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  DESTINATION [ Races |Progenitors]
Hiigaran Tiidan Vaygr Bentusi Kadesh Progenitors

(some information taken from wikipedia )


The Progenitors are an immensely powerful and technologically advanced race presented in the Homeworld Universe. The race seemingly went extinct around one-hundred thousand years in the past. Much of what remains from of their civilization is found in the Karos Graveyard, an area of space full of derelict spacecraft. In HWR the progenitors left one or more of their massive motherships dormant awaiting to be reawakened and fight in a multiplayer battle. The progenitors made use of AI in their lesser space craft and did not bother manning ships the size of destroyers or smaller.

The three Hyperspace Cores were created by the Progenitors in the Foundry module of one of their greatest spaceships. One of the cores was somehow discovered by the Bentusi six thousand years ago. This discovery allowed them to travel and conduct trade across vast interstellar distances, and their creation of these interstellar trade networks ushered in an age of galactic prosperity.

The second core was discovered by the pre-Exodus Kushan people who inhabited the world of Hiigara. Their misuse of the core in wars of aggression led to their exile to the desert world of Kharak. The third core was discovered by the Vaygr, and the central conflict of Homeworld 2 revolves around bringing the three hyperspace cores together and unlocking their secrets.

The Progenitors seem to possess great knowledge of interstellar, and even intergalactic, travel. Their hyperspace gate network, of which The Eye of Arran was its primary hyperspace gateway, is one of the many constructs created by this ancient race. There is also conjecture that the Progenitors possibly "seeded" intelligence through the galaxy.

Some Progenitor constructs include:

Movers: AI resource colleting utility vessels that can be upgraded with weaponry.

Keepers: AI controlled ships armed with fast-firing ion cannons. Keepers and all other capital sized progenitor ships are capable of launching a number of automated combat drones like the drone frigates in HW1.

Drones: These fighter-sized AI-controlled combat vessels are launched by Capital ships. They are armed with powerful kinetic cannons and are very durable. However, Drones cannot target fighters very accurately, and are more effective against larger vessels.

Balcora Gate: Extremely powerful hyperspace gate with enough energy to send matter through the blackhole cluster at Balcora. The Dreadnoughts were needed to activate it. This Constuct may apprear in the Single player Campaign but there isnt any plans as of yet to inculde it into Multiplayer Games.

Dreadnoughts: These powerful ships can be created by the Mothership. The Dreadnought is armed with a powerful gun that fires fast and very destructive projectiles, but its main weapon is the Phased Ion Array cannon, which fires a wide, powerful ion beam. Only two of these Ships can be in game at a time.

Sajuuk: This is an extremely powerful warship and is also the stongest ship in the game. Sajuuk is armed with a more powerful phased cannon array than the Dreadnaught and has many defensive weapons. This ship requires the constuction of three hyperspace cores and only one sajuuk can be built at a time.

Mothership: One of These massive Progenitor vessels broke up making the Karos Graveyard, and whose ruins are littered all throughout the sector. This conatains the greatest knowledge in the homeworld universe. The Vessel can be split into sepreate sections. the Dreadnought Facility (aft), the Library (between the stern and center), the Foundry (center), and the the Lighthouse, which housed the Oracle (bow).

Homeworld and all associated races, images, and trademarks are copyright © Relic and Seirra. This project is an unofficial mod and in no way affiliated with Relic or Seirra. All original content has been written 2005-2006 by L@pt0p Guy