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  DESTINATION [ Races |Hiigaran]
Hiigaran Tiidan Vaygr Bentusi Kadesh Progenitors

(some information taken from wikipedia )



The Hiigarans' story starts back in the original Homeworld as a group of Kushan clans on a desert planet known as Kharak, detected a large metal formation in the Great Desert by using a satellite. An expedition was sent, revealing that the metal formation was an ancient space ship: the "Khar-Toba": "First City". Inside lay a stone with a galactic map and the text, "Hiigara": "Our Home". The technology discovered in the Khar-Toba allowed the Kushan to build a massive Mothership in 60 years. However, no computer was powerful and safe enough to command the Mothership. To solve the problem, a young scientist named Karan S'jet volunteered herself to become the living core of the Mothership after creating the technology to do so.

The Kushan, after reaching Hiigara, became a well-established nation and controlled much of the Inner Ring of the galaxy. After generations in exile and a perilous journey across known and unknown space, the Hiigarans have reclaimed their home planet. Seeking peace, they found only chaos. The Galactic Council that had once expelled them from their home lies in ruins, a shadow of its former self. Desperate to maintain their power, their struggles have turned inward, each race determined to protect their own interests, rather than those of the Galaxy.

However, the true test for the Hiigarans may not be merely the threat of the warring Vaygr, but in the prophecy that Sajuuk – He Whose Hand Shapes What Is – will return and herald the coming of the End Time. The Hiigarans, as always, are divided along religious lines: a number of apocalyptic sects see portents of doom everywhere. To these fanatics, the rumor that their enemies the Vaygr are the Sajuuk-Khar is a dire omen and proof of Sajuuk's anger.

In HWR, a new Mothership has been dumped in the Hiigaran mix, named the Amazon Queen that is a rebuild of the ancient mothership the Hiigarans used before their exile. It was mainly chosen to balence power between the Hiigarans and the more powerful races, the Progenitors and the Bentusi.



Pride of Hiigara
The Pride of Hiigara has the same role as it did in the original Homeworld, except it supports a more militaristic look and feel. While the old Kushan Mothership was the heart and soul of the Kushan people during their great migration, this version is nothing more than the flagship of the Hiigaran space navy. It's the mobile base from which all the crews and resources are ultimately derived from.

This new model is certainly a lot tougher than the previous one and its defence points are a little more robust. It can still only field Strikecraft attacks, and not in any real numbers, either. It also has near unlimited docking capacity for Strikecraft and can build everything in the game except the Battlecruiser. Many of its tasks can be delegated to the smaller and lighter Carriers. The Pride of Hiigara has the same slow movement and turning ability, even with all its upgrades. Its vital statistics are basically the same as the Vaygr's Flagship. Without their own Hyperspace Gate, the Hiigarans have to make do with two Hyperspace upgrades, only available from this vessel.


Pride of Hiigara's Sister Ship (to be named)
This ship is pretty much exactly the same as the other Mothership execpt it has slightly different stats making it better at some things and worse at others.


Amazon Queen
The Amazon Queen is to be added to into the mod. In the Bentusi single player campaign the Amazon Queen is the ancient Hiigarans mothership and in the Multiplayer game it will replace the Pride Of Hiigara but the original mothership can be built by the Amazon Queen after Research and Constuction of Flagship Constuction Facilities. their will also be a sister ship of the Pride of Hiigara with different stats and roles equaling up to three motherships. it will be the most militaristic mothership with more powerful weapons than the other Motherships. Eventhough the Amazon Queen was destroyed at the end of the Hiigaran Crusade the Hiigarans decided to build another because of its military proficiency and to be able to stand a chance against the unparalleled Bentusi and Progenitors.

the Amazon Queen has a higher docking capacity for Strikecraft and can build everything in the game. The only downfall is the Amazon Queen has extremly slow movement and a poor turning ability, because of its sheer size. The Hyperspace Core has been transferred over from the Pride of Hiigara and the Amazon Queen being more advanced than the Pride of Hiigara has an enhanced hyperspace ability. the motherships built from the Amazon Queen will have Hiigaran made Hyperspace cores and will be less advanced in consequence of this.


Defense Field Frigate

This is the most advanced Frigate in the Hiigaran navy, only becoming available when an Advanced Research Module is installed and the Defence Field tech is researched. The Defence Field Frigate doesn't obtain any Armour or Engine upgrades, and only has an underside turret for defence. It comes with more armour than a regular Frigate, but it'll hold back any upgraded Frigate Strike-Forces, and can be blown away almost as an afterthought.

This special Frigate generates a large, spherical force field that blocks most kinds of enemy weapon fire. The field remains up for 20 seconds before requiring a 30-40 second recharge. The field is hollow: enemy ships can fly around inside it and shoot, but it blocks 90% of all incoming fire from the outside. Any forces inside can still shoot out. The only problem is that being slower than other ships, it, and its protective field, tends to be left behind when the other forces race off to engage the enemy. Some micromanagement is required to get them working - and they also get picked on by enemy ships. As a consequence, it supports the fleet by temporarily reducing the damage being inflicted on it.

Homeworld and all associated races, images, and trademarks are copyright © Relic and Seirra. This project is an unofficial mod and in no way affiliated with Relic or Seirra. All original content has been written 2005-2006 by L@pt0p Guy