfectly shaped, not flattened by impact, not mutilated or deformed in any manner.
Click exhibit 22 "Turner's Preliminary Hearing Testimony"
McWilliams retrieved the official records from the Alabama Department of Forensic Science lab- He sent these official records, along with Investigator Turner's testimony to a Ballistic Expert (Retired), that was trained by the FBI and certified as an expert in the field.
The Expert's examination found that the bullets delivered to the Alabama Department of Forensic Science lab were documented as being "flattened and mutilated to a degree the diameter cannot be determined".
The Expert concluded that the testimony of Investigator Turner was in direct conflict with the official lab reports!
Click exhibit 53, Click exhibit 54 "Ballistic Expert's Report"
What is shocking is that Investigator Turner took this weapon to his home and kept it there for nearly two days; while he had access to the evidence locker where the crime scene evidence (BULLETS) were kept!
This weapon was test fired and four of the test bullets have DISAPPEARED
Even more astounding is now the weapon and bullets can not be found and no one knows where they are! Which renders any retesting IMPOSSIBLE!
[Note: How do bullets go from being flat, disfigured and mutilated on the night of the crime; to being perfectly shaped on the day of trial! How does evidence riddled with fabrication, come up lost, destroyed or missing when retesting or additional testing is
The Lie:
- Investigator Turner testified that he was not present at any line-up's conducted in the case;
- Investigator Turner testified that he had not shown any photo spreads or pictures to any witnesses;
- Investigator Turner testified that he was not involved in the investigation of Jerry Porter.
Click exhibit 22 "Turner's Preliminary Hearing Testimony"
The Truth:
- Investigator Turner was present at McWilliams' line-up. He
even personally contacted the three witnesses to inform them they were needed for the line-up and then rode with them from Tuscaloosa to Mobile for the line-up.
Investigator Turner actually did all the writing on the line-up forms and his name is listed on the attending log, Investigator Turner deceptively left off the "other I-D. Features (mustaches, beards etc."
that note those features on every participant in the line-up).
Click exhibit 55 "Line-up Sheet"
click exhibit 56 "Page 23 Of Report"
- Investigator Turner interviewed Vedell Sparks, and showed the witness a photo spread in which the witness identified Jerry Porter in a photograph!
Click exhibit 57 Investigator Turner showed Ola Denise Rutley a picture of Jerry Porter, which Ms. Rutley identified!
Click exhibit 58
- Investigator Turner assisted in the search of Patricia Weston's apartment, which resulted in the unique coin being found that may possibly match unique coins stolen from Ms. Reynolds, the victim!
Click exhibit 34 "Porter Investigation"
[Note: Other documents show that Investigator Turner lied during testimony over twenty (20) times about critical/relevant evidence that would have proven McWilliams' innocence or altered the outcome of the trial!]
Anthony Finn and Ronnie Hands (the two (2) jail inmates that testified McWilliams confesses to them) stated that McWilliams told them he locked the doors to the store and put up the "Closed" sign.
To support their testimony/ the prosecutor introduced several photographs to the jury that were taken in the daylight hours by Investigator McFerrin; which show the door locks extended outward in the locked position.
Click exhibit 18,
Click exhibit19
Click exhibit 20 "Photo's Of Store's Front Doors"
Investigator McFerrin was asked, "When these photo's were taken, was the door locks in the same position and condition they were found upon your arrival that night at the store?" McFerrin answered "Yes". He proceeded to state he took the photographs hours after the crime, once the sun came up.
The files contained a video tape filmed moments after the crime occurred! The video tape shows that the doors were not locked as the two (2) jail inmates testified McWilliams allegedly confessed
to. Nor were they locked as Investigator McFerrin testified to! The video tape shows people entering and exiting the store's front doors, as the doors swing freely, unlocked!
The video tape shows the "open/closed" sign in the "OPENED" position, not the "CLOSED" position that the two (2) jail inmates testified McWilliams allegedly confessed to. Nor is it in the position Investigator McFerrin testified to! The sign being in the "OPEN" position is seen Seven Times throughout The Video Tape that Was Filmed Moments After Police Arrived!
[Note: This video tape establishes that Investigator McFerrin fabricated the photographs he took and testified to, in order to support the fabricated testimony of the two (2) jail inmates alleged confession of McWilliams! This evidence was fabricated to make McWilliams appear "Guilty" and to sentence to death an Innocent Man! From these facts it is evident that Investigator McFerrin and the two (2) jail inmates collaborated to lie under oath!]
At trial, the prosecutor asked both Anthony Finn and Ronnie Hands:
"Now, before you came down here today to testify, has anyone here in Alabama the District Attorney' s Office, or any police authorities or anything like that here in Alabama promised you anything to get you to testify here?"
Both Anthony Finn and Ronnie Hands replied "No".
The prosecution's OWN files reveal that this was a lie. The files show:
- Anthony Finn was arrested on additional charges, which were dismissed. The Judge held him in jail pending McWilliams" trial and ordered Finn to pay his court cost.
- Anthony Finn received a check for $334.20 payable to him from the Tuscaloosa District Attorney's Office under the guise of being for Finn's expense.
- On or about April 21, 1985, over a year before McWilliams trial, and just four days after Ronnie Hands testified at McWilliams' preliminary hearing, Ronnie Hands wrote a letter to Tuscaloosa County District Attorney Charles Freeman, asking
"I would like to ask you, would you PLEASE write the Adult Parole Board a letter for me in assuring [sic] them my help in Tuscaloosa [sic], Alabama and thank you very much for your time, an [sic] help!"
- On April 24, 1985, District Attorney Freeman sent Hands letter to Assistant District Attorney Ritchie Tipton, instructing, "Ritchie.....respond w/copy to me. C.F."
On May 20, 1985, Assistant District Attorney Tipton, wrote according to Hands request, to the Ohio State Parole Board, informing them of Hands testimony and assistance in the case against McWilliams!
[Note: The check given to Finn for $334.20 was done while he was incarcerated in jail. Finn wore jail clothes, his meals, his medical expenses and needs etc,- - were all taken care of, thus what expenses did he have] Finn was held in jail pending
McWilliams' trial because the Court feared he would run before they could use his testimony to convict McWilliams!]
The prosecution's files reveal more information concerning Finn's and Hands- In a transcribed taped statement with John Helm, an Ohio police investigator, Anthony Finn stated:
"Ronnie Hands.,. After he (Crawford/Alias McWilliams) had got out and we had found out that the (police) was interested in him, I talked to him (Hands) about it. Before we found out that they wanted this information. I talked to him (Hands) and I told him what I knew, so, and what we knew, he didn't know about as much as I did. So I mean, he might, but when I was asking him he didn't exactly know".
Click exhibit 58 "Finn's Transcribed Taped Statement"
The files also reveal a letter from Ronnie Hands to Investigator Helm's that stated:
"Mr. Helm, this is Ronnie Hands, I didn't want to go into detail about Anthony Crawford out there at the desk here in the jail, But there's very important information I can tell you that is of importance. This is something that
is new to me but I really don't like a murderer & rapist! But I would like for my lawyer to be present. His name is Fred Sweeney, 1045 Spitzer Rd, 248467. I'm due in Court Thursday Feb. 7th to bring my case to a close issue.
I'm hoping very much that I can be helpful to your office an your office can be beneficial to me. If so, please contact me through my layer Fred Sweeney. Sincerely, Ronnie Hands".
Click exhibit 60 "Hands Handwritten Letter"
(Note: This evidence is proof that Anthony Finn and Ronnie Hands both conspired to lie and to create a false confession against McWilliams. The prosecutor and police investigator's allowed such and even assisted both Hands and Finn in the lies, in order to gain a conviction and sentence of death against McWilliams.]
McWilliams was convicted of rape, robbery and murder. At a preliminary hearing, a medical examiner (pathologist) testified that he found no evidence of a sexual assault! There were not tears, no abrasions, or any other notable evidence to even remotely suggest a sexual assault.
Click 23 "Pathologist's Preliminary Testimony"
An Alabama Department Of Forensic Science Serology expert testified that samples recovered from Ms Reynolds clothing tested positive for semen. Further testing revealed an "A&H" secretor substance- Preliminary tests concluded that the donor of that semen was on the ABO
blood type "A". The prosecutor inferred to the jury that because McWilliams' blood type is "A", the semen was his!
McWilliams' trial attorney's offered evidence that McWilliams is a "non-
secretor", meaning that McWilliams' semen would NOT contain any blood
type. Semen with a blood type rules McWilliams out as the donor!
Any secretions from McWilliams (or any other non-secretor), such
as semen, saliva, sweat or tears; could not contain McWilliams' blood
When confronted with this evidence, the prosecutor offered the explanation that possibly this semen suffered contamination by virtue of someone else's sweat, or the victim's own blood, thus the jury should not rule McWilliams out as the donor of the semen.
The prosecutor offered no forensic evidence of this semen being contaminated. DNA testing was not widely used in 1985, when McWilliams was prosecuted, convicted and sentence to death for this crime.
McWilliams, during his second level of appeal's, requested DNA testing on this evidence, to conclusively prove his innocence of this crime The Court refused McWilliams' DNA testing requests, relying upon the prosecution's assertion that the evidence had been destroyed.
[Note: McWilliams continues his pursuit to have DNA testing done on this evidence, which would resolve the issues without question that McWilliams is NOT the donor of this semen and NOT the murderer of Ms. Reynolds.]