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full circle

no missing piece this time
i bring all of me, whole,
and i will take all of me, whole

you are not a condition
for my happiness
i can live the rest of my life without you

but yes, maybe only you
can trigger that particular smile
and make me draw that particular breath

still, i think your necessity
is something you have to convince me of,
and forget arguments about my sanity

see, i am here ready to go
and ready to stay
or i can come back some other time

or i can simply bow my thanks
for a few beautiful tugs at my Soul-strings
and move on, again.

fairy tale

starting from scratch
blank paper amazes me
with its pure possibilities
so what Story shall i begin?
once upon a time
is too worn out
and really,
it's happened too many times
i should know better

or maybe I should just
let the Story write itself,
only that it might
leave me out, forgetting
i am supposed to be 
the frog 
who turns into a princess
croaking by the well

ghost limb

well there, i did it again
well, i was lonely
or i thought i was
or i just didn't want to be called proud

so don't ask what's battling inside me
what i feel can shape-shift
in a matter of a half-breath
i would not bother to even name it

last night old dreams
stirred restlessly, in spasms,
blindly tugging at my Soul-threads
persistently waiting

tonight I missed loving him
so much
i missed the madness
it was rather fun

day 24

today i am consumed with trying to catch 
a convergence of our everyday paths,
i just want to say hello
hear my voice addressing him
feel my heart pretending nonchalance

a first step, not too bad,
arresting enough to draw attention
mild enough not to scare away
i just need to register my existence, i want 
my face and my voice to begin appearing in his dreams

it is difficult
like learning to walk again
i hesitate in mid-stride
for a moment balanced precariously
between fleeing and moving forward

in my mind we have movie-like conversations
i wish for him to ask me something
like the time, or whether it's raining outside
i imagine him remembering me at odd moments
like when he sees children laughing

today i invisibly grasp at the soul-webs
intricately crisscrossing between us,
trying to make him take my turn,
to distract him with my light,
today i try again.


everything seems to trickle slowly
the surface of my soul cracks dry
a drought has settled in
my own tears evaporate in midstream
salt encrust my cheeks like diamonds
my throat is parched
i push my fingers behind my tongue
and i could hear the scratch of my nails
i am empty
and yet i am full
i roll my eyes inwards
and the blackness inside of me
is like a solid thing that presses
against my heart
the silence is thick like blood
coagulated on old wounds
i scream at myself
and my voice can find no room
in the void
i have leapt and i have swallowed
too much
i keep thinking now
maybe i should have
kept my mouth shut

i ii iii iv

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