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reconstructing what was once hastily abandoned
with wariness picking through the rubble
after all this time still poised to run
you never know, old landmines can suddenly decide
to explode in remembrance

it is crude, i know,
but roughly this is what i have done with my life
what did you expect to see and hear?
i tried to be meek but even my own silence
screamed at me

above the din i tried to listen
for your recognition
how was it said in that book that has become
almost a bible?  that if i were to lose you,
i might as well lose you my way

so here i am with scraped knees and skinned hands,
having run across the minefield of false bravado
i tremble with anticipation, i have cast my die,
made a breathless leap into another nameless void
would you at least applaud my being true?

afterwards, then you can probably start to tell me
why i am not the One
and then you can kiss me on the forehead like you used to
and hold my hand, and i will try to remember how you used to pull me
together, and forgive me for hurting your hands

while i break and fall apart.


i spun the bottle
and broke it.
apparently it has been
pandora's other secret.
we scrambled to catch Hope
at least, and let all else go;
but we impaled our hands
over each other's,
threaded through
with the sharpest fragments,
because we were trying
too hard to be true,
because we believed myths
to be unchangeable.
but look, Hope has hovered above us,
and now it settles on my lips.
our hands are stil fastened
with glass
but you can easily pluck it
with a kiss...
she stands there, holding
a new box open, ready to shut.
how do we play this trick?


yesterday i laughed
because i remembered
marking you
in slow, deliberate steps
i think there was a voice
that sounded suspiciously
like myself in half-dream
that nailed each footstep
with a mantra spoken
only in the soul's tongue
i casually separated you
from everyone else
who tried to test your
naturally charming
disposition, i silently
gritted my teeth
at the nonchalance
with which you drew
them towards you;
but i made sure i was always
an arm's length between
you and every her

i laughed because
i never thought i would be
so territorial
i have always been the first
to give way, i have never
dared claim anyone
openly or otherwise,
but then
you are different.

you are supposed
to be mine
before i let you go.

life study

i have always treated life
like a classroom outgrown
taking notes like any lesson
can be pinned down
and summarized, as if exams
always had the same undisputable answer
and doing bad in the multiple choices
did not mean the possible devastation of a heart
men in general always did bad at essays
while we women dwelled too much on it,
expounding, elaborating,
neat, obedient handwriting in single space,
back to back pages of thin white paper
ink staining through
like the tears we have shed
for questions we failed to answer
we are too good at history, never forgetting,
though we claim to forgive
and as for subjects that had to do with numbers,
we always somehow,
got stuck at One,
and believed it to be ourselves.

new names

i have been rethinking what used to be
ordinary into something too complex
that new names are called for
like jealousy and trust
like insecurity and Knowing
like histories and forgiveness

what was never questioned
is now put out under scrutiny
there cannot be loopholes
through which either of us
could wriggle out when
we hear the first breaking of a heart

i ii iii iv

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