DESTINATION [ Races |Vaygr]
Hiigaran Tiidan Vaygr Bentusi Kadesh Progenitors

(all information taken from wikipedia )



The Vaygr are the main antagonists of Homeworld 2. Until recently, they were split into small roving war bands and posed no real threat to galactic security. After being united under Makaan, they became a powerful foe that nearly toppled the Hiigaran Empire.



The Vaygr were once a planet-dwelling civilization, which for unknown reasons collapsed, forcing the Vaygr to become space-faring nomads in the Eastern Fringe of the Homeworld Universe. The Vaygr split into wandering bands called Crusades, each led by a warlord. These Crusades expanded outwards, conquering planets for additional slave labourers and soldiers, technology, and sometimes to satisfy a warlord's ego. The Vaygr have become more and amalgation of species as opposed to one singular race. One of the known races to be incorporated into the Vaygr mass is the Taiidan. Throughtout their history they have discovered Progenitor relics, leading many to assume that they are the Sajuuk'Khem (the followers of the chosen one). Until the discovery of the third core by Makaan, many warlords had claimed to be the Sajuuk-khar (the Chosen One), who then united Crusades under one banner for a short time, before falling victim to the other Cursades.



Vaygr technology and weaponry is crude and somewhat backwards when compared to that of the Hiigarans, but possesses unique features. Some of the more unique equipment they use are hyperspace gates. While limited by the fact that only travel between two gates is possible, this form of hyperspace travel requires no resources to undertake, other than the resources required to build the gates.

They also compensate for their technological disadvantage by employing their weapons in larger numbers or by scaling up their design. Vaygr strikecraft squadrons are larger than their Hiigaran counterparts, and their more primitive missile and pulse laser technology is scaled up massively, and this is evident in the Trinity Cannon mounted on the Vaygr battlecruiser, which is nothing more than an extremely big pulse cannon.

Homeworld and all associated races, images, and trademarks are copyright © Relic and Seirra. This project is an unofficial mod and in no way affiliated with Relic or Seirra. All original content has been written 2005-2006 by L@pt0p Guy
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