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  DESTINATION [ Races |Kadesh]
Hiigaran Tiidan Vaygr Bentusi Kadesh Progenitors

(some information taken from wikipedia )



They are the inhabitants of a dense nebula which they fiercely protect from intruders. The Kadeshi are among the more popular non-playable races of the game for the great firepower and agility of their units and their enigmatic nature. The name of the nebula they inhabit is a reference to the ancient city of Kadesh, and ties in with the use of oriental and biblical names in the game.



The Kadeshi were the descendants of the Hiigarans, like the Kushan exiles that are the main focus of the game. During their long journey to Kharak a part of the fleeing Hiigarans decided to remain within the nebula of Kadesh to hide, attacking and salvaging ships passing through the area in order to survive. In time, the protection of the nebula, which they came to call the "Garden", became their way of life and ultimately their religion.

When the Kushan entered the Garden and were able to defeat the Kadeshi attackers, they noticed a prison ship much like the "Khar-Toba" at the center of the Kadeshi ritual grounds, proof that they were descended from the same original people. They also realized that the Kadeshi's hyperspace signature was much like their own, and since they reverse-engineered their hyperdrives from the wreck of the Khar-Toba they recognized their common origin. There is debate in fan circles over the fate of the Kadesh. Some claim that the Mothership fleet exterminated them completely in their passage through the nebula, while others argue that there must have been survivors. In this Mod some of the Kadesh Motherships were not in the battle against the Kushan and have regained the Military stength they previously posessed plus more. they will only make an appearance in the Multiplayer games and possibly if FMV's are made in the last movie of the Bentusi Campaign. The surivors of the Kushan passing have came back with greater Military power. Understanding that the reason for their defeat was to greatly relying on the strength of strike craft and less so on capital ships they have risen again and are learning from their mistakes. but evenso they still prefer the use of strike craft.


Needle Ships
The Needleships are back in the Homeworld universe and with a vengeance. They have the same role as they did in the original Homeworld, except now they are even more a pain in the neck. While the other races do not have more than one mothership the Kadesh have many of these Needle ships at disposal.

The Newer Model still have the powerful Hyperspace Inhibitors built in and the Ion Cannon at the front but have been made into innate subsystems and can be damaged. space for Subsystem constuction has been added along the narrow long area but these ships still has not got the ability to build ships bigger than frigates. The Needleships also have the Ability to call for backup in the form of more Needleships and an added Shipyard type ship in the same manner the Bentus calls for Trade Stations and Floating Cities.


Shipyard (Might be Renamed)
Being that the Kadesh did not originaly have a Shipyard type ship and the Needleships Do not have the ability to build ships larger than frigates they have Incorporated the shipyard into their bundle of ships. this ship will probably be more of a flagship/mothership than the Needleship because of its abillity to build Capitals.

This New Creation was made so that the Kadesh could build a larger range of ships. with most of the New ships to be added to the Kadesh the shipyard follows the same sort of look as the Multi Beam Frigates and the Fuel Pods instead of the Narrow Mushroom like Needleships and may also look similar to the Kushan Carriers. these ships do not have Hyperspace Inhibitors like the Needleships and have much slower movement and turning ability.

Homeworld and all associated races, images, and trademarks are copyright © Relic and Seirra. This project is an unofficial mod and in no way affiliated with Relic or Seirra. All original content has been written 2005-2006 by L@pt0p Guy